
DC's Limit Breaker

After being trapped in the awakening area for 3000 years Kim Kibong was finally able to exit. After exiting he comes to the revelation that he's not in his universe anymore. Desperate to see his mother again what will he do? ---------------------------------- I do not own DC or Limit breaker or any of the characters. I do not have much knowledge of DC so I will take inspiration from many different sources such as movies, series and games.

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7 Chs

New Life

*knock knock*

"Come in"

As Diana entered my room she looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

"What's up?" I asked her

"Your hair, it's black now" she finally said.

Ahh, guess it would be quite confusing for someone who didn't know.

"Oh that, my hair changes colour when I use my abilities," I said as I activated my ability to show her

It seems like they've finally been able to gather the entire League and had a meeting. Turns out the League is a group of superheroes who protect the Earth from extra-terrestrial and general world-ending threats, they also help out with things like natural disaster and each of them have their own cities they protect, with Metropolis, the place I appeared by the way, being Superman's territory.

Diana entered the room and led me through till we reached their meeting room. The watchtower itself was really high-tech and sleek, they had holograms all over the place and also some really complex-looking computers. They also had a hangar where they had a bunch of aircrafts laying around. This must've cost a fortune to build, maybe they're sponsored by the government or something.

When we entered the room I took a look around each of the members, who for some reason were all really tall. I know westerners were larger than the general populace in Asia but it was still quite shocking. I mean Diana herself was taller than me by a few inches. Another oddity was their costumes, which if I had to describe in one word it would be: Bizarre.

There was a guy dressed in a bat costume with a large bat symbol and his underwear on the outside too. A guy in a red bodysuit with a lightning bolt in the centre which was surprisingly the least bizarre costume here.

Another guy had a body suit which had green making up most of the torso with the limbs being black and green boots on, he also had a lantern symbol on his chest alongside a ring on his hands. The other guy had orange scales on his torso with a golden belt with a sort of arrow separating it from his green pants. He also had green gloves and a golden trident.

But the most bizarre one, which says a lot as there's literally a man dressed as a bat, was the green alien. He was completely hairless, with a beetle-brow forehead and shaded eyes. His costume was just a red X across his chest with a jewel in the middle and A blue cape, he also had blue underwear on with a red belt with a golden buckle and large blue boots on.

The man in the batsuit finally spoke up and broke the silence.

"We've agreed to help you back to your universe, but with a few terms you have to follow. You are not to expose your powers or use them for your own benefit whilst you are here."

That's reasonable enough, I am in their universe so I understand their concerns.

"Ah wait, Batman, he doesn't understand, let me-", Diana interjected.

"Uh, sorry to intervene but I can understand now, and well I'd rather not give details on how if that's okay"

"Oh, okay"

The batsuit guy, whose name I found out was Batman continued.

"We have heard about your need to investigate on your own, we will allow it as it may possibly speed up this process. We will provide you with accommodation in Fawcett City where you will act as an interim hero. Fawcett City does not have an active hero and it is also close to Metropolis where Superman can easily intervene should you act out of place. That is all."

Before I could ask him a question he turn around and walked out of the room. An interim hero? When did I agree to that? His tone also made it sound like I would be here for quite some time.

"Uhm, sorry but how long is it gonna take to sort this whole situation out? My mom is waiting for me to get back and I need to see her" I voiced my concerns.

They looked around at each other until Superman stepped forward and said.

"Judging from our current technology, it would perhaps take us 10 years, more or less. I'm sorry"

"You're fucking with me right? 10 years, 10 more fucking years of waiting. Do you know how long I spent in that damn space? 3000 YEARS, and when I thought I could return I wound up in some shitty universe. My mother could be dead for all I fucking know and now you're adding on some shitty term like "interim hero". I never agreed to that shit." I shouted.

"I understand you're situation an-" Superman started.

But I had to cut him off. He understands my situation?

"BULLSHIT, you don't understand anything"

"Listen buddy, I understand your frustration but you're gonna have to calm down, this anger isn't going to help anyone. We're just as lost as you." The man in the red suit spoke up.

[I agree with what that man has said, anger won't get us anywhere. We need to calm down and evaluate our circumstances]

Taking deep breaths, I looked around.

"You're right, I'm sorry for breaking out like that. It's just 10 years is a long time you know?" I eventually got out.

"It's okay Kim, we'll try working it out together," Diana said as she rubbed my back.

"So uhh, how am I gonna get down from this tower?"


* 2 days later *

Turns out these guys have freaking teleportation devices, that tower gets cooler the more you learn about it. Anyways I've been here for 2 days now and have gotten slightly more accustomed to it. I've done some research on the Justice League and heroes in general. The bat guy was Batman and people had mixed opinions on him. Some people absolutely adored him with others hating him saying he's making Gotham an even shittier place with his presence. Gotham is the city he protects by the way and if I had to admit it's quite the shithole. I sort of understand why he's so broody now. I would be too if I had to live in Gotham.

The other members were: The Flash, the supposed fastest man alive, Aquaman, the ruler of Atlantis. Speaking of, Atlantis actually exists isn't that crazy? Martian Manhunter, who by going by his name and appearance is a Martian, he is also the strongest telepath in the world. Green Lantern, this guy doesn't just protect a city he protects the whole damn galaxy. And to boot, there's a whole corps of them who protect the universe.

The Justice League's existence was known by the world and they were loved by them too. They had a supposed HQ here called the Hall Of Justice but that was just a pretence for the regular world. Each of them also had alter ego's which some of them weren't really comfortable sharing with me, which was fair. Superman's name was Clark Kent and he worked at the Daily Planet, which was a giant news company. I didn't understand how people couldn't figure out his identity considering he goes around without a mask but that's alright.

Fawcett City itself wasn't bad. The place had a lively atmosphere to it and the people were kind enough. I've been spending most of my time at the library and just exploring the city. Seeing as I have more or less 10 years here I decided to go to university whilst I'm at it and since I don't have any qualifications here I had to ask the League to pull a few strings for me. I've been granted an Identity here with my name staying the same. For the world, I was homeschooled but wrote tests which proved my qualifications and managed to get me a spot at the local university. I was going to study the education courses and study to be a teacher.

The house I was hooked up with was also good, it was a modest 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a decent-sized living room and a garage. They also installed a secret closet where my costume was since I was going to be an interim hero. The costume was a black bodysuit with silver accents on the inner part of the elbow, it also had a part which covered up my eyes and my chin leaving my mouth exposed. If I had to admit, it was a pretty cool suit, though these heroes did have a weird obsession with bodysuits.

Another cool thing about the suit is that it could sort of fold into a small bracelet and materialise itself on my body when needed. Quite cool if I had to say so myself.