

(At Gilbert classical academy)

The hole place seemed to be parked ,with people dressed in long gowns, celebrating ,

with different kinds of excitements and merriments...

It was like a graduation celebration, of which it was , it was the annual graduation ceremony celebration, although the party events were over, the place was still parked full with graduating students, taking pictures and selfies with their friends...

Sofy: say goodbye Gilbert (one of the graduating student said, holding her phone with a selfie stick in front of some other graduating students)

The students : goodbye Gilbert (they all said in unison)

Sofy : goodbye Gilbert ( then she snapped)

(Later on)

The same girl was seen with two other girls, in a corner

Sofy: guys I can't believe this is finally happening (teary)

Bella: yah (sadly)

Jane: look what you two have caused, ,now my eyes are leaking (wiping tears from her eyes )

Sofy: urhhh (hugging them both)

Jane: I can't believe this is goodbye

Bella: of course not

Jane: oh come on you know I'm right,you two would probably end up in a fancy college and stuff,so you might still cross paths,but I'm off to lames crook Chicago institute, I'm still even on the hoping they accept my grade

Sofy: you guys let's just promise we stay in contact,always (puts her hand out)

Bella & Jane : always (put theirs on top)

Sofy: now that's by the way, let tomorrow's problem stay for the morrow, right now we're celebrating a one in a life time ceremony, we've got to make mems, .together girls (she said putting out her selfie stick with her phone on its top infront of them) so what's the shout out

Bella: eeh goodbye Gilbert

Jane: nah this is about us,...say the curl queens

they all said it,and then the picture was taken ....

Thanks for your time, God bless you as you tag along, you wouldn't wanna miss the adventure, for this is just the beginning

Peace_Abaticreators' thoughts