

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you". I've read and heard that phrase so many times that by now is engraved in my subconscious, is everywhere you look, comics, movies, popular media, even heard it once at school while taking psychology 101 in high school, yet I never thought it was a reality.

In this world people been blessed by powers and cursed with an alien invasion, world-destroyer cataclysm one after the other, it all began and the mid of the XXI century when a war between the biggest nations exploded there were nuclear bombs dropped over the mayor cities no one was safe, but life, uh, finds a way, I don't know who said that, but my grandparent seems very fond to say it every time he heard about a new kind of creature or plant was found I asked him once about where that comes from and the one thing he said was that I wouldn't get it, I was too young and didn't have a copy of the source, so I let it go.

Eventually, society prospered before anyone noticed the metahumans or metas as they were called by pop culture were born, some of them had incredible strength, speed, or durability, the second-gen of metas started to develop more incredible powers like flying, heat vision, thermal sight or minor beast-like features, eventually, the third-gen was born with miraculous powers, domain over the elements, the plants, a few lucky beings had control over matter and atomic structures and with them the possibility to restore and even upgrade the earth come to our lives.

Two hundred years have passed since those days were mankind and the third-gen made is way through hell and back, we are now a thriving and always expanding society, some colonies have been formed in space, the Moon and Mars were terraformed thanks to some technology we have stolen from aliens about a hundred years ago, we are living what is known as the conquest age, and transitioning to a peace era in the middle of the XXV century, all mankind Earth, space, Moon or Mars born have powers, some are weak and useless beyond helping with house chores and minor task while others are used as the prime labor or military forces, unfortunately, my power set is classified as an F rank so is not even useful on house chores, I can manipulate the shape of my shadow, but that's it.

My name is Kain Green son of Michael and Heater Green also known as the Diamond and the Bright both are S Rank metas and are considered heroes of the frontier, fighting alien invasions and keeping the Calamity Class Beasts in check, this is my story.

I'm back, I was in the mood for some writing so I made this hope you enjoy it, please leave your comments, suggestion and doubts, I'll be sure to read and maybe reply to them,

With love, the author.

Duskstarcreators' thoughts
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