
Dawn of time

Dawn of time Clark was walking home when a man run from a house behind him and stab him in his back help Clark shouted as his eye closed. Clark found himself floating in space and suddenly he open his eyes to see that he's in a plain biomes with his body fully naked and when he look around he saw 149 other people naked on the ground but slowly got up and began looking around suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of all of them. [You are the first set of human created by the planet] [YOU have gain 1 trait basic understanding] [THE ability to eat and absorb part of the enemy Stats depending on your own] [THE stronger you get the longer you can live]

TK_Killer · Fantasía
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4 Chs


Suddenly the giant rabbit turn its eye in the direction of all of the human a smile cerpt onto the face of the red eye rabbit as its suddenly walked in the direction of the human a suddenly over a 100 dark fur wolf came out of nowhere and ripped into the monster flesh before quickly disappearing again what the fuck Clark siad as he stood in the corner suddenly Clark decided to go to sleep.

Suddenly Clark woke up on the cold ground and saw that everyone was sleeping Clark look up in the sky and the moon looked like a normal moon and day was upon them.

Only the bone and the claw of the rabbit remain suddenly a idea ran in Clark head and he took up the claw and use it and slash at a tree branch instantly cutting clean through it

and sharpend the end to a frightening point.

[You have created a new weapon]

[You have level up to and gain 3 startus points you can distribute freely]

[The more you use the weapon the stronger it gets]

Suddenly Clark was seen cutting down all of the surrounding tree Limb and made over 15 Spear and suddenly Mark came outside and Clark gave him the Claw and show him what he is supposed to do and got up.

Eventually everyone woked up and the other 20 spears were distributed.

Clark went and call the people with spears to go hunt before he leave out Clark told Mark that he was gonna be left in charge,

As Clark and the 5 other human went to hunt after a few second of walking Clark heard a scream behind him he turned around to see that a large snake looking like a python swallowed a human a man whole suddenly Clark threw his spear at the python taking out one of its eye causing it to roar in pain and a circle appeared under the python in a 15 meter radius that made a 3 more of the human being burned to crisp Clark cried out in pain as he watch the python start breathing heavily and sat and stop slithering Clark took up one of the spare beside him and launch it in the python eye blinding it.

Clark ran over to where the python was and it tryed to swallowed Clark but he grabbed out one of the spare and stab up in the python mouth killing it.

Clark went back to the base feeling seeing that all of the human ran over to Clark asking him what happened so he tell them and grab up another claw from beside the rabbit bone and went back and cut the 5 meter tall blue eye black scale python and use the claw and burst into the python body and draw it down splitting the monster open and seeing the human that was swallow still alive he burst in smile as he help the unconscious man up.

Clark look up where he open up and saw a black chest beating in the python chest that was never their.