
Dawn Field

This story is going somewhere. Where it will end I do not know, might have an apocalypse happen or go to space, trust me I'm just as lost as you are. Will update weekly and I hope the plot stays consistent, guess I will find out!

Lovelylagging · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Echoes in the Castle

I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning in my bed, unable to sleep. Every sound in the castle seemed amplified, and I jumped at the slightest noise. As the first rays of sunlight peeked through my window, I knew that I had to take matters into my own hands. I pondered telling my parents but I was unsure that they could do much and I didn't know who I could trust.

I got out of bed and quickly dressed, determined to find out what was going on. As I walked through the castle, I tried to stay inconspicuous, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

I eavesdropped on the conversations of the servants and paid close attention to the behavior of the people around me. I tried to appear busy with other tasks while secretly gathering information.

Despite my efforts, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. Every time I turned a corner, I felt a prickling sensation on the back of my neck, as if someone was following me.

As the day wore on, my nerves became frayed, and my patience wore thin. I was getting nowhere, and I couldn't stand the feeling of helplessness. However that night she got a note that was slipped under her door.

Selene's heart raced as she read the note that had been slipped under her door. The handwriting was unfamiliar, but the message was clear: "Tonight, you will repay your debt."

She crumpled the note in her hand, trying to control her breathing. What debt? And to whom? She couldn't recall owing anyone anything, but the words on the note sent chills down her spine.

She knew she couldn't ignore it, but she also didn't know who to turn to. She couldn't trust anyone in the castle, not even her own family. She decided that she needed to find out who was behind this, and why.

As she walked back and forth through her room, her mind raced with thoughts of what could happen tonight. She couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Selene retreated to her chamber, her mind racing with thoughts of what was to come. She knew that caution was of the utmost importance, and so she took the time to conceal a small knife in her sleeve. She wanted to be prepared for whatever awaited her.

As she waited in silence, Selene's thoughts drifted to her father's recent decisions. He had made many enemies during his reign, and she couldn't help but wonder if this was somehow connected to his choices. But what debt could she possibly owe to those who sought to harm her?

Suddenly, as though the fabric of reality itself had been torn apart, a hole appeared in mid-air. Through it stepped a man dressed in a sleek black suit. "It's time to pay up, Princess," he said sternly, "The Velvet End does not take its deals lightly."

Selene's mind raced as she tried to recall any dealings with the Velvet End, but nothing came to mind. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, her voice trembling.

The man's expression hardened. "Do not play dumb with me, Princess. The Velvet End always gets what it's owed. And tonight, you will repay your debt."

Selene's mind whirled with possibilities. She didn't know who the Velvet End was or what kind of debt she could owe them. But she knew she had to be careful. She couldn't trust this man, and she needed to find a way out of this situation.

"I...I need some time to think," she said, trying to buy herself some time.

The man's eyes narrowed. "You have 10 days, after that, you will pay up willingly or unwillingly"

Selene nodded slowly, feeling the weight of the man's words. "I understand," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The man nodded, then turned and disappeared through the hole in reality that had brought him there. Selene sat there for a long time, trying to process what had just happened. She had made a deal with the Velvet End, but she couldn't remember what it was. She knew that whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

She paced back and forth in her room, her mind racing with possibilities. She had to figure out what the Velvet End wanted from her, and fast. She couldn't risk her family's safety, or her own.

As she paced, she noticed something glinting on the floor. It was a small, silver coin with a strange symbol etched into it. She recognized it immediately as the symbol of the Velvet End.

With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Selene realized that she had stumbled into something far more dangerous than she ever could have imagined. She had 10 days to figure out how to repay her debt or face the consequences.

Selene picked up the coin, examining it closely. It was heavier than it looked, and the symbol etched into it seemed to shimmer in the dim light of her room.

She knew that she had to find out more about the Velvet End and the deal she had made with them. But where to start?

Perhaps she could wander out of the castle or ask her parents for help. Whatever needed to be done, needed to be decided quickly.

Selene knew that she couldn't rely on her parents for help. They were busy with their own affairs and were unlikely to take her concerns seriously. Besides, she didn't want to put them in danger if this was indeed related to her father's enemies.

She decided to take matters into her own hands and leave the castle to find out more about the Velvet End.

Selene quickly gathered a few essentials: a small bag of food, some water, a cloak to keep her warm, and the small knife she had hidden in her sleeve earlier. She couldn't risk being caught unprepared.

As she packed, Selene thought about her plan. She knew that she had to be cautious and avoid drawing attention to herself. She would leave early in the morning before anyone had a chance to notice her absence.

She checked the window in her room and made sure it was unlocked. She would slip out quietly and make her way to the stables where she would steal a horse. It wasn't the most honorable thing to do, but she couldn't risk being caught buying a horse.

Selene tried to get some sleep, but her mind was racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. She knew that this journey would be dangerous, but she had to find out more about the Velvet End and the debt she owed them.