
dark side of him

Magical Realism
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What is dark side of him

Lee la novela dark side of him escrita por el autor Zulaikha_Jan publicada en WebNovel. ...


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In a World where magic Superseded all things, The Aeons once ruled the world. But after the Great battle, a Battle Where Thousands of Aeons were extinguished while defending Humanity against the Undead Legion, their Race was long forgotten, their empire lies in ruin, and the survivors hid on the fringes of society. But then, Humanity saw their Saviours as their Nightmares. Blinded by their greed, They learnt and took the powers that were not theirs, killing the remaining Aeons and becoming defenders against the Undead Legion themselves. Romeo, who was just a librarian's apprentice, was obsessed with Aeon lore, scavenging for hints of their legendary power. But others are searching too, including the Templars who seek to hunt down the Aeon survivors. Out of hatred, he was framed and captured for being an Aeon with immeasurable powers and was brought before the high council to be Sacrificed, So that the remaining Humanity who weren't blessed with magical powers could Ascend. During his final moment, something went wrong. The Sacrificers became the sacrificed, and Romeo awoke with Powers capable of shaking the foundations of the world. ... But this event marked the beginning of a new era. An era of monsters and demons roaming around the world. But it never occurred to them that the Undead Legion,The shadow beast of legend, was gathering powers and armies, waiting for the appointed time to break free from its eternal prison. Thus, Survivability was thrust into the hands of a woefully unprepared humanity and the young boy who by fate, became Its Lost Redeemer.

Celestial_prince · Fantasía
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Loving The Other Devil

Ana Louella Marcial is a freshman in Don Leoncio Severino International University. On her third month of stay in the university, she met the three most popular students who were labeled as 'devils'. Along the way, she fell in love with Ace Dominique Marquez who is one of them but Ace won't even look at her. On the other hand, Jackson Drake Ellizar, who is also one of them, starts to have feelings for Louella. Louella always approaches Ace but he always pushes her away and Drake is always there to rescue her. She loves Ace so much that she is even willing to take whatever he can give her but Ace sticks to his promise that he will never fall in love with her. However, Drake loves her twice as much she loves Ace and he is also willing to take whatever she can give. Will she still pursue Ace and wait for him to like her or will she give up her love for him and give Drake a chance to love her instead? NOTE: This story is slow-paced. This is not proofread as well so expect some errors (either typographical or grammatical) as you read it. Names of characters, businesses, some places and establishments as well as the events and incidents are all products of the author's imagination and are used in fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, whether living or dead, and/or actual events is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. This book belongs to mondaydthirteenth. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author. No intention of copyright infringement. (image and fonts by Book Cover Maker)

mondaydthirteenth · Adolescente
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38 Chs
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