
Dark night begins

"Hmmmph hmmph" "shut up or daddy won't see his little girl again haha" in a abandoned warehouse a teenage girl was in a chair tied up surrounded by thugs with guns, she was the daughter of a wealthy family, she got captured when she was coming back from school, when the thug was gonna hit her again another thug stopped him saying"you know if we kill her the boss won't be happy".

"who cares when we get the money we can kill her and throw her into a nearby dumpster" in the distance a man in a hooded trench coat with a skull mask was listening to their conversation, the hooded man spoke"too bad you guys won't have enough for hospital bills".

the man then jumps off the build ge was on and went into the building. one of thugs grabbed his radio and started talking"hey guys how is it looking down there?" "its all clear so-chhh" the raido went silent "hey you there? fucking radio must be broken".

as he was about to go to the elevator gunshots and screams was heard throughout the building " SOMEONES HERE IT MUST BE THE BAT" all the thugs were gathering around the elevator aiming their guns at it because the only way to the top was through the elevator.

the guys were shaking one guy looked as if he was gonna piss his pants "fuck this man how did know about this? the family kept it under wraps" *ding* the elevator started coming up "EVERYONE GET READY" they clocked their guns ready to fire at anything *ding* *ding* there was only 2 floors left until the elevator reached the top all the thugs started sweating.

*ding* they elevator opened up and reached the top floor, when the elevator finally opened the thigs opened fire like it was a shooting range it went on for a minute until they ran out of bullets "no one can survive that even the bat".

as they were calming down from adrenaline *BANG* a body goes the floor sent flying to a nearby thug landing on him "GET HIM OFF ME" they all started panicking until they realize something "hey isnt that jack?" but at this time it was too late a rope went around one of the thugs neck pulling him up in the ceiling screaming they then fired all the bullets they had left into the ceiling.

"This is to crazy" one of the thugs said but behind him in the darkness a cold voice replied "maybe i am but you the one whos going to arkham" then put his arm around his throat bringing him into the darkness all you can hear later was a scream and then crack of bones breaking.

"this is definitely not batman" they started reloading their guns as fast as possible, as one of the thugs pulled reloaded there guys three daggers went into his arm "MY ARM" before the others can react the man with the skull mask came out the shadows disarming many of them by breaking the arms and legs one guy had his face buried into the wooden floor looking lifeless and another thrown into a brick wall like he was nothing and the wall was made of paper.

watching this display in horror was a young kid who joined in the kidnapping and also the kid who was about to piss his pants even tho he probably already did. when evenone was down and barely breathing the guy with the skull mask walked over to the kid with a blooded dagger in his hand "PLEASE NO" the man in the mask just grabbed by the throat and dragged him to the recently broken window a held him out of it amd asked in a threatening voice "tell me who gave the order for the kidnapping or else you will be in a coma for the rest of your life".

the kid was squirming in the air with his eyes closed not looking down not only pissing his pants but shiting himself, "Please let me down I'm just a ki..d please" the kid was crying a teenage kid was crying like a kindergartner but the man in the mask had no sympathy "i.dont.care. NOW TELL ME" the kid stared singing like a canary "it was penguin he needs money he's business is started to fall because of his recent gang war with two face thats all i know i swear" the man looked into his eyes and said "i believe you son" and dropped him into a dumpster below him that held garbage and glass luckily one of the thugs cushioned his fall but he still landed in glass.

in the warehouse the man was leaving a mark on the wall in spray paint "there thats done i think i should call the police and get this girl to the hospital" as he was making his the call he walked over the unconscious girl and started to untie her, when he finished with that be placed a auido recording on a crate of the conversation earlier mixed with other conversation for evidence "that should do it now to get this girl out of here.

the man began carrying the girl downstairs while a car come into the alleyway looking like a car ready for war (batman vs superman: dawn of justice batmobile but painted black) he then place the girl in the passenger seat and drove off to the hospital.

yes this is the first chapter. how this happened is next i thought i should just jump into it.

o and also thus is something i just came up with tell me how did it go?

p.s the m.c will be my version of batman in this story so please tell me what you think.

thank you for reading

o and lastly sorry for grammar issues its not my strong suite...or math....English in general....you know what sorry in advance

techashicreators' thoughts
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