
Dark Tale: A Villain Is Born

"The best writer you say? Pathetic! Let me show you the true power of a real writer. " Her eyes glowed red as she narrated, "Bella Rust lifted her eyes to the heavens and saw a ball of fire coming at her. She can't move nor can she run." Bella felt her head forcefully falling back, with her eyes gazing at the ceiling. She sees a ball of fire appearing above, getting bigger and bigger. She screamed out in fear, calling out for help. But no one had the guts to face DARK TALE. A smirk crept across Dark's face, as she proceeded, "This will mark the end of her... Story. " **************** A dark force has been terrorizing whoever that calls themselves a writer. Dark Tale, the true embodiment of nightmare, attacks a writers ceremony, attacking the winner of the program. Her plan is interrupted by the presence of a young man named MATTHEW, who saves a lady from Dark's destruction, causing her to flee away, but not forever. *What is her reason for this hatred towards writers? *Why does she want to wipe anyone that calls themselves a writer? *How did she become the monster she is? Find out in DARK TALE: A Villain Is Born.

Blessing_Okosi · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

Matt's whole body shivered in horror while staring at both Dark's scary gaze and his helpless cousin in her strong grip.

"Matt, help me," Chi-Chi choked out.

Matt's body quicered at this. His little cousin's skin was turning blue. She was losing oxygen!

"You," Dark uttered, tossing Chi-Chi to the ground hard, and making her way towards Matt.

When the terrified young man saw this dark being coming towards him, he immediately raced out of the way, trying to avoid her.

His heart was pounding when he did this. He jumped over the chair in his path, looking back to see if Dark was close. 

But before he knew it, he felt his body swinging towards the wall, shattering the furniture that was there.

"AH!" Matt groaned on feeling the impact.

He lifted his eyes and saw Dark using a red glowing power on him, so he won't escape her.

But to Dark's surprise, her power was beginning to... Fade?

"What... What is this?" She wondered, staring at her dimming power on her right hand.

"Why is my power acting this way before this... This man?" She wondered, lifting her red bloody eyes back at Matt in curiousness.

Her power was growing weak. She tried to use all her strength and pin Matt against the wall, but she was losing it.

"Why does my power always lose its potential before this mere being? Who is he?"

Due to this sudden interruption, Matt was able to free himself from Dark's control.

He gasped out for air, calculating his next move.

"Matt," Chi-Chi called in pain, crawling on the floor.

Her call attracted Dark, getting the pale skinned demon to turn back and look at the crawling weak girl on the floor.

"Leave my cousin alone, you demon!" Chi-Chi roared, trying to get to her feet and protect her cousin from Dark.

Seeing that she was trying to get back on her feet, anger welled Dark, who was beginning to make her way from Matt and towards Chi-Chi.

Still trying to get himself from the attack, Matt sees Dark going for his cousin and gets troubled. 

"No! Leave her! Stay away from her! " He yelled.

But Dark wasn't someone to reason or talk with. She kept approaching Chi-Chi, feeling her strength reviving again.

"Damn it! What can I do? She has powers and can eliminate us in a flash. How can we stop her?"

All of a sudden, Dark's feet touched something. The demon lowered her gaze down to see the Chinese takeout Matt had brought, almost turned out. 

Her eyes came all wide, letting out a gasp at this.

And before Matt knew what was going on, Dark had swiftly picked the Chinese meal in delight, dashing out of the room with speed.

This left Matt stunned. He had witnessed how her mood changed on seeing the meal. 

It took his mind to his encounter with her the other night, and realized something.

"She likes Chinese food?" He uttered, still finding this discovery amusing.

After witnessing this, Matt's curiosity got the best of him at once.

He immediately got to his feet, racing out through the door.

"Matt! MATT!" Chi-Chi called out to her cousin, making an attempt to follow him. 

But she got so scared and drew her steps back. Bending to the side of the couch, hiding in fear.

"Matt, don't leave me," She sniveled, trembling in fear.

A curious Matt chased the dark cloud ahead of him. His mind flashing to the other side of Dark he had seen, leaving him in thoughts.

"I know what I saw the other day. She looked different. I can't lose sight of her now."

He followed Dark from behind, rushing through the stairs, before the dark being vanished into thin-air, leaving Matt confused. 

He came halting when Dark vanished, wondering where she had gone to.

"The Garage," Matt recalled at once.

"She must have gone back there," He believed, racing down the stairs to catch up with Dark. 

But when he arrived at the last floor, busting through the door to find the pale skinned demon...

"Where... Where is she?"

There was no sign of her. 

The Garage was silent, having no sign of Dark Tale.

"Damn it! She's gone, " He groaned, stamping his feet to the ground.

Matt has no clear reason why he wants to see Dark badly, despite the fact that she just attacked him and his cousin.

He just couldn't explain why.

"Why am I bothered about her? Is it because of the other side of her I saw?" He asked himself, flashing back to the blue eye beauty with a pretty smile he had seen.

His face looking all lost, before his thoughts was replaced by his cousin's image.

"Chi-Chi! Shit! I left her alone!"

He panicked, hoping Dark didn't trick him so she can head back and get his cousin.

Now placing his cousin in his mind, Matt decided to head back into the apartment and check up on her.


The sound of a door opening and a metal falling, attracted Matt's attention.

The young man turned around quickly, wondering where the sound had come from.

That's when he heard the metal rolling on the floor from his right hand side. 

He navigated his eyes to the side and saw a metal pipe coming out from the corner.

Matt felt his heart pounding at this, having a clear hunch on who caused it. 

But despite this, he still wanted to check it out.

Slowly walking to the spot, Matt quietly tiptoed to the corner and saw a door. 

"That's the store room," He recognized before spotting the sign on the door that spelt out STORE.

He looked down and saw the wrapper of the Chinese meal he bought, right outside the store room.

That caused his heart to pound harder than before.

"She's in there."

He looked, hearing sounds coming from inside the room.

Even though he was afraid of what might happen to him if he gets close to Dark Tale, Matt was still a stubborn and curious fellow.

He gave out a sigh and made his way to the slightly opened store room.

Carefully tiptoeing, he arrived at the door and peeped through it.

Lo and Behold, there sat a beautiful lady on the ground, eating the remaining Chinese meal with so much joy all over her face.

"Wow," Matt uttered, feeling his face flushing and his racing heart calming.

He gazed at the beauty who was eating his food, wondering if this is indeed the demon everyone is running away from.

"She's beautiful," He commented, unable to deny her shine.

Dark, who was in a different yet peaceful form, giggled when a strand of noodle flipped and got stuck on her nose. 

Her chuckle amused Matt. 

He was lost.

He wanted to stay and watch this pretty side of Dark, but he thought about Chi-Chi and left. 

Matt immediately hurried through the stairs, thinking about his cousin. 

"I still left her alone. I hope she's okay?"

On arrival, Matt called out to Chi-Chi amidst the disaster in their living room. But he couldn't spot his cousin. 

Not until he heard someone whimpering from the side of the couch.

"Chi-Chi, is that you? " He asked, going over there to check. 

That's when he spotted his cousin, all scared, and cuddling herself while shivering. 

Her state melted Matt's heart, sending the young man on his knees, with his arms pulling his little cousin into his hold.

"It's okay, she's gone. You're safe now. Hush."

"Matt, she almost killed me. She was strangling me!" Chi-Chi cried, burying herself in Matt's hold.

Matt felt sad.

He gave a peck on Chi-Chi's forehead, assuring her that she was safe now.

"Dark is gone. She's no more here."

"No! She might still be around here, " Chi-Chi said, pulling herself out of Matt's grip.

She had fear written all over her, as she suggested that they call the authorities at once. 

"We need to get them here to fish out that demon! If we don't act fast, she might come back to attack me again!" Chi-Chi panicked, rising to her feet and racing for the phone.

Matt watched his little cousin, understanding her fear. 

Even though he wants to support her in this, Matt wasn't pleased with the idea. 

Just when Chi-Chi was about to dial the emergency line, Matt grabbed the phone from her hands. 

"What are you doing?!" She questioned, trying to drag the phone from Matt.

"Relax Coz. I know you're scared, but Dark is gone."

"Don't believe that! She might be around here, hiding and plotting to get me. We have to call the cops."

"If you call them over and they ask for her location, can you provide it? " Matt questioned her. 

Chi-Chi thought about it and couldn't help but feel helpless. She lowered her head in sadness, carefully wrapping her arms around Matt for safety.

"I hope she's gone. I don't want her coming back to hurt us both. I hate her, " She said, expressing her hatred for Dark Tale.

Matt said nothing but stroked his cousin's back. 

His mind flashing back to the blue eyes beauty he had seen at the store room, feeling worried. 

"If only you know what I saw Coz. I don't think Dark is what we all think she is. She seem to be trapped in a different body. I... I can't allow the authorities to come and get her. I just can't," He viewed.