
Darkness Of Hell

An Asian gun mafia dies a sudden death and is punished to ten thousand and eight years in hell. Life after death. What is it that dies with a person? and what is it that stays? Desires. Never-ending desires. Desires to control. The desires for power. Something that stays with a soul even after death. Winston dies but, his desires and purpose stays with him into this new world of darkness. Join the journey of Winston to explore the unknown territories of hells. The complex power structure and his journey from the illusion of power to absolute power.

man_k · Fantasía
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175 Chs

Bigger Problems

"You know what I am talking about?", Winston said with a smile on his face.

Maria chuckled and said, 

"No, I didn't". And then she turned back and started walking and bouncing her hips, intentionally so Winston could notice it again. 

She opened the door and as she was naked so she made only her head visible to the outsider. 

"Heyy", Silvia was outside, with a morning smile on her face. It seems like she didn't sleep much. Her eyes looked like she had been drinking the whole night. She felt confused as she saw Maria. And Maria guesses that she is Silvia. 

" Hey, you must be Silvia", Maria said, with an excited voice.

Silvia was confused and looked at her with surprised eyes.

Suddenly Frank came from behind and had a surprising smile on his face. He comes closer and stands beside Silvia, and looking at both of them, he said,

"So, you guys finally met then?".

An awkward silence took over the entire place. And to break that silence, Frank said to Maria, 

"Tell Winston that we need to go"

Winston overheard the little conversation and got up from his bed to see who was at the door. He stands behind Maria and looks outside with his head out. 

Silvia was outside and as she saw Winston she felt heartbroken, but she didn't say anything and started walking away. Winston tried to stop her, but he was naked so he didn't go outside. Frank and Maria were looking at each other.

" Winston, we need to go. Right now we have a bigger problem to deal with", Frank said looking at Winston's disappointing face. 

Maria turned to Winston, and come even closer to him until her breast rubbed against his chest  and said, 

"He is right. You go deal with your problems, I will sort things with Silvia". 

Winston was feeling heavy inside but he also knows that this is not the right time for these things, he has bigger problems on his plates. He sighed and started getting ready for his journey.

Winston and Frank were a little away from their cottages. Frank stopped Winston, and said, 

"We have been invited by Boris, he lives in Tantrian city and he is the closest person to the devil".

Winston looked at him with a surprising eye, and said, 

"What do you mean by closest to the devil and why did he want to meet us then?".

" There is no simple explanation to that, but there have been rumours that Lanark has connections with the Qeorin dynasty", Frank said with wide eyes.

"And this is no surprise that Lanark wants to have control over five elements and get feathers from Lucifer. And these people believe that the Head of the Qeorin dynasty is helping Lanark with it".

Winston's face turn happy, and with a smile on his face, he said, 

"So the devil wants Lanark out of the race?" Frank nodded his head in affirmation.

Winston think for a while and something came to his mind, and he said, 

"But can't he do that by himself? The Devil is so powerful, he can easily kill Lanark".

Frank didn't say anything he just kept looking straight at Winston's eyes and said, 

"Why don't you keep some of your questions for Boris?".

Winston kept silent and waved his hand in the air while looking at Frank with irritation, and drew the circle. Portal opens into Tantrian city, and both of them step inside one after another. 

Big houses, better roads, and sophisticated people walking on the street along with the animals. This city looks quite wealthier than Warrington city. People seem to have enough resources at their disposal. 

Boris is the only person in the territory who has control over three elements: fire, water and earth. Most powerful person after the devil, while Lanark is considered to be the second. 

Boris is like a hand to the devil. He managed everything in the region for him. Everyone in the hell runs their race. Everyone is after something bigger. But to keep your hold on bigger things, you need a proper grip on smaller things. 

The devil knows that he can control Boris, and Boris knows that by doing what the devil wants him to do, he can have what he wants. 

Once you get your control over five elements you can have Lucifer's feather which will give you the power to make an army of your demons. And with that army, you can conquer as much as the region you want, and you can keep. 

They reached the gate of the palace. It was a huge palace with a Golden Gate, guarded by the two swordsmen. They have a mystical rope hanging to their hips. As they saw Frank and Winston they opened the gate for them. Which made them question how they knew who they were? Maybe Boris already told them that he was expecting someone.

But that someone is these two people. How does the guard recognise this? They entered inside with the question in their mind. At the entrance of the palace, there was a huge fountain, sprinkling the water.  

They crossed the fountain and reached the gate, few people were around minding their business. Suddenly, one person came from inside and met them at the gate. The man looked Chinese and was as fat as three people in one.  

He was wearing a purple robe with black flowers on it. His neck almost vanished with all that fat on his face. He has a ponytail on his head with very little hair he has. As he saw Frank and Winston, he bow down to greet them, and in return, they both did the same, 

" Master is waiting for you inside", the man said, without any expression on his face. And even if he has any, it would be hard to detect them on his fat face. 

Winston and Frank looked at each other, Winston was wearing his usual black suit, which he usually wears, and Frank was wearing a white suit. He doesn't have any specific colour of choice that he likes to wear all the time. He often changes the colour of his suit from all ranges.

The man started walking with his slow steps and Winston and Frank had to walk slower to match his steps. 

Through the stairs, they reach the second floor, and then start walking through the corridor. It has small rooms on both sides with a small door, which was closed. After passing all those rooms they reached the open space which seemed like a waiting room. 

The man stands in front of the gate and opens it for Winston and Frank. And keep standing there waiting for them to enter inside. They both looked at each other again, started walking through the door and the man closed the door behind them.

As they entered inside they were both shocked to know that they were standing on the water. Their hearts sank for a moment with a fear of getting drawn. But within a moment they realise that they can stand on it. 

They both looked at each other with smiles on their faces and then looked down into the water. They saw their smiling faces reflecting inside it, and below that small fishes swimming followed by large fishes.

There were two big couches placed in a half-circle. And a man was sitting on one of them, wearing a red funky goggle. He was wearing a sky blue shirt with big white flowers on it. He was black and had a clean-shaven head. 

He was staring at both of them, with an annoying face. He seems unhappy, or maybe he has that face, which always looks unhappy. 

Winston and Frank saw him and walked towards him. As they walk on the water, with every step it starts making circular waves.