
Refusing To Back Down

--- Lefiya's POV ---

Familiar faces were noticeably absent.

While I had known the names of those who had perished, it was an entirely different experience to witness the stark absence of their presence with my own eyes.

In my relentless pursuit of training and work, I had almost allowed myself to forget, to push the pain aside. But now, in this moment of respite, I had to confront and process the weight of the loss.

Laughter and camaraderie intertwined with the trials we faced together, forging bonds that seemed unbreakable...

Yet, the memories of the ravaged city still haunted my nights, threatening to engulf me in despair. The mere recollection of the devastation made bile rise in my throat.

My breath hitched as I fixed my gaze upon the chilling mural that stood before me.

With no corpses to lay to rest, the decision was made to etch their names upon this solemn masterpiece. It served not only as a reminder for Orario but as a beacon of resolve.

There was a culprit behind this tragedy, and until justice was served, Orario would not find solace.

However, deep down, I knew the Guild's words were a balm to quell the rising tides of anger and grief. It was a temporary salve for the shattered souls seeking answers. I couldn't forget that many outsiders had also fallen victim to this calamity.

My reverie was interrupted by the gentle touch of Riveria-san's slim hand on my shoulder.

"Lefiya, are you alright? You look pale..."

Riveria-san's voice reached my ears, grounding me in the present moment.

A wistful smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "On a day like this, how could anyone be alright? But what truly matters is-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Ren stepped forward to address the gathering, perhaps feeling the weight of the occasion pressing upon him.


I observed his cyan eyes scanning the crowd with an emotionless gaze. It was clear that his presence here was not driven by genuine concern or empathy. Strangely enough, this realization brought a sense of relief to my own expression.

Indeed, Ren's sole focus was Ais-san, so it was only natural for him to be indifferent to these deaths. In fact, he seemed unaffected even in the face of the countless corpses strewn about. It was as if such a sight had become commonplace to him.

What experiences had he gone through to become so detached? I wondered.

Despite his blunt admission that he didn't truly understand the depths of their grief, not a single person took offense. If anything, they seemed to admire him all the more for his straightforwardness. Perhaps it was because he didn't bother with empty platitudes as the Guild did. Whatever the reason, by the time he concluded his speech, I felt a slight weight lift from my shoulders.

Without wasting a moment, he stepped down from the stage and made his way to Ais-san, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Her expression of a woman deeply in love no longer bothered me as much. Irritation replaced annoyance, but I quickly realized the futility of acting like a spoiled child.

Wasting my precious time and energy trying to come between them would serve no purpose. Instead, I chose to stand by Ais-san's side, not attempting to engage her in a private conversation. After all, she was the person I looked up to, and I could confidently affirm that her partner in this life, despite his grumpy demeanor and inflated ego, was a kind soul who had eyes only for her.

For a woman, there was nothing more gratifying than that.

Following a brief conversation, we collectively offered our solemn tribute to the departed, vowing to honor their wishes and carry on their legacies. Despite the somber nature of the day, there was a sense of closure and unity that brought a glimmer of solace.

In the wake of this tragic experience, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of personal growth. It was as if the weight of the events had propelled me forward, pushing me to mature. I was genuinely grateful for this opportunity, and I vowed not to squander it.

I knew exactly what I needed to do.


"You can refuse to train me, ignore my pleas for guidance, but there's one thing you can't deny—I demand sparring matches with you. And let me tell you, I won't take 'no' for an answer. I'll attack you regardless!"

I pointed my finger at him, a threatening gesture meant to convey my determination. I dared him to reject me, to see who would back down first in this relentless game of wills.

To my surprise, a flicker of amusement crossed Ren's face, a fleeting moment where his lips curled into a semblance of a smile. It was a rare sight, one I had never witnessed before.

"You can certainly try," he replied, his voice laced with a mixture of challenge and warning. "But be prepared to regret it little Elf. I won't hold back just because you're weak."

His words, though harsh, did not deter me.

If I wanted to become stronger, if I wanted to be able to protect others so that Apocalypse didn't happen again, I had to break free from my self-imposed limitations.

"Don't underestimate the weak," I retorted, my voice filled with newfound determination. "I may not possess great power, but who knows? In the future, I might even surpass you."

It didn't matter how ridiculously strong he was or how his level probably exceeded 6.

I refused to let my fears drown me any longer. I was ready to face the challenges head-on and carve my own path to strength.

For them, this...

Was the last thing I could do.


Author's Note:

I believe you understood by now why this Volume is called "Revelation".

Many characters are understanding how to break free from their imposed limitations. For now Ais, Finn, and Lefiya are shown to have this special mindset.

It's important to add Hestia is also among them, but her situation is different, so it won't be categorized like theirs.

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