
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 29


Yesterday proved to be quite a success after we overcame the uncomfortable silent, courtesy of Jack, everything went well.

After all the families left except Ethan's parents who lived quite far and with a lot of encouragement from my mom, eventually spent the night at our house. The spent half of the night catching up than sleeping through.

I woke up again this morning and the handsome idiot was in my bed again, this time he didn't have his arm wrapped around me but my head was rested on his arm, that must have been uncomfortable.

Since it was a school day, I got ready first, immediately I got out, guess who was staring at me. Yes, Ethan.

"Isn't it too early to try and seduce me, we don't have time but I think I can work my magic and get ready within 10 minutes" I threw my hand towel at him for the comment he made. I guess it was a good idea to get dressed in the bathroom.

"Shut up and get ready for school." I said and I picked another towel to dry my hair properly. He smirked at me as he walked into the bathroom.

I picked up my phone and texted AJ to inform her that Ethan would be tagging along today, if it was fine with her. She sent me back a thumbs up, which meant it was fine.

About 30 minutes later, we had breakfast with our families before AJ pulled up up in front of our house and honked her horn. I and Ethan said our goodbyes and left to join AJ.

The car was more silent than I had expected it to be, so I tried to lighten up the mood and I remembered one thing both Ethan and AJ had in common. I connected my phone to car and played Coldplay's Adventure of a lifetime since that was my only favorite Coldplay song.

The song stared with the guitar playing in the beginning and then the instrumentals. I looked back and saw Ethan bopping his head to the sound, I looked forward and saw AJ doing the same thing.

The song stared and both of them started singing at the same time, they stopped immediately they heard each other sing. I giggled at their cuteness and started singing the wrong lyrics intentionally to lighten up the mood, knowing it would piss AJ off.

"You know that's not the words?" I heard Ethan say first, to my surprise AJ smirked.

"What are you laughing at?" Ethan asked.

"Well, I don't expect Me Jock to know the lyrics to a Coldplay song." AJ said with her eyes still on the road.

"I'm pretty sure I can sing it better than you." Ethan said poking at AJ's pride.

"Don't you dare, alright. I accept your challenge," Here we go.

"Jess, you be the judge. Look up the lyrics and play the song all over from the top." We ended up playing almost a full Coldplay album before we got to school.

When we got to school AJ and Ethan were already talking like they've known each other their whole lives and I was happy. He walked us to our lockers and met up the rest of the guys.

School was great today, Ethan flowed with the rest of my friends, and honestly he looked happier than he's been in a long time. Only thing missing was that Morgan wasn't back yet.

Anyways, I had to go home and get ready to meet with Robert at the cafe later. But before then I decided to get started on homework since I was so far behind with almost three weeks.

By the time I was done, I stretched out and looked at the clock and almost fell off my chair when I saw 5:30. I jumped out of my chair and rushed to take a shower.

I came out and put on the first thing I saw in my closet, I put on a falcon crop top I got at a garage sale, some blue skinny jeans and brown flat sandals.

I rushed out of my room into Zoe's room to get a rain check on my outfit, after she gave me a thumbs up, I dashed down the stairs, call out to mom that I was going out and ran out the front door to catch the bus.

After a 20 minute ride on the bus, I finally got to my destination, Big Joe's Cafe. I pushed the door hearing the sound of the little bell that hung by the door and the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

I walked over to the front as I asked about Robert and he just shook his head. I gave him another look and smiled as I went to usual booth by the window and waited. I looked at the time, it was already 6:35, could it be possible that he left, he probably thinks I stood him up.

I opened my phone and searched my contacts for his name, after going through it like two time, I remembered that I never really got his number. Disappointed I stood up ready to leave when something tall  blocked my way.

"Err, excuse me, you're in my way." I said to the stranger. He turned around and looked at me as if looking for something.

"Are you perhaps Miss Anderson by any chance? He asked politely, I was confused at first but I nodded.

"Alright then, you need to follow me." He said as he slightly bowed and allowed me to walk in front. Still confused I followed him out of the cafe and to my surprise, an expensive looking lemo was at the front.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've been in a lemo a number of times but it was always exciting to see the interior design.

The stranger, whatever his name was, opened the door for me and gestured for me to enter, there was already a black curtain in front of the door, I believe for privacy.

The interior was as amazing as I expected it to be, I believe it was one of the most beautiful lemos I have enough seen in my entire life. I moved in and saw a black box ties with a gold streamer.

"The instructions ma'am was for you to wear whatever is in that box, everything here is also at your disposal and if you need me, there's a bell button on the armrest at the middle. Do have a safe drive ma'am." Puzzled I nodded slowly.

"Wait!," I shouted before he left.

"...who's doing this and where are we going?" I asked him.

"I cannot that information disclose to you, you'll find out more when you reach the stop venue. Thank you." He said gently pushing to door close.

Rather than push for more answers instead I started getting charged and let myself be captivated by the beautiful interior of the long car.

I opened the box and the dress I saw was breath taking. It was a beautiful fitted dress that shimmered in a shade of maroon, it was amazing, although I had issues putting it on in a moving car. I'm sure we took quite a while to get where we were going but I was totally devoid of time doing other things.

I came back to reality when I heard a light tap on the window and the door opened gesturing me to come out. I came out and met one of the best restaurant in the state, who ever did this knows to spend money.

I stepped out of the car and one of the ladies walked up to me with a smile,

"Are you Miss Anderson by any chance?" She asked.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Then do please follow me, he's been waiting patiently." She said as she started walking away.

But who was this he, who planned all this, I was supposed to be with Robert this even but all this happened instead, could it be Ethan? No, I'm sure he knows I don't really like to go fancy, then who could it be.

The lady stopped in front of a door and and turned towards me.

"Just straight down." She said opening the door for me.

I did as she said and saw someone standing outside looking at the view.

"Took you long enough, I would have started without you." He said.

"How did you-" He turned around.

"Robert?!?" I asked puzzled.

"The one and only, now can we have dinner, it was hectic planning all this, you know. You rich people in this realm have it hard." He said taking his sit, but I still stood there dumbfounded.

"Please, sit. Oh sorry, where are my manners." He stood up and drew out the chair tugging me a bit to sit down as he pushed the chair closer to the table.

Immediately he sat down, there was a knock on the door, a man came in bowed and looked back to us.

"Everything is in place my Prince. Will that be all?" The man asked and Robert waved him away.

Wait... PRINCE?!?...