
The break up

Izuku walks down the hall see with uraraka and Iida we turned the corner to see something that shattered my heart I saw my boyfriend todoroki kissing momo in a full make out session when they were kissing she looked at me with a glint in her eye say 'he is mine' I run back to class tears falling down my face I could hear uraraka and Iida calling my name with a voice full of worry as soon as I got into class and going to my desk tears falling I hide my head in my arms as my body shakes not wanting to make noise the bell rings and I see uraraka and Iida shoot right in panting they ran to me uraraka hugs me from behind on my back because I wouldn't move and Iida was say somethings but I didn't hear. Uraraka let go see the rest of the class come in and they guard me when they see todoroki making him and the class confused except momo she smirks which made uraraka angry about to lash at her but Iida stops her. I compose myself knowing I have a little bit of red eyes I can't cry anymore class is starting I bring my head up with a big closed eye smile with tears threatening to spill "I'm good" I said in a cheery voice they look at me with worry then I saw mr, aizawa walk in they went back to their desk todoroki walked to me kissing me on top of my head making me slap him away making him surprised and everyone look at me I look him in the eyes giving him a look saying 'back off' he backed up a little "Izu" he said looking me "I'm breaking up with you" I said looking at him in the eyes he looked shocked by this and all the class look at me with surprise "W-why Izu, I I love y-you" he said and that made me pissed he had to say that I stood up with blood lust all around me I shoved him to the chalkboard in human speed scaring the shit out of the class and heard kirishma say 'come down Izuku' and ya's after that and kacchan say 'haha icy-hot got dumped' I hold my arm down on his chest so he can't move. I looked at him straight in the eyes with tones of blood loss then tears fell "If you loved me you would have not cheated on me" I yelled at him, with more tears running down my face "So you saw" he said not even denying it "Why?" I asked him, he smirks "Because Yaoyorozu is much better looking and not a fucking loser like you. I don't even no why I dated you in the first place you were so easy to play with to bad it couldn't last longer.." as he continued on I slapped him across the "SHUT UP YOU MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE WHO HAS TO HAVE FUCKING MENTAL HELP TO HELP WITH HIS GODDAMN FATHER ALL YOU HAD TO FUCKING DO IS CALL THE COPS OR EVEN FUCKING MOVE OUT AND YOU CAN EVEN FUCKING GET YOUR MOTHER OUT OF THE HOSPITAL ALL YOU DO IS FILL OUT FUCKING PAPER HALF ASSED DIM WIT! YOU KNOW YOUR MORE LIKE YOUR FATHER THEN YOU WISH YOU FUCKER! DO WHATEVER YOU LIKE WITH YOUR SKANKY GIRLFRIEND I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU LOST ASSHOLE!" I yell at him then ran out the room to outside the school I lay on the school building crying queitly then I hear a explosion and then yelling then saints I see kacchan walking out with a pissed off look he came over to me and hugged me and whispered in my ear "Fuck those two they don't deserve your kinds or love" he says I cry a lot harder not being able to think of why kacchan is being nice to me after that he carried me back to the dorm because I passed out.

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