
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Chapter 4-Ceramony.

Three days slowly passed by and everything went back to normal as if the rampage of the Ravenger never happened. Tokume was laying down on her bed staring at her phone as she waited for the time to pass, after a few minutes passed by she shut her phone off and jumped off her bed. She opened her door, then headed downstairs to where she saw Hako sitting down on a brown couch. They both started at each other for a second then gave a sigh and Tokume waked over to sit next to her.

"How much longer?" Tokume started to complain as she threw her head back.

"About two more hours." Hako kept staring at her phone.

Tokume peaked at her phone to only meet a hand that stopped her from getting closer. As she tried to get closer, she was always stopped with a hand or a foot, after a while Tokume was upside down while Hako's foot was on Tokume's stomach.

Hako looked at Tokume's legs and saw bandages going up to her knee, "Hey you're cuts on your leg are good right?"

"Hmm, oh yeah I just put on new one's because I though they look cool." Tokume lifted up her head to look at them.

"Ok… what about the band aid on your noise." Hako asked again.

"… you already know what I'm gonna say."

"Yeah, though so."

10 grueling minutes passed by as they sat on the couch messing around on their phone.

"Hey Hakoo."


"How much longerrr?"

"10 minutes literally just passed."


Not so long after Tokume threw both of her hands in the air almost launching her phone behind her. She started to complain by how bored she was and how slow time passed. Hako was starting to get annoyed then eventually grabbed a pillow at hit Tokume straight in the face. She retaliated by grabbing it and doing the same as Hako.

Her face was bright red, and she had a angry look printed on her face, Tokume held back on her laughter, in a instant they both jumped out of the couch with pillows in each hand. The air seemed to be sharper, the tension of the two seeing who make the first move.

"Well, well, well what do we have here an old fashion Mexican stand off!" Tokume gave shit eating grin.

"Shut up and let's do this."

Tokume threw a big brown pillow in between them, Hako lost the sight of Tokume tried to predict her next move by remembering past events. She used the pillow in her left hand to smack down the one in the air but Tokume was gone, a soft breeze past by her, from the corner of her eye Tokume was right beside her having her arm ready to swing at any moment.

She remained calm and didn't even make an expression, Tokume swung her pillow at amazing speed but Hako kicked it straight up in the air then with her other foot she lifted up the pillow that Tokume threw previously, with a quick spin she hit it with her foot and launched it towards Tokume. She used her foot to spin her body and avoided the missile like pillow, then quickly following up with a charged swing going straight towards Hako's head, being a copycat, she followed in her sister's steps and dodged the way she did.

Quickly recovering from the swing, she used her other hand to grab a pillow from the couch, she jumped in the air putting both of her arms in the air. A huge grin came across Hako's face as a flow of pink petals dashed past Tokume, looking behind her the petals carried the pillow she threw before and it was closing in on her.

Water flew out of her foot but Hako dashed at her, the two pillows sandwich her, using her other hand she grabbed one of the pillows that Tokume held. Letting go of the cushion that sandwiched Tokume, Hako swung the pillow underneath her chin sending her higher into the air. Water launched from her foot and sprayed all over Hako, landing on her foot she saw her sister soaking wet and couldn't hold back the laughter.

"Damn you…your gonna pay for that!" Hako gripped the pillow hard enough that it seemed it was going to burst.

"HAHA! Well, it's your fault for cheating in the first place! Abilities aren't allowed!" Tokume pointed at her while still laughing enough that she was tearing up.

"Shut it! You were thinking of doing the same thing too!"

"Yeah, but you did it first."

Without a second Hako dashed at Tokume with amazing speed and swung the pillows all around her. Tokume was like water itself and smoothly dodged all the attacks that came at her, she eventually closed her eyes and continued to move between the pillows, opening her eyes she loved to see the annoyed face on her sister's face. Throwing a pillow in the air it caught Hako's attention but as soon as her eyes left Tokume's a swing of a soft pillow connected to her cheek.

Swiftly she got behind her and hit both of her legs making her lose balance. Falling to the ground a bed of water broke her fall but turning around a pillow was close to hitting her face, adding extra force Tokume put her hand on it, Hako closed her eyes bracing for impact. Three seconds passed by and she opened her eyes to only see the corner of a pillow almost touching her face. It slowly lifted up and showed Tokumes smiling face, throwing the pillow to the side she reached out her hand to help Hako up. Giving a sigh she grabbed the giving hand and was pulled up.

"You really need to work on not letting your anger get to you so much. You start to lose control of yourself." Tokume ruffled Hako's wet hair.

"And you need to learn on what's fake or not."


She quickly turned behind her just to see a pillow slap her cheek. The Hako she was talking to dispersed into hundreds of flower petals, turning her head she saw what was Hako giving a smug face, but she was still soaked with water, "Fine then if you wanna play like that, LET PLAY LIKE THAT!"

She spun her body on the ground with the water accelerating her speed, a splash of water slapped Hako right across the face and body in all directions. Then with ease she pushed herself up grabbing the nearest pillow then smacked Hako's head from the top. Catching herself by retaining her balance a wave of petals left Hakos long sleeve and wrapped around Tokume's body then it gripped tight.

No matter how she tried she couldn't move a muscle, Hako's rosy eyes darkened as a evil like look was on her face. Tokume tried to talk her out of it but without hesitation hundreds of smacks hit her face and body, a couple of seconds of punishment passed by, as she was about to take another swing the two pillows in her hand disappeared.

Looking up at the celling two like spear like weapons created from water stuck the pillow to the celling. Opening the palm of her hand small pieces of water left and cut the petals that held her freedom from moving. Suddenly water rose from the ground trapping Hako in a bubble, with her head down she got closer than reaching out her hand she pushed it into the wall. The bubble that trapped Hako bounced off the walls going everywhere.

Falling to the ground Tokume was dying of laughter as she saw Hako zooming through the house, after a while bubble popped dropping Hako on a couch, Tokume trying to get herself off the ground she walked over swore she saw Hako's eyes become spirals. Her legs becoming weak she fell to the ground again and started to laugh harder.

Tokume started to wheeze while tears fell down, "I-I- can't breathe! OH MY GOD!"


Catching her breath, Tokume picked herself up and leaned on the couch staring at Hako, "Or what."

"Or you're not getting dinner tonight."

Immediately Tokume get in front of the couch, getting on her knees putting her head on the couch, "I'm sorry please don't make me starve tonight. I promise I won't do this again. Please forgive me I don't wanna starve."

"…," Hako started at her, "I'll think about it."

"AHHH COME ON!!" Tokume face turned pale for a second as she began to beg, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COOK AND YOUR FOOD IS THE BEST!!"

Giving a sigh she looked away hiding her red face, "Fine you get to eat today."

With overwhelming excitement, she jumped in the air and gave her sister a big hug, "Thank you!!"

"Get off of me we got to clean this mess."

They immediately got up then started picking up all the cushions that were flung around. Looking at the water that went everywhere Tokume put her and in front of her chest and a small spiral started to form getting bigger and bigger from every spill that got on the carpet, walls, and Hako's body. Opening the nearest window, she threw it out on the grass. Picking up her phone Hako saw that during the fight and laughter an hour and thirty minutes passed. Telling Tokume to start getting everything she needs, she waved her hand and said she is already ready.

Finally, they headed to the door and walked outside to the scorching summer sun. The day was just like any other day people filled the streets, food stands on the sidewalk, and cars passing by. It was nothing happened from three days ago, Tokume started to think to herself, actually what did happen to the buildings? Where they both where is when the Ravenger burst through the building's, but there was nothing in the middle of the streets, looking to her right to where the fallen buildings where, it was back in perfect condition as if like nothing happened.

Just staring as she walked past it, multiple thoughts came across her head but thinking on things she couldn't understand wasn't her thing so she ignored it as best as she could. Banners and ribbons of all colors filled the stands and hung up on the streetlights.

"What is this a festival?" Tokume whispered under her breath as putting her hands behind her head.

"It might as well be," Hako picking up the faint whisper, "everyone loves to celebrate something when they get a chance. We did it too when we were little."

Thinking back to when they cheered and celebrated, "Yeah I guess your right, and come on it you make it sound like it was 20 years ago."

A cool breeze started to blow giving them a break from the sun that wanted to burn them alive. Wiping the sweat from both of their heads they carried on through the heat.

"Hey why are you wearing a sweater especially a black one? Do you want a heat stroke?" Hako handed the bottle water she bought from a nearby stand.

"Because it's my look and trying to change it will take to much time and a pain. And plus, I don't like the flashy colors." She replied as she grasps the bottle taking a bit drink from it.

"HEY, DON'T DRINK ALL OF IT!" Hako quickly snatching the bottle away.

"Thanks for the water! And plus, why you wearing that? You look like you just jumped out of a fairy tale book?"

Turning her head to the side she replied, "Because it looks nice and the white and pink have a great contrast with each other. Plus, what do you expect me to wear some full on black and grey when my power is literally pink petals? That just doesn't go well."

"But it would be funny."

Hako gave a huge sigh and they continued walking without talking for a shot while until Tokume out of the blue yelled, "HOW MUCH LONGER TILL WE GET THERE!!"

"Be quiet! Where not that far from it!" Hako replied yelling back without even noticing.

After a good while of walking their tired legs came to a stop when they reached their destination. In front of them was a gigantic castle like structure with walls of stone painted white and azure blue, comparing it to a skyscraper felt like a disgrace. Glass windows where everywhere giving light to the castle, a giant white wall surrounded it as if it were trying to be protected from something, standing in front of the open gate way it seemed impossible for something to even get in.

It was always breath taking for the two every time they walked pass castile as if it were a holy thing created by the Gods themselves. A bright ray of light started to beam down the castle making it seemed like it shined brighter than any sun.

"My God can this not get more Holy enough!" Tokume stood as she covered her eyes from the radiant glow.

Groups of people young and old were gathered and walked into the castle, children laughed and smiled while the adults followed with excitement. Couples talked with glee as they walked in, people with friends talked amongst each other, and people who were alone smiled as they entered the gate. Snaping out of their daze the two followed along, getting through the gate right before their eyes was a water fountain with beautiful clear as glass sky blue water running through it.

Looking around it was a wide area that could possibly fit hundreds of hundreds of people in here. Aside from the water fountain the most noticeable thing was the gardens that filled both sides and perfectly aligning with the cobblestone walkway. Not a single piece of grass dared cross on to the walkway, different flowers filled up the garden, bright yellow sunflowers, snow white lily's, ocean blue bellflowers, and many more that you could imagine.

Bright green bushes were shaped in many different sizes and shapes, sculptures of mystical beast like Dragons, Chimeras, and Hydras stood near each other on both sides. Looking past the fountain in the middle the large wooden doors to the castle were wide open letting groups of people in. Having a closer look to the castle that was in front of them their mouths where opened wide, just saying it was breathtaking was an understatement to the both of them, no words were able to describe how stun they were.

Slowly walking closer, they were stopped by an old man in a suit and tie, his hair grey and white but nicely groomed back. A white mustache that almost touched his nose and grey beard that covered stretched out to his ears. Wrinkly face but one that seemed to be threw so much and filled with tales that could be told. The suit was a pure abyss black with the tie being a pure white, in his chest pocket was a deep blue handkerchief.

"Excuse me you two but are you part of the ceremony?" With a very polite smile he asked.

"Oh, uh yeah." Tokume replied being slightly taken back.

"Then if I may ask to see both of your certifications?"

"Oh yeah forgot all about that." Tokume started to search her pockets while Hako already handed the man her a small piece of paper.

Tokume started to search her pockets and finding nothing, her face turned pale as her hands quivered when she pulled out her pockets. Giving a small sigh Hako flapped a piece of paper in front of her sister's face, "Next time make sure you check when I ask you if you have everything."

Taking the paper with defeat she handed it to the man. Then carefully examining the two pieces of paper he handed them back, "I see, now if I may ask you too wait here for the next couple minutes while we get all the other contestants ready."

"Huh did he just say contestants?" An unfamiliar voice appeared next to Hako which made her squeal and jump.

"EH! Who are you!" She pointed at a boy around her height.

The only reply she got was a burst of laughter and crying as both Tokume and the boy fell to the ground laughing like there was no tomorrow at Hako. Wiping her wet teary eyes from her flustered face she finally got a full look at the boy. White hair that looks like a cloud that stretched down to his eyes barely covering it, the bright sun that made his yellow cat like eyes shine, his skin was pale very pale but he seemed to be full of life, small stiches went down his left cheek but there was no sign of a cut or any red anywhere.

Wearing a dark oak brown coat that touched the ground it had a huge line of stiches going diagonal along with some small ones around the long sleeves leading to his black gloves. A long scarf white as his hair was wrapped around his neck and blew with the wind.

Wiping his eyes, he caught his breath and finally replied, "Thanks for the laugh hair buns that was great!"

"HA-HAIR BUNS! Take that back!"

"I mean you do have hair buns soooo."

Finally picking herself up from wheezing and laughing she hanged on to Hako's shoulders for leverage, "Man that was great, but anyway yeah who are you?"

"Oh yeah forgot about that my name is Shoyo sup." He smiled as he had his hands behind his head.

"Ok cool I'm Tokume and hair buns here is Hako."

"Don't call me hair buns ever again." Hako gave a death stare to both Shoyo and Tokume sending chills down their spine.

"Anyway, you said something about contestants, right? Do you really not know anything about this ceremony?"

"Yup I have absolutely no clue!".

"Are you new here or something its literally like the biggest event in this city!"

"Well, the more you hype it up the more confused and scared I get."

Giving a sigh Hako spoke up, "This ceremony is for people who are finally getting into the Predator Slayers after working hard in an academy for a good number of years. So, when the ceremony finally comes all 6 of the Myth Killers come together with all the information of those who have passed. Stuff like their powers, grades from the academy, amount of Halo Force, and so on. The reason why everyone loves this event is because fighting."

"Wait what."

Immediately going back to explaining she flipped some hair that went down on her shoulders, "You heard me fighting. We all gather up and for a couple of hours or possibly 2 days we fight each other and see who is the strongest."

"Wait what's the point of fighting if we already qualified!" Shoyo yelled out.

"Its so that the Myth Killers can see for them self and grade you," Tokume took the lead giving Hako a break, "seeing results on a paper is one thing but seeing it for yourself is better. The 6 grade you individually as an example Shuka the Great Apex Predator grades you on how well you use your Halo Force and sees how sloppy or clean it is. So, keep in mind when you go in there with these 6 things. 1st is how well you use your Halo Force, 2nd is how calm and how rational you can think when fighting, 3rd is how creative you can be with your ability the reason is so when the odds are against you, you must find a way to overcome it. 4th is how determined are you too win and how you refuse to give up, number 5 is how much intelligence you have about the other opponent's power and how you use your surroundings. And finally, number 6 is like number 4 when pushed to the limit are you able to break out of your fear and continue to fight."

Both Hako and Shoyos jaw dropped when they heard Tokume sounding very smart. Tokume seemed to be in a trans but when done explaining both Shoyo and Hako swore that steam rosed from Tokume's head like she was overheating. Stumbling everywhere she almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for Hako catching her on her back.

"So, I have one more question then." Shoyo had his hand raised slightly raised.

"Hm, what is it?" Hako said as she had Tokume on her back.

"What happens if we get good or bad scores?"

"If you get good scores then you move in ranks. Oh yeah, she didn't explain ranks huh. Well basically there are 9 ranks, with the 9th rank being too lowest you do stuff like patrols or low-class missions and have to train your butt off to get up to higher ranks. And with every rank you go up the more missions you go on and the higher class training you get."

"Sounds like hell. Why would anyone want to get to higher class and do more dangerous missions?"

"Because the more you get like money, recognition and respect from others. Along with helping the ones in need which should be the most important thing about this."

Giving a big sigh he rubbed the top of his hair, "Yeah I guess anyway thanks for telling me about this. You should probably spill water on her to wake up she's seems out of it."

"I guess your right yeah," She gave a slight smile as she looked at Tokume's head, "well I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, see ya." He turned around and waved his hand as he went away.


It was dark and gloomy…it feels so cold. That was all Tokume could feel, all she could see where gray clouds all round her and beneath her feet was something like water, but it wasn't like hers artic color it was black with white dots all around it. She didn't know why but she decided to walk but it was as If it wasn't her own will but if it was someone else. What felt like hours of walking she stumbled upon a tall person with their back turned.

They wore a pitch abyss black coat that reached to their knees, trying to get a closer look of their face the collar of the coat was popped up making it hard. A small yellow spark came from the person's head. The feeling she felt was that she knew the person, but she knew she did not know anyone like that. Then they started to walk away, she reached out her hand and asked that person to wait but she noticed her voice was missing and nothing was there.

Retracting her hand, she still began to wonder, then suddenly another presence was behind her. Turning around she saw another person a girl this time, she wore a black jacket with a fluffy white fur hood. Her long messy hair was a light and dark grey It reached all the way down to her knees. Her jacket was halfway zipped up, but she was also wearing a black shirt underneath, wearing black shorts with ink black stockings it covered her entire right leg, while the other only went up half way.

She had a grin on her face then started to move her mouth but Tokume couldn't hear anything that came from her. Then like the other she disappeared only leaving her alone.


Her face felt wet and freezing. When opening her eyes, she saw Hako kneeling down splashing some cold as the artic water on her face. Wiping away the water with her sleeve she realized she was on a brown wooden bench, using her arms to push herself up she saw the old man standing next to Hako.

"Are you okay Miss? Do you wish to resign from the ceremony today?" He politely asked.

Tokume who was still in a daze took a second to realize, "Huh oh uh yeah I'm okay and no I won't resign I'm fine."

Hako gave a huge sigh, "I told you not to wear that sweater in this heat!"

"Hehe yeah but don't worry I'm fine, I'm fine." She smiled as she waved both of her hands.

The old man said to the both of them that the event was going to start very soon and walked away. Hako turned her head only to see Tokume chugging the bottle of water, she just smiled and pretended like nothing happened.

"Hey, I got a question. Do you know anyone with a black coat, pretty tall, and possibly have a yellow spark."

"What are you talking about? You've been watching too much anime."

"Says the one who reads a lot of fan fic's."

"Hahah! Your close to not eating today!!"

After 5 minutes of tugging at Hako's skirt and saying sorry they were interrupted by a loud cough. They both slowly walked over to a large group of people.

"Man, everyone here looks like they just jumped out of a fairy tale." Tokume said as she looked around her.

"We do basically live in a time where we have technology and stuff like magic when you think about it." Hako replied.

"Yeah, your right."

The old man stood on podium and coughed in his hand once again to catch everyone's attention, "If I may have all of your undivided attention. The ceremony will start after I explain all the rules and how everything will go. First and foremost, killing is not allowed! 2nd is that you must win and please don't worry about holding back we have the best healing on standby. 3rd is that-".

Tokume yawned as she grew bored from listing to the things she already knew. Looking around to find something interesting she spot someone from the corner of her eye. The person was kneeling down in front of a small fountain, it was like looking at a silhouette of a character from a show. Becoming more and more curious she started to move through the crowd.

"Hey where are you going!" Hako whispered as she grabbed Tokume's hand.

"I'm bored and something caught my attention plus everything he's saying I already know about. So, I'll be back and plus I'm pretty sure you'll fill me in. See ya!"

Hako let out a sigh and let go of Tokume's hand. Squeezing her away out of the crowd she finally made it out. Slowly walking over, she raised one hand, "Hey what's up."

The crouched person turned around revealing her face, small violet purple diamond eyes that seemed to be so confused like a child who lost their mother in a store. Her some of her dark amethyst hair covered the left side of her eye while the rest was in a long braid that went down to her hands. She slowly picked herself up and Tokume guessed she was around 5ft 4 so not much taller than herself. She wore a night black hoodie that seemed a bit too big for her, dark blue jeans that covered the top of her grey sneakers.

She just seemed like a normal person but it something felt off about her, Tokume couldn't figure out why but she just though it was her head messing with her.

"So, what you doing here? Something interesting?" Tokume tried to stir up a conversation.

"…," She kept quiet but pointed at the fountain where the water was.

"Hmm what you are pointing at," Tokume walked closer to find big fish with white and orange scales, "what kind of fish are those."

"koi." The girl softly whispered.

Tokume gave a soft smile filled with relief that things wouldn't get awkward, "Koi fish huh well they look pretty, first time I ever said something like that to a fish. So, what's your name?"


"Oh, sorry I guess it's kind of weird for someone to come to you asking for your name. Well, my name is Tokume! Nice to meet ya."

The girl opened her mouth and seemed like she was going to say something, but she was interrupted from multiple horns playing in the distance.

"Huh guess that's the sign, hey uh are you also part of the ceremo…ny," Tokume turned around and saw that the girl with the hoodie was gone. She disappeared without a trace or sound, "where did she go."

"Hey what are you doing standing there for?" Hako walked towards Tokume.

"Oh, uh nothing… so anything new they said?"

"Nothing much just that we got to win and have to make our opponent admit defeat or make them immobilized."

"Thought so nothing changed then really. Anyway, so what now do we wait longer or do we finally get in."

"That's what I came to get you for, it's time to go in."

Tokume gave a nod and followed along to the entrance of the castle. A bright scarlet red carpet greeted them as they entered in, peach colored walls that hung lighted candles spread everywhere. A chandler made of clear crystals hanged making it brighter than the sun.

"Why do they need candles if they got that thing lighting up the place.?" Tokume put her arm in front of her head covering her eyes.

Overhearing her question, the old man replied, "They are scented candles. They are just for a cosmetic show."

"That's why I keep smelling a strong lavender. Oh yeah what's your name?"

"Please call me Richard."

As they kept walking forward the red carpet split into three different ways, one leading up to two different stair ways leading a second floor, the other split into two different long corridors. Turning to the left they started walking again. Tokume's legs grew tired and sore from walking all day, Hako seemed like she was able to go on for hours as she stood tall and kept pushing forward. What seemed like hours of walking they both finally saw a spark of light.

A faint sound came from the light, Tokume thought it was her time and though some God was calling to her, but it as they grew closer it got louder and more collective. Collective? She though trying to understand of what's going on, but she understood as soon as she felt the shining sun.

Thousands of people cheered and yelled as they walked out. Hako's eyes lit up along with Tokume's white eye. It was a stadium filled with people it felt like the whole city was gathered up from the amount of people that were there. The field was a grey and hard concreate, as they walked more the crowd cheered louder.

"HHEEYY HAKO, TOKUME! GOOD LUCK!!" The two-sister looked up at the stadium and saw Shuka who was leaning out to the point where she could fall over at any moment. She was waving her hand and next to her was Fubushi who was holding Shuka's shirt to help her not fall.

The two awkwardly waved their hand as they felt the intense dagger stares from the other contestants filled with jealousy. Richard stopped in the middle of the arena and turned around to the contestants. Now that she thought about it how many where there of us? Taking a quick look, she estimated around a good 50 to 60 people where there. Thinking to herself that if that many people then how long is this going to take?

"If you may all look at the screen above it will show you when you are going against your opponent." Richard put his hand in the air showing everyone the humongous screen.

Tokume look long and hard to find her name, she couldn't find anything, but she saw Hako's the first to fight.

"Great just my luck." Hako sighed as she frowned.

"What! My fights aren't until later!" Tokume cried out as her hope for being first was crushed.

"Now before we begin some of you maybe be wondering. "What if my ability resorts around weapons?" You may use the weapons we provide but only if you need them to use your Halo Force to its fullest! Now then if you are not the first ones to fight, then please follow me to the stands, the two who are first when the horns go off you may commence." Richard explained as he led the others back to the stands where they will watch.

As they were leaving Tokume turned to Hako, "Good luck! I'll save a seat for you!"

This is orignally one long chapter but I will split it all into seprate ones.

LunaRenFA_11122creators' thoughts