
unexpected delivery and the gift [chapter 11]

A/N I only 1 chapter in my stockpile, which is new, anyways, I going to stockpile 10 more chapters, so adios.


Cain's eyelids fluttered open, the warm morning light streaming through the curtains. With a soft groan, he slowly untangled himself from Diana's embrace, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. He quietly made his way to the bathroom, taking a moment to freshen up and prepare for the day ahead.

As he headed towards the kitchen, the sound of running water from the bathroom indicated that Diana had woken up as well. Cain smiled to himself, knowing that she was nearby. He busied himself with making breakfast, the familiar routine bringing a sense of comfort.

"Good morning," Diana greeted him in Greek, her voice filling the room. Cain chuckled, responding in the same language, "Good morning to you too." Diana appeared next to him, her presence radiating warmth. "Seriously, omelet?" she remarked, a playful expression on her face.

Cain grinned, his eyes twinkling. "You should know by now that I don't eat anything else for breakfast," he replied his tone light and teasing. Diana chuckled a melodic sound that filled the air. "Don't you ever get tired of eating the same thing every day?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

He shrugged playfully, meeting her gaze. "Well, I don't get tired of looking at you every day, do I?" he responded, his voice filled with genuine affection. Diana's eyes darted towards his face, a confident smile on hers. She moved closer, her voice a whisper in his ear. "Who wouldn't think that you would become bolder after last night?" she murmured, her breath warm against his skin.

A surge of desire coursed through Cain's veins, his heart quickening at her words. "You should do that more often," he said softly, his eyes locked with hers, his voice laced with a hint of longing. Diana's smile widened, her hand gently caressing his cheek. "Oh, don't worry," she assured him, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "I'll be doing this plenty of times."

Their moment of intimacy was interrupted by the sudden ringing of Diana's phone. She glanced at the screen briefly, a hint of concern crossing her face. "Is everything okay?" Cain inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern. Diana's gaze softened as she approached him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Yeah, something came up," she replied apologetically, her voice tinged with regret. Cain reassured her, his voice soothing. "It's fine, Diana," he said, his hand gently caressing her back. "After you're done, come straight to me. And I better not see even a single fabric on that beautiful body of yours, understood?" he added, a playful tone underlying his words.

Diana chuckled, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "See you soon, Cain," she said, her voice filled with a mix of longing and excitement. They shared a final kiss before parting ways.

Scene Change:

Cain walked back to the museum the next day, his footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. He greeted Chase with a nod and a friendly "hi" as he passed by, continuing towards his office. A sense of anticipation filled the air as he approached his desk, where a box sat waiting.

"Huh, I wasn't expecting a delivery today," Cain mused, his brows furrowing in surprise. He removed his jacket and settled into his chair, his curiosity piqued. With careful movements, he opened the box, mindful of his role as a curator.

His eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the contents, his gaze lingering on a stone talisman nestled within. Alongside it lay a piece of paper, bearing a message from the one who had bestowed him with the spell system.

[ Hey kid, it's me, the guy who gave the spell system; this is a stone talisman; it was supposed to come with the system, but I had some issues I needed to deal with; your brothers are giving me a headache; anyway, the stone talisman is a powerful artifact, but it's currently damaged several times, so it needs you to feed it mana for a while until more functions are unlocked; so yeah, good luck. PS: By the way, you bagged Diana, or she bagged you; either way, the council of men approves. ]

His mind swirling with thoughts, Cain set the note aside and stared at the stone talisman, contemplating its significance. It was a tangible reminder of the hidden depths of the spell system and the mysteries that lay ahead.

As Cain sat in his office, a mixture of anticipation and curiosity filled his thoughts. The path he had embarked on was veiled in uncertainty, but he felt a surge of determination to uncover the talisman's secrets.

Cain, still examining every inch of the stone talisman "There is nothing special about its appearance aside from these carvings, although it looks ancient," Cain observed as he sighted, "but the letter, which I assume is not false given the fact that it knew about the spell system, said that this powerful artifact is severely damaged and it needs my mana charge to restore it." cain though with skepticism lacing his though, giving a big side, closed his hand with the stone still in it, which he momentarily regrated as he suddenly got pricked, drawing blood from his hand.

"Ouch," he said with annoyance rather than pain as he looked at his opened hand, but the stone talisman was nowhere to be seen, instead there was the same carving on his hand instead it was glowing blue, "huh," he thought.


gotta bitch, you thought this was an oc character, nope,


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