
Another band and small trip for business.

It was the last week before school started back up. Max was on a trip to do some things in a place he set things in motion awhile back. The others recovering from the time they spent with the Amazons. Not speaking of it really.

Which Max believed to be odd. But left alone till he returned from his trip.

Smallville, Kansas

"So Singer.." The young woman asked slightly giddy. She couldn't get over how she landed the interview for her school. Today was one of the best days for Chole Sullivan. "Any way.. we can get a look of your face more, for the curious members of course?"

"Now now, can not do that. The mystery is what makes people look forward to the concerts." Max said calmly. His eyes looking deeply into Chloe's own. She could see the contact outline which didn't help with trying to figure out who he was. "But I promise to give you something satisfying at the end of course."

"Playboy." Clark scoffed. He was part of the AV group and was bothered by Singer. Mostly because his powers didn't work against him. And his speaking with everyone. Always saying the right thing. "Who is this guy?"

"Man you have to chill." Pete said. Seeing his childhood crush swoon over someone was not fun for him either. "Not like you like her, right?"

"What?!" Clark was startled. "I do not. Just think Chloe could do better. As well as several others that swoon.."

"Really Smallville, swoon? Pete can pull it off despite it being out dates. But you.." Lois said with a fuss. She was not happy about spending a summer week in Kansas. But her cousin snagging this was worthwhile at least. ".. need to get with the times."

"It's because of my dimples and my smooth tone." Pete said happily. Getting a compliment from Lois was enough to brighten his day from Clark grumbling. "You should hear me on the Saxophone. Do a good.."

"Pete, adjust the camera a little bit." Lana said. She was more interested in everything going well. Especially with the timetable they had. 'Get this over and I can go and help at the Talon when done.'

*Thunk!* The door closed as two people walked in. Lena Luthor and Maxmillion Wayne. The Max in the room was completely conjured by magic.

"So, enjoying things yet?" Lena asked him. Max just smirked as he leaned against the wall. "Not to bad is it?"

"I told you it was fine." Max answered. "No need to hype the place up anymore. You my dear, are worse then Lex."

"Thanks." Lena gave a full tooth smile and watched the interview with the rest. Speaking telepathically with Max while remaining quiet. 'So, investing more are we?'

'We?' Max gave a her a mental eyebrow raise. 'Since when it was we?'

'Since you rescued my brother in Baiyla. And you are a very valuable friend.' Lena gave him a sidelong glance that Pete took as her checking Max out. 'Or do you keep only a boy's club close to you?'

'Majority of my circle is females. Despite my best efforts to recruit more males. But then again..' Max did not take the bait. '..to many headbutts with the younger guys. All the other ones work great. John is coming around a little. But I am not making it easy for him. And a lot of the others.. well your brother is something else.'

'I still believe you should have made more with the contract with her. Not just helping her considering how smart she is.' Atlas the A.I. intoned. 'Why waste the resource.'

'Not all or meant to be.. messed with. Some are there for mental, emotional, and other support.' Max thought back to the A.I. Lately, it had questioned more. Which was fine. Max had a response for almost anything it asked. Was not his first A.I. that awakened to a sense of self. 'Some friends can do a lot. No matter what you become or do.'

'Very well.' Atlus responded promptly. 'The Scenario with Bruce Wayne is on course correctly after the adjustment. As well as.. Oliver Queen. I will make sure to pay attention an keep you apprised of the situation.'

Max was taken from his conversation thanks to Lena.

'I know.' Lena's tone was a little sad. 'He is not doing to well with the old man. Butting heads on policy. As well as health concerns. Lex came in and removed all the alcohol in the place. The argument turned physical.'

Max was aware of the problem but did not intervene. Lex wanted to handle it himself. Despite how foolish it was to do so.

'But Lex gave it to him good. He had security record everything before he started.' Lena had a small smile on her face. It matched with something said in the interview. She was good at playing both fields. 'He tossed Lionel in a bulletproof cell. Forced him to detox cold turkey style. Public statement was that he was sick and taking some time off in the company.'

'Heh, bold.' Max was impressed with the hard approach. 'It will either be good or bad.'

'Bad right now but good for what Lex fed the board of directors.' Lena leaned into Max subconsciously. She didn't catch herself till she felt his body heat a few seconds later. 'Several Project solutions that he gave credit to Lionel for. Some could tell it was Lex, but they said nothing. Trying to show good favor for later.'

'They look close.' Lois caught with a critical eye. The moment she thought it, Lena moved from Max with red in her cheeks. 'Spoke to soon. But something is there. Despite the rumor mill saying he dates older women. But that went up in smoke from what I heard on the wire. I wonder what else he is up to?'

'I will wait and take an approach to him later. No reason to make him antsy. Puberty makes us males act crazy.' Max turned to Lana. The interview was finished with the recording part. "Ms.Lana, I would like you to accompany me to the Tavern then to the caves later. Both will be illuminating to you."

"I was heading to the Tavern already, so no problem there. Lana thought nothing of that part really. Her aunt spoke a little on the phone with some one wanting to fix up the place. At first, she thought it was the Luthor's, but now seeing Max, things were a little different. "But why the caves?"

"Because of your blood, a few family members are there and I both a bit of the land from the locals. I am.. interested in it all really. I would think you may want to get in that avenue yourself? A few blogs suggest so anyway." Max let her think about it as he turned to the other room. 'Well, this is a fair enough outcome.'

"So, I promised a little reveal." Singer said getting to the door. Chloe all ears still excitied. "A new member to the band. Who will also sing her own songs. She will be my replacement in the future."

"Are you quitting?" Chloe was excitied at first but frown thinking the worse. Seeing the declining gesture, she was happy again. Despite Max stating none of the songs released were his own, the music was still good and the divide of the profits to different charities brought a lot of happiness from the people. "So what are you going to do then?"

"R&B, Soul, and a little Pop. Trying to decide if I should do a change-up in my clothes or let it be as is."

"Change your image!" Pete, Lois, and Chloe said togethor. The outburst causing them all to look away embarrassed.

Lana just blinked at Lois with Clark.

"Soo, a change it will be." Singer said scratching his mask. "Guess make a school event. Care to try your hand at the design Ms.Sullivan? No pressure of course. I do believe this young man can help in that avenue." He pointed at Pete. "He has a nice voice from what I heard. And reminds me of someone I heard about."

"I.. I.." Chloe stammered thinking it over. Lois came over and elbowed her giving her a firm look. "Right! I will do it! We will do it! Free of charge!"

"Yeah no. I will make sure you are paid." Singer said. Raising his hands to not hear any declining. "I am sure Mr.Wayne could use the good publicity for the company. Even if it is a side project."

"Yup. I am a bad man after all." Max said with a smile. "Smallville hear acts that way anyway. Especially with the hard stares he has given me. Like I killed his dog or bought his farm from under him."

"Sorry about that." Clark said a little sheepish. "Just feeling a little off is all."

"See, even he thinks you are Smallville. Smallville fits you perfectly." Lois said. A little to happy to put focus elsewhere.

"I will be in touch by next month." Singer gave a card to Chloe & Pete. "Just do not stress over it. This is for fun. If I find out you two are having stressful nights and going nuts, I am gonna have to pull the project and halt the release of the music. Later."

He left amongst a little clamoring. Weaving through the building until everything was clear. Entering the vehicle, he dissipated as it drove off. The others off to the Talon.




The group was a little boisterous coming in, but settled down soon enough. Lana went to get her aunt Nell Potter. The woman that raised her since the death of her parents all those years ago. Death by meteor storm and the resulting chaos that took a lot of people in the town over the years.

Pete was suprised his dad, Bill Ross was talking to Lena, a lawyer of the Luthor Corporation, and a teen female he never saw before. She gave him a wave that he returned a little to ecstatically.

Nell, Max, and Lana in the office.

"So my mysterious buyer, why such secrecy about things?" Nell questioned. She did not like deceiving her niece for the last few months, but she felt skeptic about things. "Are we going to put everything on the table now?"

"Well, hears the full contract offer. Read and then tell me what you think first?" Max said calmly. To the side, he had a old book wrapped up. "I rather not speculate on anything and to help drive home the serious of everything here. Which will reveal a lot about your.. situation. Some of it was hurtful. But it will reveal everything, I assure you."

The two read the contract over slowly. Max answering any questions they may have. Letting them make phone calls to check things over. As for himself otherwise, he thought about the increase in his magic lately. Way more than he thought before.

His spirit energy was recovering nicely. Showing signs of a new purity. Really weird shit from the ritual anyway that stopped getting those people out of with Constantine. Reminded him of something from the past. Something that irked him deeply.

"Hmm?" Max looked up at Lana. "Another question?" They both had signed and were done. Flipping through it, to make sure everything was ok, Max handed over the book to Lana. As well as a "Bracelet" to Nell. "The Bracelet will help protect you among other things."

*Shine!* The book lit up the moment Lana grabbed it and opened it up. A magical Force appeared out of the book that took the shape of a woman. A slightly older Lana. It entered Lana and thought to possess her.

"Margaret Isobel Thoreaux.." Lana and Max said togethor. A spell that entered her head the moment she signed the contract with her aunt. It triggered automatically to make sure everything goes the same. "..I name you and punish you for transgressions against the blood."

*Flicker!* The lights in the place flickered just a bit. A powerful magic at work. A few in town felt a sense of dread wash over them. It passed well enough.

"Uggh.. never want to do that again." Lana moaned. Her aunt caressing her back a bit. The soothing was enough supringsly. Which proved Max's theory that the Aunt had magic as well. So it was not from her father's side. "Lot of information.. she was not evil but not really good."

"So much happens in this town, but at least we have some help now."

"Yes." Max said simply. But try not to cause trouble until you get a handle of things. Magic is.. complicated. You should know that as the memories settle. Do yourself a favor and trust your aunt some more than hat the average typical dumbass teen does. Stuff will get weirder here lately. And a lot of bad."

"Right.." Lana said. The document also contained who and where her father's spirit was. As well as the fact her biological father was still alive. 'At least he will be in town for awhile. But why the caves?'

'Now Pete, how to get him on m side?' Max thought a few small plans to start up. More agents to watch the area and help him catch "Meteor Freaks" as they were called in the show Smallville. 'The factory should help anyway.'