
DC: Steven Gray

Steven Gray is a normal boy who reads a comic in the comfort of his sofa, but by a twist of fate he fell into a dimensional break that had a 0.0000001...% chance of appearing in his house and was even more unlikely than him. would survive. but against all odds, he fell into an alternate world of DC, what adventures await him?

Seraphim_02 · Cómic
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12 Chs

Mission completed

Steven: "If this was a video game, then it would take a ritual, a key, or an artifact to free her or revive her."

Steven: "What I have now is this necklace, I wonder if I should wear it, I don't have many uses for it and if it works it might wake her up, but how dangerous would this be, there are so many variables, I'm getting frustrated."

Steven: "If this girl wakes up she could be hungry I have rations in my backpack and other things, maybe that way she won't eat me," I thought jokingly

Steven: If I act calm, we can proceed calmly, if not, I may be beyond death.

Killer Frost: Do it already put the necklace on him

Steven: Don't push me!

Steven: Well, it's now or never, I whispered and began to gently place the necklace around her neck.

-Suddenly a glow illuminated the entire tomb-

Steven: ¡Argh, my eyes!

Killer Frost: Warn me before you do that, you almost blind us all.

Steven: Well, it doesn't look like anything happened other than the flash.

Banshee: Never say that, especially in a grave.

- The screams of happiness of a girl began to be heard -

Girl: I'm free, no more darkness, no more!

Steven: ¡What the hell!

Steven: Don't let anyone look her in the eye, she looks just like the jellyfish from the ancient myths.

Steven: "She looks like a normal 8-year-old girl from behind, I should use soft focus to get closer to her."

Steven: Girl, you okay?

Steven: "I'm stupid, how can I say that?"

Girl: Better than ever.

Steven: "Through the reflection of a glass he managed to see deep green eyes and hair full of white snakes"

Girl: Don't look at me! you will turn to stone

Steven: Okay, I get it

Girl: Fine, thanks for setting me free.

Girl: I can't control my powers very well so stay away I'm dangerous

Steven: Okay

Steven: Do you remember your name or anything related to you?

Girl: Yes, my mother called me Bianca because of my white hair, before they imprisoned me here, sobs softly

Steven Do you know why you were imprisoned here?

Bianca: I Don't Want To Talk About It

Steven, Would you like to come with us?

Bianca: My heart says that I must take revenge and free my mother, but my reason tells me that if I do it, it would only lock me up again

Bianca: So I would like to go with you, I still want to be free and see the world

Steven: That's good, although your power is very strong, what should we do?

Steven: Maybe if we cover your eyes you could control it better, don't be afraid I'll stay by your side

Bianca: Okay, I think so

Steven: Okay, here's a blindfold, let me cover your eyes.

Bianca: Ok

Steven: That's all, how are you feeling?

Bianca: A little better but my power is still uncontrollable.

Steven, It's okay, it's only temporary, I think we'll find a way to control your great power.

Steven: you're hungry

Bianca: A little

Steven: I have something here to eat, would you like to try it?

Bianca: If something is right

Steven: Well, take this bar, it's called chocolate, and tell me what you think.

Steven: Come give me your hand, we will meet my friends

Bianca: Ok thanks

Steven "This is going better than planned, but I have to stay alert "

Bianca: Wow this tastes amazing, "I have to tell her to give me more of these later", it's called chocolate right?

Steven: That's right, I'm glad you like it

Bianca: Why are you so nice to me?

Stephen: Why not?

Bianca: Because I am a monster, and I bring misfortune wherever I go

Steven That's in the past now you have to start over, I think everyone deserves a second chance at a good life.

Steven: Would you like to follow me from now on?

Bianca: I've always been alone, and people have always treated me like a monster, if I can have a normal life with you, I'll follow you.

Steven: I put my hand on her head and comforted her by saying that no one knows who you are now, as long as she can control and develop her powers, no one will see her as a monster.

Steven: But you have to keep in mind that now you won't be able to free your mother or seek revenge.

Steven: "Well, not at the moment, maybe if he gets more skilled with his power."

Bianca: Okay, I'll keep it in mind

Bianca: Let me hug you

Steven: Okay

Bianca: Sobs softly and whispers thank you.

Bianca: "I had already forgotten this feeling, only my mother treated me with love, this feeling is inexplicable"

Deadshot: Here they come

Killer Frost: That girl looks about 8 years old right?

Banshee: Definitely

Marcus: I would not like to imagine what that girl has gone through locked up here without knowing how long, so far she seems sane

Deadshot: Sure more than we can imagine

Steven: Hi everyone, this girl is Bianca

Bianca: Hello

Steven: Deadshot, do you have sunglasses?

Deadshot: Yeah, they're here.

Steven Ok Bianca, I'll try something okay?

Bianca: Good

Steven Okay, I'll take the bandage off and put something else on, then you tell me how they work.

Bianca: yes

Steven: "Let's see what effect these glasses "

Steven: Bianca Open your eyes and try to see if the glasses have any effect.

Bianca: everything has become darker, but compared to the bandage it's much better

Steven: Well as to why you see dark, it's because what I put on you is called dark glasses and they block light, in a nutshell, it's like looking at the world through a piece of dark glass.

Bianca: Oh, it's so magnificent.

Steven: And from now on you will know more great things.

Bianca: ok

Steven: Everyone, we're leaving now.

Steven: Bianca when we get home I'll explain a few things to you so you have a clearer situation.

Steven: Marcus takes your men to the plane.

Steven: Deathshot, Banshee, and Frost are taking the other organization's helicopter with me.

Deadshot: Understood

Frost: ok

Banshee: okay

Frost: Deathshot, you know how to drive a helicopter correctly.

Deadshot: of course

Steven: Honey, these are my friends, they're coming with us, so don't be afraid of them.

Bianca: ok

Steven: "I need a hood or something, those snakes look so intimidating."

Steven: Do you have a way to hide your "hair"?

Bianca: mmm, is this better?

Steven: If it looks like normal hair now, but white, you'll still be conspicuous, but it's so much better than before.

Bianca: Good

Deadshot: we're ready

Steven: We're leaving now, Bianca.

white: ok