
Danmachi, Bell is not Bell?

A person is reborn in Danmachi, they do not have any special abilities but they will have a little bit of plot armor

KozzyBigBro · Cómic
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1 Chs


As I made my way into the Orario guild I thought about what I would do when I ran out of the money I had saved up. The best thing I could do right now was find the teller to turn in my drops and hurry home so I could have dinner with my goddess. I had to be the luckiest person alive to have found a place to stay in the city and a goddess that was just starting her familia as well. When I made it home my goddess was very happy to see me and had brought home some croquettes for us to eat, it was enough for tonight but I will keep working towards the goal to gain enough valis so she could stop working. Step 2 would be to either fix up this old church or find a new home somewhere within the city, I will need to find a way to gain strength at an increased pace somehow, I would need to find a way to farm the dungeon in a very efficient manner, if I could do that then eventually my progress in the dungeon will taper off before I get to the 15th floor maximum. I have to find someone to dungeon dive with as well. If I can find a smith or learn basic weapon upkeep from someone that would be preferred.

I know I suck at writing, I am just organizing my thoughts. please do not leave hate comments, thank you and be patient with me.

KozzyBigBrocreators' thoughts