
Darkness Human in MHA

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) An assassin that was the best of his world died but was given the chance to become the villain with a modified Yami Yami no Mi. How will the world of My Hero Academia will handle the heartless assassin with the power to absorb and nullify quirks?

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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35 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigrated with the Yami Yami no Mi

~??? POV~


How long have I been here in this void for how long have I been observing this area?

The white void of this place I wonder if this is what I deserved.

Originally, I was the top assassin in my world just following my orders till shocker I was betrayed by my group.

No kidding I didn't even fight back as they shot me at the start although I did regret what I did and was the man responsible for WW3 the organization didn't need me anymore considering I wasn't their lapdog anymore.

How much did I remember the boredom till I was introduced to some shows I guess that was the starting point of my change.

There was plenty of time when I had to train or rather groomed to be the ultimate killer in my line of work that a government-funded but in my off time, I started to get the idea of justice from a few shows I watched.

A personal favorite is the MHA and One Piece.

They each have fantastic characters and their views of justice but I'm always rooting for the bad guy to change the world to their image.

Like Dr. Doom from marvel if he ruled the world then everything would be the ok and safer world I just my world was like that.

Although I do admire of Blackbeard outwitted everyone with his plan and also how the hero society is being destroyed.

I always wondered why people like heroes I'm more of a villain guy myself since they fight against the norm relatable to my problems for betraying my group.

When I found out the secret of my assassination group and began to doubt their goals and their foundation, I tried to leave secretly but only to meet with a lead bullet in between my eyes.


And when I finally have gotten the courage to fight back to what a waste of my life.

No matter how skilled you are life is sure a surprise I can't imagine fighting against off unless you have absolute power on your side.

If… I had power…

I could've tried to change the world to a safer place…


Such a shame I didn't get the chance to do it…

Observing the void once more I next see another light come from above this place as if trying to contact me?

The fuck?

As the ball of light came next to me it began how should I say somehow speak in this place were in the void, "Interesting… tell me young soul how have you wondered this far in the void than in the cycle?"

Responding to the newest thing I saw or heard here is surprising as I replied, "Sup. The name is Jason unknown being but for the last, I don't know to say… 34 years or so being woke up to this place although I did lose my track of time."

The weird ball of light then began to explain to me as it replied to me in a humorous voice, "I see… you were supposed to be in the cycle of reincarnation as such souls die but you must have woke here instead this is quite the predicament oh by the way I'm the GOD."

Curiously enough I decided to ask God a question leaving him surprised, "Sure. Say if that is the case can you just take me to this cycle then already?"

God seems surprised as he responded to me in a happy laugh, "Hohoho! I didn't expect that I would imagine you deny such things but I'm afraid that your soul is too strong to be carried over as an infant in reincarnation, but I can transmigrate you into a different body of 14 years old if you wish?"

Going to transmigrate huh?

If this is going where I think it's going I decided to ask GOD for compensation then, "Ok but can I ask for compensation then considering I was originally going to be reincarnated but ended up here instead can I get some stuff for in return."

God just then replies about my request as he says to me what I wanted, "Hmm… very well then young mortal it was my fault you got sent here without me noticing till now that is so sure. How about I grant you three wishes that are within my power and what world you get to live in as a bonus?"

I shake my whole soul I suppose for this yes!

Now let's see here what I want to be transmigrated with…


Ok, I already knew what I wanted from the start lets go all the way then as I spoke in a happy tone, "Ok for the first wish I want to have the abilities of the Yami Yami no Mi into the world of My Hero Academia when I transmigrate from here in the peak superhuman condition."

God looks at me as it nodded its ball to me in a deep voice, "Hmm… that is acceptable I can integrate it into you with all of its abilities as a quirk as well as its awaken state once you unlock and already have a strong body when you leave? Alright, anything else?"

Sweet that is one of the most busted abilities to have to add the Yami Yami no Mi ability to nullify anything as well as its absorption ability would come in handy.

And in a world of superheroes that rely on them and my experience as an assassin would work wonders for it.

Alright, time for the second wish to modify my quirk to my liking as I spoke, "Ok for the next wish I want my Yami Yami no Mi to not have any weakness and act like an actual logia fruit like being intangible to its element."

God shakes its ball once more as it replies to me in a happy voice, "Very well it will be granted the ability of actual logia and no weakness of double pain or sea weakness anything else would you like to add?"

Since I have what I need now something I should consider wisely now since I have the basics done, I have one more thing left to say, "For the last wish hmm… to have an additional ability of me absorbing the quirks of others since my body is completely made of darkness I wouldn't suffer side effects of me shorting my life span since my body can contain anything with its infinite darkness."

At this time God nodded its ball of light as it responded to me in an amused tone, "Very well it will have the ability to absorb other quirks and leave no conscience behind making it your own quirk. Although I do have a question mortal?"

Observing the God I nodded as he asked curiously about my choices, "You seem to only upgrade your Yami Yami no Mi ability to the max couldn't you have asked for the character abilities for more or even get Haki or even ask for it to not be stolen or copy?"

Shaking my body or soul I guess I replied to God with an honest tone, "Simple I want this to be a challenge of sorts for me because I plan to become a villain you see. I want to make myself the best cheat possible in that world while I grow strong plus I already have my skills from back home that make me dangerous that and I want to try using one ability to change their world to my liking."

God just looks at me with an odd gaze as the ball of light just shines brightly as it replied to me in an indifferent tone, "Very well what you do in that world is all up to you wither you become a villain or hero doesn't matter to me as long as you live your life than its all on you."

With that I was gone from the void…

~Third POV~

Somewhere in the back-alley streets of japan a young teen was placed there abandon as he was attacked by a group of friends.

That person was abandoned by the hero society as he tried to help someone from a villain attack that he saved the person, but reality spat on his face.

Ever since then his future was stolen and everything, he worked for ended for him and even his classmates forced him to be bullied.

He was even disowned by his parents as they were heroes in society, but they couldn't handle to pressure anymore till they finally got rid of him when he was 14 years old.

Then when his friends bullied him too far as he fought back one of them used their quirks till it was too late to realize that they killed him as his head was bent inward piercing the brain as they ran away leaving him to die.

The teen was then targeted by the people in power as they let the hero criticized his choice and ruin his future as a hero even though he was quirkless.

The young teen was injured with bruises and noticeable dent in the head as he was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, shoes, and blue long hair as his eyes were the color of gold now emotionless…


However, the body then began to jerk healing the dent as the person eyes then began to regain some life again, but also some more muscles were noticeable added as dark mist began to spread out of his body.

The person then awakens as he observes his area with caution as he looks around as he person in the body was no longer a weak kid but an assassin.

Observing the darkness surrounding him he called it back in as he grinned happily for his new life he was in with a happy voice, "So this is the world of my Hero Academia huh? From going on with my current body it looks to be in prime condition perfect. Now it's time to start my path of becoming the heroic villain. For my name I shall be now known as Yami D. Black since I gave up my old name."

With that the assassin now renamed Yami D. Black began to walk down his own path…