
First meet up

It's Hana first day of work as a customer service officer at Seoul International Airport!

Hana is excited and looking forward to her very first full time job after graduation. Hana loves helping and talking to people!

She is a soft spoken yet a happy go lucky girl! Her friends often tells her that she's always positive and cute but sadly, she has never been in a relationship before. But anyways, she's not keen to finding one too since she's only 21 years old.

"Alright officers gather up. Time for briefing." Mr Tae, the incharge of our team.

Mr Tae did an orientation for us on the whole airport and telling us what are our duties and what to be careful and lookout for.

Hana feel amazed looking at the airport as she has never taken an airplane before in her entire life as she could not afford one and at the same time she is afraid of plane crashes.

Morning orientation is done and it was our lunch time. Before we were dismissed for lunch, Mr Tae introduced us to our supervisor.

"Alrights officers, this is Hyun Shik your supervisor. Be lucky that he is not only the youngest supervisor, he is also the most popular and the most good looking ones here!" Said Mr Tae while complimenting on Hyun Shik.

Hyun Shik is 24 years old, 178 cm tall and yes he is smart looking! Hana was envious and wants to work hard and be as good as Hyun Shik.

It's lunch time!

Hana sat with her batch mates and her bath mates started gossiping.

"Hey do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"He's so hot"

"I think he's my type"

Hana who is not interested just sat there and ate her lunch quietly.

Suddenly a lady approached and sat beside them.

"Be careful of him. He's a playboy. He's very good at flirting and he will never dates. Or maybe he does, but never commits?" Sally one of the senior officers there.

"But I don't mind to date him even if he don't commits" Minny, one of Hana batchmate said.

"Yup everyone said that, and when their hearts are broken, they called him a jerk and still be obsessed with them when clearly he's not" Sally replied.

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