
Darth Vader - Unlimited

Brought back from the brink of death, Darth Vader is born. Now faced with the loss of his wife he will have to deal with his pain and the machinations of the Emperor. But the former reincarnator does not know that he has been granted a gift, he wished for before he died the first time. A powerful Essence but the price was his memories. So now Darth Vader will make his way through life as the Emperor's dog? Or will he realise his marvellous gift and change his destiny? __ The picture and characters don't belong to me.

DaoistRUH792 · Cómic
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9 Chs

Jocasta Nu I

(Vader POV)


My lightsaber cuts through the last Inquisitor's arm and cuts it off at the elbow. 

"It's only an arm.", I say to him and wait for him to stand up again, "Get up and fight."

I see him looking at his severed arm, which holds his lightsaber but then looking down on the ground, giving up. Pathetic. I sheathe my lightsaber and place it back on my hip. 

"Lord Vader, I must protest. What will chopping off Sixth Brother's arm possibly teach him?", the Grand Inquisitor asks me from the side of where he was watching. 

"Loss. He will never forget it. None of them will.", I say and we look back at the five of them. I made sure to cut off something from all of them. This was a show of dominance and to teach them loss. They will remember this, every time they think of me or talk to me. I begin to walk up the stairs. 

"The Emperor created the Inquisitorius program to hunt down and kill any Jedi who escaped his purge. Your people are not ready, Grand Inquisitor."

"That is hardly fair, Lord Vader. The Inquisitors are formidable fighters. They are former Jedi!"

"And they fight like it. Defensive. Moving to attack only when there is no other choice. The Jedi taught that a battle could be counted as a victory even if both parties survived. This error has infected the Inquisitors' tactics. All of them.", I tell him. I have always been special in that regard. I preferred the attack, rather than the defence. But my former Master was a Master in that regard. 

"You do know the Emperor personally selected me, Vader? Raised me up. Gave me this position. He believes in my ability."

"Concern yourself with my beliefs, Grand Inquisitor. I will instruct you. You will bring my lessons to the others. Any Inquisitor who does not progress will be eliminated.", I tell him. 

"Any. I see. You find us pathetic. You think you could do the job better yourself. That may be true. You are mighty indeed. But if that was what the Emperor wanted, wouldn't you be doing it?

You said the Inquisitors are mine. No longer, Vader. No longer. The Emperor has given us to you. You own us, flaws and all. If we succeed, it is to your credit. And if we fail ... you will own that as well.", the Grand Inquisitor says and I can feel his anger and frustration. 

"You are correct, Grand Inquisitor. I do find you pathetic.", I say and then look at the list of Jedi that we are to hunt down. I point at a certain list.

"We will begin by hunting those Jedi who may have survived Order 66. A target list."

"The Emperor has already given me such a list. Priority targets among the presumed Jedi survivors.", the Grand Inquisitor says and then shows me the list. There I see a particular name that catches my attention. I suddenly see a chance. A chance to increase my repertoire of Force abilities. 

"You have had this list ... for some time?", I ask. 

"Yes. And this one, Jocasta Nu. She is given extra emphasis, but I do not know why. I am all for the destruction of the Jedi, but I'd have thought we would start with a more dangerous target. Frankly, I am surprised she survived the purge. Why, I don't think I saw her fight once. Not in all the years I-"

"It is not your place to question. If the Emperor wishes her destroyed ... I will see it done.", I say. 



(3rd Person POV)

Of course, the Grand Inquisitor doesn't understand the importance of Jocasta Nu. The leading archivist of the Jedi Temple is of course the top priority. And while Vader doesn't fully know why Palpatine wants Jocasta Nu, he wants her for a different reason. 

Vader understands that Jocasta Nu has a lot of knowledge that she is either hiding somewhere or in her brain. And she will make sure that that knowledge is secure and taken care of. Vader wants that knowledge for himself. He wishes to learn new abilities and grow more powerful. Jocasta Nu is a golden goose in that regard. 

So there is something that Vader has, which will help him acquire all of her knowledge but it will take some time. Not much, now that he is experiencing this monstrous growth rate. 


In an unknown location, a woman is sitting in front of a Holocron, recording her words. 

"Whoever is seeing this... it's up to you now. don't let our deaths have been in vain.", she says. 

[Whoever is seeing this... it's up to you now. don't let our deaths have been in vain.], the Holocron repeats her words. Behind the woman, a man comes walking out of the cave. 

"Are you finished, Jocasta?", he asks her. 

"Yes. One more Holocron, complete. Is that tea?", she asks him. 

"Yes. I thought you might be tired.", he says and hands her the tea, while he takes the Holocron from her. 

"What's this one?", he asks her.

"My last words."

"Excuse me?", Gar asks.

"My light dims. What the Sith couldn't do, time most certainly will. Not all Jedi are blessed with the lifespan of Master Yoda. This Holocron includes my thoughts on the purpose of my Order, and the Light it brings to the galaxy. Why it must never be allowed to die, and why it never will. Please put it to the others.", Jocasta says and takes a sip of her tea. There is a heaviness on her shoulders that Gar can see. 

"You aren't coming?"

"Oh no, my friend. I have more work to do.", she says and picks up a basket full of Holocrons. 

"Master Jocasta, forgive me, but you have been working for days, with little rest. You will exhaust yourself."

"Let me ask you, is my work complete? And is there anyone else in the entire galaxy who can do it? Anyone who possesses the knowledge I hold for decades maintaining the Jedi archives?", Jocasta asks. 

"Well, no, I suppose not, but-"

"If my work is not complete, then I must work. But I wouldn't say no to some more tea."



(Vader POV)

We are walking through the former Jedi Temple towards the Archives. The Grand Inquisitor is starting to bore me. I am seriously starting to think whether or not I should just kill him and be done with it. But that would only cause more trouble than it is worth ... for now.

"You know, I always hated Jocasta Nu. She looked down on me. I could tell. Never gave me full access to the archives, and always hovered when she did let me read a data file or two. She sorted us into categories in her head, you could see it. Those few who were worthy to learn the deep mysteries of the Force, and ... the rest of us.

As far as Jocasta Nu was concerned, education was for the elite. Nothing for the warriors, the Jedi who put their lives on the line for the Order. What did she ever know but ease and comfort? I can't wait to kill her and then ... I'm going to read every blasted thing in this place.", he finally finishes talking about his sad times in the Order when he wasn't given what he thought he deserved. 

"Enough of your rambling. Your past bores me. Your task is to search the archives for clues as to where surviving Jedi might be now. Personal information, family connections. Anything. Do not delay. Do not allow yourself to become distracted. Do not fail."

"Don't worry, Vader. I've waited my whole life for this.", he says and I will allow him to do that for now. So I leave him here for now and go to report to Palpatine.


"Lord Vader. Report.", he says as I arrive in his office. 

"The Inquisitors require additional instruction, but I have implemented a program of aggressive training. They will learn, and they will serve your purpose.", I say keeping my emotions in check. Something I have worked on for the last few days a lot. Sidious is a master at Force Empathy. 

"I do not doubt it, my apprentice. You will never fail me. Rise, and let us speak of other things."

"Yes, Master. But first, a question."


"I have seen the Inquisitors' target list. One name is distinct from the others. Clearly, you wished me to ask you about it. And so, I ask. Of all the remaining Jedi, what is so important about Jocasta Nu?", I ask even though I know full well what her worth is. The Lead archivist has knowledge. 

"Ah, yes. Jocasta Nu. Former Lead Archivist for the Order. She is ancient. Middling in the Force, barely competent with a lightsaber. And yet, that crone could end everything we are trying to do. For you see ... Jocasta Nu knows everything.", Palpatine says and I can't help but think that my luck might be perfect at the moment. 

"The Jedi Order held power in the Republic for far too long. They abused that power. They laid claim to every site of interest to the Force across the entire galaxy. Shrines, wells of energy, ancient temples ... they took them. Believed they were theirs by right. Jedi hubris. So predictable, so useful. 

The Jedi plundered these sites, took everything of value from them, and brought the items here, to Coruscant. And then they gave them to Jocasta Nu to guard. Not just secrets of the Light Side of the Force. The Dark Side as well. 

Secrets that were not theirs to keep. Secrets even of the ancient Sith. Jocasta knows them all."

"I understand my Master. I will see to her death personally."

"Ah ... yes. I sense yoiur eagerness. The idea of hunting another Jedi, even one so feeble as Jocasta ... it calls to you. You need it. But you will set these desires aside. 

The Jedi temple archives conceal a great treasure, a key to the future of the Empire. Jocasta Nu was its custodian, and she has hidden it well. I require this treasure. You will find Jocasta Nu, you will bring her to me, and she will tell me what I wish to know.", he says. He seems to misinterpret my eagerness to catch Jocasta Nu as an eagerness to kill another Jedi, but he couldn't be more wrong. 

While I will kill her, as the Jedi should die, I don't want her for that. I want that knowledge as well. And I believe that there is a way for me to get it. 

"You did not tell this to the Inquisitors.", I say. 

"Of course not! There is a risk of Jocasta falling into any hands but ours. Her knowledge could easily be used against us. The Grand Inquisitor and the rest should be aware of the woman, they can help you find her if you wish. But they need not know her importance. 

The Inquisitors will be useful, but they are not Sith. All Jedi were arrogant, and Jocasta Nu more than most. This is why they lost, but it also presents a problem. Undoubtedly, the woman already plots some self-righteous scheme to change the destiny of the galaxy.

It is too late for such things. Of course. But she will not see that. Inevitably, she will make some grand, foolish gesture that will end her capture or death. Neither can be allowed. She must be ours.

Vader my friend, it is up to you now. You must find Jocasta Nu ... and you must save her life.", he finishes. 

Palpatine truly loves to hear himself talk. I will have to make sure to get Jocasta Nu myself first before she falls into Sidious' hands. I have a technique in mind that, should it work, which it definitely will, will give me everything I could need ... and more.