
DC :Vampire Queen

Our MC wakes up in DC Universe, confused and annoyed And worried about his weird family and what he should Do in his new like in a world of heroes and villains because he can't think he will fit either of those so what will he Do now Check out how a terrifying new girl on the block of DC can Do Discord link: https://discord.gg/MBFcEVeS If you Dont know how to open it in app go to website

Otaku_Gamer_00007 · Cómic
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31 Chs


Despite having made a detailed plan and being filled with excitement to execute it, there was one significant hurdle: she happened to be a lazy vampire. As a result, she wasted a considerable amount of her time attending school, hanging out with friends, going to the mall to buy dresses, and generally squandering her precious time.

However, as the days passed by, she inadvertently established a steady reputation for herself in the vicinity of Gotham City. Word spread that there was another vigilante prowling the streets, akin to Batman but even faster, and seemingly invisible. Yet, this mysterious figure was silently taking care of numerous criminal activities, keeping the city safer by the day.

While she continued to explore her newfound powers and hunt down evildoers, she discovered the immense convenience of her telekinesis abilities. They proved to be a remarkable asset in her vigilant endeavors.

Just recently, she had encountered a thug. Unaware of the danger looming, he held a gun in his hand. In a split second, she materialized directly in front of him and employed her telekinetic prowess. Manipulating an airborne rock, she struck him swiftly and accurately, causing him to collapse instantaneously, as if swatted by an invisible force.

As,Today was the day she would finally acquire her long-awaited sword, and her excitement knew no bounds. She could already envision the myriad ways she would utilize her telekinesis in conjunction with her new weapon. It would grant her an unorthodox style, minimizing the need for extensive swordsmanship training. With her telekinetic abilities, she could rely on them to augment her swordplay.

Thus, under the cover of darkness, she traversed the treacherous crime-infested alleys to obtain her sword. After paying the final sum, which exceeded her initial expectations, she at last possessed the coveted weapon. It was an imposing long sword, just as she had envisioned—a perfect match for her telekinetic abilities.

Upon retrieving the sword, she promptly concealed it within the mysterious depths of the shadows. Although uncertain of the connection, she speculated that it might be linked to the realm of shadows, perhaps even the fabled DC shadow realm. Unable to carry a cumbersome 7-foot-long blade openly, she opted to store it within this enigmatic realm.

With her prized possession now secured, she sought out a secluded location, far from prying eyes. There, in solitude, she carefully unsheathed her sword, eager to assess its weight and quality. To her delight, it proved to be surprisingly lightweight, despite its considerable length. It possessed an undeniable allure, precisely as she had envisioned when she designed it.

However, the revelations surrounding her sword were far from over. There was one particular thing she had always yearned to try. Placing her sword firmly in the ground, she positioned herself flat and embarked on a daring act. With her telekinetic powers at the ready, she attempted to elevate herself from the ground using the sword as support. Astonishingly, she succeeded.

Why did she do it? Simply because it looked cool, without any practical purpose. True, she possessed the ability to transform into a bat or any other nocturnal creature and effortlessly fly at remarkable speeds. However, standing on a sword and soaring through the air fulfilled a little, childish fantasy within her.

After accomplishing this feat, she returned to the ground, causing the sword to levitate once more. Utilizing her telekinesis, she skillfully spun the sword in a circular motion around her, gauging the range and strength of her telekinetic abilities. It was a display of power and control.

To her delight, she discovered that her telekinesis was extraordinary. Within a radius of 100 meters, she could wield her sword with precision, engaging adversaries who were equally distanced from her. Witnessing her sword move as if guided by invisible hands, she imagined an array of countless invisible extensions of herself, each capable of wielding the blade.

Bolstered by the realization of her remarkable telekinetic aptitude, she began formulating plans to harness its potential. She contemplated the prospect of employing smaller knives, utilizing her telekinesis to distract or engage multiple enemies simultaneously. Her superhuman strength would allow her to confront additional foes head-on. In her mind, she envisioned becoming a formidable opponent, capable of facing any individual or even a group.

Yet, a minor obstacle presented itself. Despite her current vampire state, endowed with heightened physical strength, she acknowledged a deficiency in skill. She possessed no formal training in combat whatsoever. While she had developed a few techniques suitable for dealing with ordinary thugs and unsuspecting mortals, they were ineffective against more formidable opponents. The realization struck her: she lacked the refined prowess of a seasoned vampire fighter.

A thought crossed her mind—perhaps she should consider joining a martial arts class or a fighting club to acquire valuable experience. However, after careful consideration, she dismissed the idea. Learning how to fight from mere mortals would provide limited or even irrelevant knowledge. Besides, she was not human; she had a plethora of options at her disposal, such as telekinesis and manipulation of darkness.

After weighing her alternatives, she decided against pursuing formal combat training. If her plans unfolded successfully, she would have the opportunity to learn from the best of the best in due time. Content with her decision, she returned home, clutching her newly acquired sword. All that remained was to continue honing her skills through combat, patiently biding her time for another six or seven months before maybe her plans works as she wanted.