
Chapter 9: Recruited

~Yami POV~


Getting out from the Kurogiri portal I see that we all get inside the building with fewer members here than the large group of them.

Well, that was a very fruitful event for that to happen.

And so many useful quirks were gained from this experience and especially useful pawns for me to use.

Although I would have to break one for ruining the time since I could have gained all of their quirks sigh…

There is another chance for a later date.

Now the quirks I gained from all of this is <Electric Manipulation>, <Anivoice>, <Dark Shadow>, <Black Hole>, <Erasure>, <Pop Off>, <Super Regeneration>, and <Shock Absorption>.

Tomura goes over to the table since he didn't get injured from the shots from the Pros, he asked Kurogiri with an annoyed expression, "Oww… we were completely defeated even Nomu was done in! Our underlings were routed instantly… even the kids were strong…"

That was because you were a dumbass.

I took a seat away from the man child as I asked Kurogiri to hand me a drink, "Say Kuorogiri-san can you give me an ice cold one of that coca-cola?"

Kurogiri nods his head to get me my drink as Tomura continues his bitching like a child, "And the symbol of peace was none of the worse for wear…! You were wrong sensei...."

Observing the screen in the sideway of the bar table I see that a horrified misshapen face appeared as he says to the kid, "No, I wasn't. I was simply overly optimistic. Hmmm… but you know it seems they underestimated us. I'm glad the villain alliance name is so cheap. Incidentally… who are you, young man?"

Taking this chance to glance over to the master villain in question I gave him my name considering it would be rude and that he will try to look for my name if I gave him an idea of what I can do, "The name is Yami D. Black sir. I'm one of the people that Kuorgiri here hired for the attack on the U.S.J. the competent one from what I recalled."

The villain just nods his head at me but then asks me in a curious tone, "Hmm… well for now though Yami welcome to us abound now what has become of that joint work of sensei and mine? Has Nomu's body not been retrieved?"

Next, it was Kuorgiri's turn to reply in a dissatisfied tone about the whole attack, "I'm afraid he was captured. And if we didn't escape then we would have been caught just as the rest of the Pro Heroes arrived, we didn't have that kind of time."

All for One then says next in a disappointed tone about his lost pet project, "Even though I went as far as loading him up with the power to rival All Might's… oh well… it can't be helped… what a shame."

It was that moment that Tomura opens his mouth as he made a comparison to the boy Deku today, "Power like All Might's that reminds me there was one kid… there was a kid whose speed was comparable to All Might's."

This catches One for All attention as Tomura begins to speak in a childish tantrum tone, "And if he hadn't interfered, we could very well have killed All Might it was that kid… that kid…!"

But All for One stops Tomura from acting out as he says to him in a harsh tone, "There's no use crying over it! After all, it's not as though today was entirely in vain. Let's gather a new group, handpicked for efficiency! And let's take all the time we need!"

Tomura looking at the screen of his sensei I glanced over to see what the villain had to say in a happy tone, "Remember, we can't move freely! That's why a symbol like you is necessary. Shigaraki Tomura!! Next time, you must show the world the true horror of your existence!"

However, Kurogiri surprises All for One as he says to him as I continue drinking my soft drink in peace, "Yes we may have failed to kill All Might but we have crippled the heroes golden eggs by breaking a few much like our companion here doing a good job of it."

All for One takes this moment to smile as he glances towards me with a prideful tone, "Oh? I see that someone took care of those corrupted children down for size."

Merely taking a small smirk I replied to the master villain in reply in an arrogant tone, "Truly the U.A. High School is going to be experiencing a new kind of hell storm coming their way, after all, I was assigned to kill as like the job demands. Also Kurogiri can I take the Yen in cash, not credit?"

That was when I heard All for One spoke while shaking his head towards Kurogiri as he asked me in a curious tone, "I see tell me Yami-kun would you like to work for use the pay is good so long as you get it done and maybe more if you like?"

Maybe more right?

Well, who can say I'm not going to take this golden opportunity present.

Smirking at this I took my chance to reply to All for One as I asked what I wanted, "Really? If that's the case can I ask for a few laptops that are untraceable along with some audio sounds along with some animation machines?"

All for One looked at me curiously at my demands as he claps his hand as he offers up a deal with a prideful tone, "Hmm… very well young Yami it will be done only if you agree to join us in the Villain Alliance you can get paid even more for doing a job well done?"

I nodded my head at that with no problems at all.

After all, who else can give me more pay to kill people or do some work for it I'm in.

Plus, those items will help me perfect the brainwashing video to force the girls to watch.

I was fortunate enough to learn the mechanics to recreate it and know how to properly use the human brain to work for me.

With an incredibly skilled animator and that can move people to tears through our organization animations my organization reveals to me that the secret behind his technique is sensory tricks that they used to directly manipulate a person's brain—which he compared loosely to brainwashing.

Some techniques were used are subtle changes in coloration to stimulate the visual cortex, induction of eye movement to manipulate the memory of the experience, and sound to control the viewer's focus.

At some point during my time with them they perfected the original animation, creating a 'Truth Video' that brainwashes the viewer into accepting our control over their own.

The Truth Video appears to display a sequence of shifting patterns on a light blue background.

Watching the video for even a few seconds leaves the viewer in a hypnotized state, allowing us to command them as we wished, however, it is implied that prolonged exposure is needed to make the effects permanent with a thirty-minute countdown before they were all on our control.

I used this to forcibly recruit new people of course there were times that I met a strong will one that resisted our videos but quite frankly just to perform neurosurgery on the recruit's brain to manipulate them into becoming more susceptible to our brainwashing.

Then boom!

An instant assassin in our ranks.

And seeing that everyone from this world is going to be more suspectable to this is just that much easier for me to recruit these girls to my side.

After all, why wouldn't a man want a bunch of girls on his side besides the sex or orgies?

That would be safe and skilled members in numbers.

Momo, for example, has an amazing quirk however, I don't believe I can bring it to its fullest potential I can absorb it sure, but I could just get Eri quirk to rewind Momo to a point where she has her quirk.

That was the reason I kept the other girls as well after all they will be canon fathers for me to use as I see fit.

As well as the other villains if I can brainwash them to my side if not well electric brainwashing it is then.

Besides, I don't know for sure that there is something that can hurt me in this world plus it's best to be safe with numbers on your side.

I'll strike All for One when the time is right and getting rid of All Might as well when the time, they fight I'll take everything they have to offer.

Seeing that One for All nodded his head he then motions over to Kurogiri as he says to me with a wide grin, "Very Yami, it will be done it will take a day at most to get what you need just ask Kurogiri what you need and he will get it done."

Smirking at the old villain I gave him my thanks as he left while I told Kurogiri in a tired but fake tone, "Ahh~~ Man I'm beat Kurogiri-san I will be the room you provided is that fine for me to sleep for the night?"

Kurogiri nodded his head as he replies to me in a deep voice, "Very well and your welcome to stay free of charge since you are joined member of the Villain Alliance Yami-san."

Nodding my head I went to my room while I prepare a special punishment for the person who fucked me over.

Enveloping my room with my darkness I dragged out the person who screwed my chances of getting the rest of the quirks from their class as I gritted my teeth…

Toru Hagakure…

Bringing her out from my <Dark Space> she looked around in fear as she says to herself in a scared tone, "W-Wait where am I and –"


Without any warning, I forcibly went straight to her mouth as I tasted her tongue.

Shocked by my actions I pushed to the bed as I began to undress as Toru looked at me in horror about what I was about to do.

I can see she only has hand gloves and boots on her…

That means she is already naked…

Bad idea.

As I began to dress down Toru began to cry as she tried to defend herself holding her precocious spots for me to enjoy her pussy, "*Sniff* please don't… don't rape me please-e… don't do this-s…"

I glare at her as I grabbed her wrist nullifying her invisibility as I say to her in a cold tone, "Sorry you should've become a hero should have expected that you get raped if you were ever captured. This is for fucking over my plan of getting your quirks so…"

I see that her invisibility failed as she used all of her might to close her legs as I forced them wide open to see her in full view as I place my dick to the entrance of her pussy as she began to break down in tears.

Fortunately, no one will hear her cries as my sphere keeps even sound from escaping to the outside as I slammed into her as she yelps in pain as I finish my words to her, "… I'm going to fuck you!"


With that I proceeded to have my time with her all night pleasuring myself with oral for a while till I placed her in all fours as she began to cry down man, she is tight!


Taking my chance, I reposition the girl on all fours as I proceed to go for the next spot in her asshole as she noticed my point, she quickly glanced at me and shook her head no in mercy but…



I went all in as Toru cried in pain for the first anal virginity she lost.

But I won't stop till I was satisfied so I continued to fuck her as she fucked my plans at least it was very enjoyable.


As I kept ramming her asshole as she cries out in pain, I wonder how the rest of the U.A. is going to handle it once the media finds out.


Not my problem as I'm going to enjoy my day~