
Dark Force

Horu Askava is a little boy born in a little town with his father, he loved his dad more than anything and wanted to be like him. But everything changed on his birthday when he found a crystal on the ground that bonded with him. This is the story of how Horu goes through pain, love, action, adventure and many more to be the strongest fighter.

Hroda_Cornelius · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Dark Force (Chapter 9, Battle the beast)

Horu woke up in a little hut with Leeron and Belton on other beds beside him. He then saw Bastra speaking with Naga.

Horu: what the- what happened?

Bastra: Oh, you're awake.

After saying that, Horu's mind went back to the first time he met Drakon and how Pete said the exact same words when he got up.

Horu: Haha, yeah I am.

Naga: Why did you fight with Belton?

Horu: He attacked first! I had no other choice than to retaliate.

Naga: These kids... anyway, I'm going to be training you from now on

Horu: As I said before, there's no way I'm going to train under yo-

Naga then instantly moved to Horu with great speed and looked directly into his eyes.

Horu: What the-

Naga: You are now under my illusion, if you train under me, this is the power you might achieve.

Horu: It's just an illusion, I can blast THROUGH.

Horu tried to use his powers in the illusion but none of it worked, he tried punching the ground to see if he still had his strength but that didn't work either, he seemed so powerless.

Horu: FREE ME NOW!!!

Naga: Do you want to learn how to break free of these illusions?

Horu: it's my only weakness so far, and I'm going to eliminate it!! I want to learn!

Naga: Ask politely

Horu: WHAT THE- no I won't

Naga: I can kill you in here y'know that?

Horu: Ok, can you please teach me how to break free of this illusion Naga sensei?

Naga: Alright then, you're free.

Horu then turned into a swirl and got teleported back to the real world.

Naga: Welcome back

Horu: Oww! I have a headache. What type of energy did you even use to create the illusion?

Naga: Nothing, as long as there are atoms in this world, I can create these illusions without any setbacks.

Horu: Atoms? Nothing? but I thought you were a fighter?

Naga: Oh you weren't taught this? well I'm a rebel, which means I can do anything I want, use magic or fight.

Horu: But I thought only magic type Denkalis fan use magic?

Naga: Yes, but you can also learn it. would you want to learn magic Horu?

Horu: Hmm, a new world of power, I could be even more powerful than I am now, of course NOT.

Naga: I thought so, I'll train you- WAIT WHAT?? no? but I taught you wanted to be stronger.

Horu: And that I will, but magic won't get me where I want to be, but I do want to learn how to be break through illusions though.

Naga: You're a very strange boy, I like that. Different from the others.

Horu: It's not that I'm different, it's just that the rest of you are the same.

Naga: Hmmm, you've got wits, let's go outside.

Horu: Sure-

and then, the other boys started to get up and we're a bit confused about where they were.

Belton: Where am- oh, I'm in a tent

Leeron: My heart is racing, why is that?

Horu: You too, haha, the thrill of the fight awoken our inner warriors, I get that sometimes.

Leeron: Oh... ok

Naga: Let's go

Bastra: Can we come?

Naga: If you were smart enough, you'd follow me

Leeron: Hey, that's our friend

Bastra: He's my brother, didn't I tell you guys?

Horu and Belton: WHAT??

Bastra: yeah, I just don't visit him that much, that's all

Belton: Master is this true?

Horu: Why am I even shocked?, I've only known you for like a day.

Naga: But the crystals within you have known each other for several centuries, you four are more brotherly to each other than I am with Bastra.

The boys: well that explains it.

Naga: Let's go.

The boys then headed out with Naga to a large battlefield.

Naga: This is the battlefield!

Bastra: we can see that -_-


Naga: This is where a war between the nations was fought. and this is where I'll train you all.

Horu: so what's up first?

Naga: I'll need to assess you all, so, in order to do that all you have to do is make me fall down. if you can't, I will kill you.

Horu: well that's easy, won't it guys?

Leeron: uhh, I'm not sure about that.

Belton: look behind you

Horu turned behind to see Naga with dark green scales and glowing green eyes

Horu: Oh fu-

He then got cut off because Naga hit him with a large blow that he almost couldn't dodge.

Leeron: Belton, freeze him still.

Belton: I'll try

he use his ice to try and freeze him but Naga just blew at the ice and broke into pieces sending the shards back at them.

Bastra: watch out you idiots!!!!

Bastra then created a dark shield to defend them against the flying shards

Horu then straight at Naga and shouted


Horu then jumped into the sky and shot a large fire blast at Naga but he easily dodged it and jumped straight at Horu.


But before he could reach him he looked at him and said.

Horu: Checkmate 😏

He used his mouth to shoot a large ball of fire at Naga and to assure that he wouldn't be able to dodge it, Bastra, Leeron and Belton held him up in the air using their powers.

BOOM!!! A huge explosion and Horu landed on the ground safely , he looked up at the explosion and saw Naga falling down, but to their surprise he wasn't falling down because he was beaten, he was falling because he was aiming straight at them.

Belton: WATCH OUT!!!

He moved forward and shielded Horu with his ice whilst Leeron went in to attack

Bastra: I'll back you up

Naga: nice try, but that isn't enough to take me down,

He broke through the ice and threw the boys out of it.

He then took Horu and started to pummel him down.

Bastra: No no NOO!! he's going bezerk!!

He left Horu and went to Belton and started pummeling him too, and after he finished with him he jumped straight at Leeron and almost killed him with a choke hold.


Naga: now the real fight begins.