
Set in stone I



The overpowering rays of the sun shone brightly on the earth surface. It'd already been three days since the terrifying apocalyptic event had happened. The earth had been rebuilt once more, and restored to its previous state, along with all the creatures within.

The garden of Eden had been refurbished, becoming even more beautiful than it was before, and while all of this was a good thing, unfortunately, the tall trees wouldn't remember the love and affection showered onto them by the one who had fallen.


At the outskirts of the garden of Eden, a strange phenomenon took place - a golden dharma wheel suddenly popped into existence, and along it came a swirl of golden lights that conjoined and coalesced into the figure of an unconscious handsome white haired youth.

As the rays of the sun fell on his face, his body reflexively tensed up, and his eyes snapped open, and he sat up immediately.

He looked around him for a while, trying to understand his current circumstance.


As the realisation dawned on him, he grabbed his head in sorrow, as a tear trailed down his cheek. He was strong, no doubt, but he was still a teenager, a 15 year old boy. He had promised her that everything was going to be okay, however in the end he had failed and had lost. He couldn't even imagine the fear and sorrow she would be feeling right now.

Did she resent him? He didn't know, but somehow it was all his fault. If only he hadn't tried to get them together, none of this would've happened.

After sobbing in silence for a moment, he finally steeled his resolve and wiped away the tears from his eyes.


He raised his head to the skies as he sighed. He didn't want to imagine what his friend was going through at the moment.

'I need to find him fast! Before he goes crazy, and does something stupid!'

Alan empowered his eyes with life energy, and looked around him, hoping to locate his friend, however he halted in his steps, noticing footsteps behind him.

Turning around, he furrowed his brows, seeing the intruder behind him. A beautiful woman with long dark hair, beautiful green eyes and a rather shapely body. She was also butt naked as well, as her emerald eyes glanced towards Alan with curiosity.

Alan was confused, seeing the beautiful figure before him who bore immense resemblance to Lilith.

"Who-who are you?"

He questioned as he examined her with shock filled eyes.

"Me? I am Eve.."

Alan came to the realization the moment she mentioned her name before he sighed and nodded.

"And who are you?" The woman asked and looked at him curiously, not expecting to see any other being like them since her husband already informed her that they were the only beings alive from their species.

Alan merely looked towards her and smiled, before he unfurled his wings and disappeared.

Meanwhile, in space, a lonesome figure lay on a large planet, while glaring at the stars beyond. His irises which were a healthy golden colour, had completely changed to a bright red colour, the evidence of his grief, guilt and loss.

"Why did you have to take her away from me? I was the one who convinced her that everything was going to be fine?!! I was the one who led her down the path!! Why did you not punish me?!!! Do you just like seeing me suffer!"

The Morningstar, Samael arose to his feet and roared, while tears flowed down his face.

For the first time since the beginning of time, the all mighty and all powerful archangel dropped to his knees and wept bitterly.


Hearing the sound of a figure arriving behind him, he raised his head and sighed deeply.

"Have you come to mock me too? Am I not already distraught?!"

He roared out in agony, while the figure just walked close to him and embraced him like a brother.

"I knew I was going to find you here." Alan released him from his arms and sat beside him, while he smiled.

"What happened to her, it wasn't your fault Samael. We did the best we could. I tried all I could to protect her, but I was no match for your sister. If anyone deserves to be blamed, then it should be me.."

After a moment of silence, Alan spoke with a deep sigh and held back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

"It's not your fault, Alan. How could I have been so foolish to even dare to dream that my father will accept our bond. If anyone should be blamed, the he is to be blamed!"

Samael's red eyes glowed, as he tightly clenched his fists.

"Is it a sin to love someone and be loved? What did we do to deserve this?" He sighed once more, while Alan patted his shoulders.

"Samael, I don't think your father actually wanted any of this to happen.." Alan's words only served to elevate the wrath in the heart of the archangel.

"The whose fault is it?!! He completely overlooked and forgave all of that mongrel's wrongdoings, yet the moment Lilith made a choice of her own, he banished her!! I'm starting to believ he actually created that mongrel to take the place of the angels. Why else would he have put the two divine trees in the garden?! Wasn't it to allow them to achieve godhood and immortality?!!"

Alan watched him pour out all the resentment he felt, and like a good brother he did not interrupt and merely listened to him.

"But, I'm going to prove to him, that that mongrel is not as perfect as he thinks! After that I'm going to take over Heaven!! I'm going to rule! I will ascend! I will be above the Most High!!"

As he spoke, an outright demonic aura burst out of his body, hurling Alan back a few meters.

"Stop this madness! Samael! War is not the answer!!"

Alan arose quickly and blocked his path, while Samael's now emotionless eyes glanced towards him.

"After I take over the throne, I will absorb the source, and create a hole in the multiversal dimension and return you home. Isn't that what you've always wanted?!!" Samael voice turned hoarse, while Alan took a step back.

"That is what I want, but that is not the way to achieve it. There has to be another way, Please stop!"

Alan implored, while Samael ignored him and took a step forward.

"Out of my way, Alan!!"

A golden flame surrounded his body, before its colour quickly changed to a reddish black tone, as space itself began to erode under its heat.


Alan stood his ground, however the pressure emanating from Samael's body was stifling and overpowering.

"You seem to have forgotten who you're talking to!!!"


The moment Samael spoke, an aura burst out of his body, hurling Alan's figure miles upon miles into space.

"I'm sorry, Alan, but I have to."

Samael took a look at Alan's body that was disappearing into the distance and sighed, before he disappeared.