
Kidnapped (1)

Selena stood in the middle of all those men in the silent night wondering of a way to escape.

"You just have to be silent and I promise, I won't hurt you." the man said as he swung the dagger.

"If I go with you, I will be dead anyways won't I?" she asked with uncertainty. The man holding the dagger just shrugged, " I have no idea what will happen to you after we take you. Maybe you'll die , maybe you won't." he replied. "Why are you telling her this. I think she is trying to stall us." one of the men suggested. "Grab her and let's go." he ordered.

Selena racked her brain trying to find a way out of the circle. She noticed a smaller man compared to the rest that surrounded her and kicked him hard. The men were surprised at her attack and they did not get time to grab her before she bolted out of the circle. "Well what are you waiting for. Catch the damn woman." the leader with the dagger screamed in frustration."Why do they have to make everything so difficult." he sighed as he put the dagger in his pocket and started chasing Selena.

Selena run in the dark garden trying to escape from the kidnappers. She didn't know if it was fear but she couldn't find her way. She seemed lost. Taking a deep breath she stopped to survey the place. She heard footsteps rushing in her direction. Raising her dress she removed her heels on the floor and continued running. One of the men picked the heels and showed it to the leader. " She won't be far. Spread out." he ordered with a smirk. " Let's see how far she gets. Rodrick do your magic." The wizard Rodrick removed his clock to reveal his bald head. The scar that run across his left eye clearly shows the hardship he went through being a wizard, hardening his heart.

He closed his eyes and opened it to reveal empty sockets. The air around him picked up pace as he chanted a spell making mist rise from the ground.

Selena run till she was out of breath. She glanced around the garden to see the swing that Xavier placed her on when she fell. "I must be close." she whispered breathing hard. Suddenly mist surrounded her making her vision blurry. She felt dizzy and the swing seemed far away from her. She wobbled as she moved stretching her hands to the distancing swing. She tripped on a branch and fell on the ground crawling to the swing. "Help." she pleaded but she herself couldn't hear her voice. " Someone, anyone, please help me." she said before she blacked out.

The black boots of the leader was seen beside Selena who laid unconscious on the ground. He crouched beside her and lifted her hair which covered her eyes, " I wonder why they all try to run. Good job Rodrick." he praised the wizard. He carried her in his arms and left the garden.

Xavier stood infront of Selena's door pondering about what to talk about when she opens it. He just wanted to check if she was fine but he was uncertain if she would want to talk to him because he took her outside and made her fall sick. " Well hurry and knock." came the pestering voice of Mickel who stood behind Xavier. Hearing a growl from Xavier, Mickel sighed helplessly. He said in a tired voice,"This is what I get for giving love advice. Well good night." When he turned to leave, he saw Maria holding a bowl of soup for her mistress. " You must be tired right? Do not worry Xavier will give your mistress her soup." He said trying to take the soup to which Maria back away. " I am her attendant so I will do my work. The duke does not have to worry." She said holding the tray tightly.

Mickel snatched the tray from her quickly making her unable to do anything about it. " The duke is her husband so he can give her the food. Do not forget your place." he remarked making Maria bow her head. He gave the tray to Xavier who was still standing infront of the door.

Maria bit her lips as Mickel pulled her from the scene.

Xavier finally knocked the door and waited for a response but there was none. " It is me, Xavier. May I come in? I know you might be angry for getting wet by the rain so I have to apologize." He heard nothing but silence making him frown. He held the door knob to find out that it was already opened. He entered the dark room to find it empty. " Are you here?" he ask trying to convince himself that she was there. Something white was sitting on the window. When he read it's content, he dropped the tray with the bowl of soup, spilling its hot content on the floor. Anger coloured his face as a monsterous scream vibrated the whole castle waking the guests up, " WHERE THE FUCK IS MY WIFE! GET HER HERE NOW!"

Mickel who heard the angry scream pulled her to Xavier's office," You have to come with me." he told Maria who started crying, feeling guilty for the disappearance of her mistress.

The entire mansion had guards looking for the Duchess. Xavier's angry eyes made Maria who knelt infront of him more scared. "Where is she?" he asked menacingly. Maria shook her head having no idea where she was but that only made everything worse. Xavier held her neck and lifted her off the floor. She struggled to breathe while trying to free herself from his grip. "You had one job. Just look after her. Useless." he said tighting his grip on her neck. " Xavier, she doesn't know where she is. Just let her go. I'm not sure Selena would be happy if she found her attendant dead." Rubin said holding Xavier's hand which held Maria's neck. His eyes glowing clearly not happy with Maria chocking.

Xavier dropped Maria and left to look for his wife himself. Rubin knelt beside Maria who was sobbing and hugged her, trying to offer his warmth.

Selena opened her eyes slowly after an hour. Her head aches badly and it took some seconds for her to see her surroundings. After some seconds she remembered what happened. " Ah so you're finally awake. I did tell you not to make a fuss." the leader said . Selena realized she lying infront of a river which meant that she was far from the mansion.

She tried to move her hand but they were tied. " Tell me who paid you. I can pay more if you let me go." she tried to negotiate. He just laughed at her and took his dagger to play with it. " I will make you pay with your fucking life if you do not let me go. You will regret doing this to me." she warned, shouting at him. He just scoffed at her threats and walked to his comrades who were roasting fish.

Selena turned to the river trying to formulate a plan. She turned when she heard a familiar voice in the darkness approaching the men." I hope you did not hurt her. If I see a scratch on her skin I will reduce the payment." he threatened. Selena widened her eyes when she realized that it was Henry. " Do not worry. I did no such thing. You've got a beauty there." he complimented.

" How dare you son of a bitch. I am not going anywhere with you. I am not yours." she screamed in frustration. Why won't he understand . " My love, do not utter things you know nothing about. You and I are going to be happy. Now I'm rich so rich that it could reach more than four generation. I do this all for you." he said as he caressed her hair making her cringe in disgust. The leader shook his head and sighed, going to help his comrades roast the fish.

" You do not love me. You love your wife." she replied trying to reason with him. " I love you a lot. If I didn't love you I would let that Duke have you for himself. He is a monster whose wives always die. I'm saving you." he remarked.

" This is not love it's obsession. You are not saving me in anyway rather, you are trying to place me in another expensive prison. If you truly loved me, you would let me go." she said trying to convince him to let her go. But he shook his head in disagreement. Making her angry." Get your filthy hands off me. I don't want to be with someone like you. You disgust me. The duke is more human than you could ever be you hideous monster." she screamed with redden face.

Henry held her hair and yanked it backwards making her let out a scream. She was untieing the knot on her hand slowly. " Listen to me. You are mine. Only mine. If keeping you in this prison is my only way I will do it. Do not worry your pretty little head. " he said as he tilted her head backwards. " I have always dreamt of this." he said as he leaned to kiss her. Selena shut her eyes trying to hurry untieing the knot. She felt his stinking breath on her face before she heard the familiar deep husky voice that made her heart calm down and opened her eyes. "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OF MY LITTLE FLAME! " the angry voice of Xavier was heard making all the men tense and Selena smile in relief.