
I Know That You Know That I know... #88

Sitting behind his expansive desk within the LexCorp building, Lex Luthor observed the colossal screen in his office with a subtle smirk playing on his lips.

As Micah concluded his announcement on the screen, offering a bounty on Ras Al Ghul and revealing his plan to dismantle the last remaining base in a month's time, Luthor switched off the display just as Micah began fielding questions from the reporters.

Rubbing his chin in contemplation, Lex delved into his thoughts, pondering the implications of Micah's bold declarations. However, his moment of reflection was swiftly interrupted by Mercy Graves, his loyal aide.

"Offering a bounty on the Demon Head isn't a terrible idea, but announcing his intention to attack Ras's last stronghold... that's risky business," she remarked, her expression one of disapproval as she shook her head.

"He'll be walking straight into an ambush... and it won't be just Ras Al Ghul and his cronies waiting there," she cautioned.

Lex couldn't suppress a grin at Mercy's analysis. "I'm willing to wager that little detail didn't escape him... in fact, I have a feeling he's banking on it," he remarked with a chuckle, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. "As I suspected... this young man, he's quite the fascinating individual," he concluded, his interest thoroughly piqued.

Mercy Graves furrowed her brow, her skepticism evident. "What do you mean?" she asked, her confusion palpable.

A knowing smile crept across Lex Luthor's face in response. "Ras and Gorilla Grodd have been relentlessly pursuing this Micah character for over a year now, despite facing significant setbacks... do you really think they're the type to keep at it without some external motivation?" he mused, his voice trailing off slightly.

"No, someone has been goading them... I'm just curious if they'll reveal themselves when their pawns are threatened," he explained, his words laden with intrigue.

"What?" Mercy exclaimed, her surprise evident. "Are you suggesting that this kid somehow knew about the puppet master manipulating Gorilla Grodd and Ras Al Ghul? And he's planning to use this situation to draw them out?" she queried, her astonishment growing.

Lex Luthor shrugged nonchalantly. "Who's to say? At the end of the day, this is just theorizing on my part," he replied, raising an eyebrow at Mercy's reaction once he noticed her curiosity.

"As for the orchestrator behind Gorilla Grodd and Ras Al Ghul... well, I'm not entirely certain who he is and what he'll either," he continued, dismissing the topic with a wave of his hand. "But I do have some suspicions..."


As Vandal Savage listened to the older man's report behind him, he stood stoically at the edge of the rooftop, gazing down at the bustling city of Metropolis below. The older man, ever loyal, probed for Savage's intentions.

"Do you wish to take action, ancestor?" the older man queried, noting Savage's lack of immediate response. "The Secret Society has suffered significant losses with many of the Demon Head's assassins neutralized or eliminated," he continued. "Moreover, coerced members are beginning to question the leadership, especially in light of Micah Foster's disruptive actions... if we do not intervene, I fear that—"

But before the older man could finish his thought, Vandal Savage cut in with a disdainful snort. "That these third-rate villains would dare to rebel? That the Secret Society would crumble?" he retorted, his tone dripping with derision.

"Such an outcome is already inevitable, but it no longer matters. I have already set in motion arrangements for my grand plan... the fate of these insignificant beings is of no concern to me. They've already served their purpose as decoys to divert attention..." he asserted, turning to face the older man.

"And as for Gorilla Grodd and Ras Al Ghul, those two fools have been eagerly toiling only to unwittingly serve another's agenda," Savage added, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I am eager to witness what miserable end awaits them and the identity of the one pulling their strings..." he concluded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.


Stepping into the reception hall of the royal palace in Kandahq, Micah couldn't hide his surprise at its stark simplicity. Despite the imposing facade of the palace, its interior lacked the expected opulence and grandeur.

Black Adam, observing Micah's reaction, cleared his throat with a hint of amusement. "Are you disappointed by the modesty of my palace?" he quipped, his tone tinged with subtle pride.

Micah's response was a casual shrug, his curiosity piqued.

"This place was once a marvel of extravagance, adorned with treasures from every corner of the world," Black Adam explained, rising from his seat with a dignified air. "But when I assumed leadership of this nation, I saw fit to strip away the unnecessary luxuries," he continued, his gaze sweeping across the hall, lingering on the vacant space where a magnificent painting once hung.

"Every painting, sculpture, and artifact was sold off. If not for the need to keep a certain level of appearance... I would have had this very palace stripped down and sold off-- down to every stone of its foundation..." he added a faint trace of nostalgia in his voice.

Micah couldn't help but smirk at the revelation. "Sealing you away was undoubtedly the Wizard's greatest mistake...." he remarked, a note of exasperation in his voice. "It's rather ironic, isn't it? The immortal sage making such a monumental misjudgment," he mused, shaking his head in disbelief.

Naturally, Micah didn't need Black Adam to elaborate on his reasons for selling off the palace's artifacts. Teth-Adam's unwavering dedication to his homeland, Kandahq, was a well-known facet of his character, as clear as his infamous temper and deep-seated animosity toward the Wizard.

Micah was willing to bet his entire fortune that every penny from those sales found its way into Kandahq's coffers, aiding in the country's reconstruction.

Black Adam couldn't hide the widening of his eyes at Micah's astute observation. He hadn't expected Micah to broach the topic of the Wizard of all people in his presence.

If Micah's knowledge of the Wizard's existence hadn't been surprising enough, his familiarity with events spanning many centuries ago would certainly catch Black Adam off guard.

Nevertheless, he quickly composed himself.

"The Wizard will face his reckoning soon enough... but that's beside the point," Black Adam retorted, a hint of disdain lacing his words. "What brings you here now? It hasn't been long since our last encounter," he added, folding his arms across his chest.

Micah smiled at Black Adam's inquiry. "To fulfill my promise, of course," he stated plainly. "With your permission, I'll bring my people here today to begin establishing a branch of our company," he explained further.

"We should be able to commence production and sales of medicine within the week. However, I'll need your assistance in arranging suitable locations for factories, the branch building, and securing the necessary materials for our operations."

Black Adam regarded Micah with a mixture of contemplation and reservation. "I refrained from questioning you on the island, given the circumstances, but now I must inquire," he began, his tone carrying a hint of warning.

"Do you understand the precarious situation of my country? The ramifications of defying the diplomatic and economic isolation imposed upon us?" he asked pointedly, fixing his sharp gaze on Micah.

"I'm well aware... but so what?" Micah replied with a nonchalant shrug. "This new branch of my company could simply operate under a different name. With some legal and financial maneuvering, it'll appear entirely independent from the main company. And if anyone asks me about it? I'll simply deny," he added, a chuckle punctuating his words.

"That's certainly a plan... but it's hardly foolproof," Black Adam remarked, his brow furrowing with concern. "Are you truly willing to take such a risk? It could jeopardize everything you've worked so diligently to build," he cautioned.

Micah let out a weary sigh, shaking his head in response. "What does it all amount to anyway? Such meaningless things... I no longer have any attachment to them," he replied with a hint of resignation.

"Maybe I would have been more reluctant to let go of something I've worked so hard to build in the past, but at this moment? I couldn't care less. I've already accomplished everything I set out to do here, and I'll soon be departing from this Earth..." he concluded cryptically.

"Leaving the Earth...? You don't mean...?" Black Adam interjected, his confusion evident.

"I don't mean it figuratively or metaphorically... rather, I'll be literally leaving this planet," Micah clarified with a chuckle.

"I'm already bored of this place... I have a score to settle with someone, and maybe I'll find something to occupy myself without there when I'm done," he added, his gaze drifting upwards as if peering through the ceiling into the vast expanse of space with an air of indifference.

Black Adam couldn't help but chuckle in response. "You're certainly a strange man...." he remarked, shaking his head in bemusement. "But not everything may unfold as you anticipate... especially if you intend to fulfill your promise and tackle Ras Al Ghul's last stronghold," he cautioned, his tone weighted with meaning.

Micah waved Black Adam's concern aside dismissively. "You don't need to worry about that. No matter how I leave Earth, literally or metaphorically, it won't affect our agreement," he reassured with a wry smile. "As for the idiots who want to ambush me... hehe," he trailed off, his amusement thinly veiled.

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