
Eclipsing Shadow

Some times, it was never a really good idea to tempt fate because in all likelihood Fate, being the mean bitch that she was, would strike back with all the fury of a thousand suns. And sometimes it

would be at the most random of times in the day.

And for one white haired, crimson eyed, 15 year old adventurer, this could not have been more true as his current situation was the exemplar of that type of scenario.

'Karma's a bitch...'

His thoughts ran along the lines of his frustration. Bell Ōtsutsuki knew for a simple fact that the current predicament that he was in had been all because of his own acts of tempting, slapping and

figuratively doing all he could to piss Fate off. All his 8 year's of exploring and training alone in the Labyrinth in Orario, the most dangerous place in the known world mind you, had finally caught up

to him in this one simple act of what was supposed to be an easy request.

Collect 100 pounds of Kobold meat, he got it completed, and had the sack of meat conveniently held in one of his more unique abilities. Because he surely couldn't be running around with a giant

sack of meat while running away from a rampaging, bloodthirsty horde of Minotaur's now could he?

Not so much...

''RAAAGGH!'' the roar of maybe ten or twenty minotaur's, a rough estimate really, was barreling after him. No doubt all of them wielding some form of weapon formed from the very environment

of the Labyrinth itself. Seeing as the very thing, from his personal experience, was alive in of itself, truly he expected nothing less from the Mother of all the Monsters would equip it's children with

whatever weapons they needed. A name bestowed upon the Labyrinth by the Gods themselves seeing as the thing was just a giant womb to bring the creatures to life in the first place.

He should know, exploring the labyrinth for 8 year's by himself had allowed him to see the secrets of the labyrinth that most adventurer's would never realize in their lifetime. He had seen the birth

of many monsters, some small and some monumentally gigantic. The labyrinth was a mother, and in theory, wanted to protect it's children which was why it armed it's spawns with whatever they

needed to kill those that intruded inside.

And the children themselves were instinctively aware of their goal, some more so then others. However that wasn't the same for those that had grown far more powerful then they were originally

intended, if they became more sentient then they were bound to be far more dangerous then most of their brethren. But most monsters knew where they should reside, the strong dwelled only in

the lower levels of the weaker ones would reside at the top floors.

That's how it should be. How it was meant to be.

'But no, they had to go and fuck it up didn't they?' Bell's thoughts were the mirrored expression of his annoyance as he ran from the Minotaur's chasing him down all around the 6th floor of the

Labyrinth. Now one may wonder as to who Bell was referring to, and it could only be explained in three words. Three words that only brought him annoyance as he kept the Minotaurs on his tail,

and away from the other rookie adventurer's fleeing from this floor so they wouldn't be crushed by the rampaging group of monsters.

The Loki Familia

He knew them, they were one of the higher echelon of Exploration and Combat familia's residing in Orario. They were highly praised for their deed's in the Labyrinth, and the one familia to have

completed the most requests for the Guild. They brought back enough magic stones and rare items dropped from the monster's to bring in more merchants for Orario and in turn make it flourish

even more economically. However, unofficially their Captain, Finn Deimne, was the one to have purchased his maps of the deeper levels so it would lower the risk of their future expeditions.

He was a good man, apart of the declining Pallum race, but still a good sort Bell would admit, he'd seen him only a few times, but never actually spoke with him as either persona. However, from

just seeing him from the crowd he could tell the Captain of the Loki Familia was a very levelheaded and mature person, and one he could respect as an adventurer.

The same, however, could not be said for his subordinates, the very same who caused this mess in the first place.

Now one may wonder as to how Bell knew this particular detail, and that was because he knew the familia had made an expedition at the beginning of this month, and were due to return any day by

then. It was always a big topic that was spoken about amongst the lower level adventurer's and it served as a means for him to be on the lookout when delving into the labyrinth as his other

persona. And while he didn't know Finn's subordinates personally, he knew of them and their reckless behavior at times.

How he knew that was very simple...

5 Year's ago when he was 10 year's old he had been returning from the 66th floor only to stop when he reached the 35th floor. He had come across the Loki Familia, recognizing their banners, only

to see them being surrounded by a Monster Parade that the Labyrinth spawned onto them. It had been the first time he came across them, but to protect his identity and help them in some way he

utilized one of his abnormal techniques that couldn't be recorded by Hestia's Grace. It was powerful enough to shift the tide and help them crush the remaining monsters.

And under the cover of the smoke and confusion he remembered fleeing, but that's where his memory got fuzzy, as if something was there, but he just couldn't remember.

'One would think they would have learned to be more cautious since 5 year's ago, but their latest recruits don't seemed to have learned that lesson as of yet.' Bell thought to himself as turned a

corner only to grimace as he saw another adventurer strewn on the ground ahead of him, dead, and at the feet of a stray minotaur. Scowling deeply, he channeled his chakra throughout his legs and

arms, temporarily boosting his power. Moving faster he brandished his knife, then jumping to the wall of his left then right and then left he jumped toward the monster. Coming upon it's head he

came down in the blink of an eye, his knife piercing the minotaur's skull like it was wet paper.

As the body dispersed into black dust, Bell stopped even as the Minotaur's behind him came closer. He just knelt down at the corpse of another adventure that was killed by the Minotaur's

rampaging throughout the 6th floor. His red eyes gleamed in the darkness as his annoyance turned into anger as he looked upon another casualty of reckless behavior. It was one of the few he had

come across too late and were caught unawares by the monster's coming up from the lower levels. They were the unlucky few he couldn't save, and for each one only increased his anger for the

monster's that killed them and the familia that caused this.

'They're gonna pay for this...' taking his hand he moved it down the terrified face of the latest dead adventurer. It was a young girl, a little one possibly 13 or 12 by her appearance, and her face

was struck in a state of pure terror as her body was bisected by the minotaur from before. Closing her eyes forever from the world, Bell's own crimson orbs looked ahead to see the dead end

awaiting him, and felt the minotaurs closing in on him.

Another one was dead, and such a young girl at that, and all because the Loki Familia didn't get rid of the Minotaur's in time and let them escape into the upper floors.

It was always expected for adventurer's to always be in danger the moment they set foot in the labyrinth, it was apart of their career to always risk death. That couldn't be argued, and no selfrespecting

adventurer would try to argue that fact. But it was different for rookie adventurer's that just started their career, they were just adjusting to the first few floors and had no idea of the

dramatic shift of difficulty and quantity of monster's past the 13th floor. They had no idea and thus were unprepared when a group of minotaurs came up emerging from the lower levels and start

slaughtering them like cattle.

The difference in levels was just that huge...

The white haired young man finally stood up, and behind his bangs Bell's crimson eyes flared.

'They won't be getting off scot-free for letting this happen, but first...'

He felt them, their footsteps had slowed, but were more cautious and steady as they approached him, cornering him in the dead end. Their earlier rage tempered at seeing there target kill one of

their brethren in one swipe. Yet they still approached, their shuffling hoofs stamping among the dirt, their breathing impatient and their bloodthirst was almost, almost thick enough to suffocate

anyone focused upon by them.

Unfortunately, that meant nothing to the white haired young man before them. His anger towards them and those that caused this incident would have made their bloodthirst pale in comparison.

However, that anger soon calmed as Bell let out a breath and before their eyes he turned to look over his shoulder, his eyes smoldering.

And then, only then, did the minotaur's instinctively realize that it wasn't the young man that was cornered by them, but it was they who was cornered by something that couldn't be called human.

The crimson eyes of their target were flaring, glowing a baleful maroon that was completely unfit to be in the eyes of a human being.

They stopped, they froze as their hearts completely stopped beating, their lungs constricted, their bodies halted as their very soul froze in petrified terror as those eyes fell upon them with all the

coldness fit for something that was above them in terms of being a monster. Before those eyes, they were the prey, they were children, they were the ants before the predator. They could do

nothing as an oppressive pressure fell upon their shoulders causing their knee's to buckle and their instinctual driven desires to go wild. Yelling, screaming, roaring with all the desire to just live, too

just flee.

Flee from this monstrosity!

'Enough is enough, no more will die here! This is as far as I'll let this continue!' and with a brief flash, Bell's eyes narrowed into smoldering embers while he changed the grip of his knife into a

reverse grip. With the blade gleaming, wind beckoned at his unspoken command, molding and shaping along the length of his blade, forming a blade of wind stretching out from the original blade.

Then...then Bell attacked.

And then the minotaur's knew how much of a mistake they made...

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Go! Go! Go! Faster! Faster! Faster!

A wind sped fast all over the 6th floor of the Orario Labyrinth, the force and velocity of the wind could be considered to be at the level of a tornado as it sped all over. Slaying every minotaur in it's

intended path, and those left behind were crushed by a just as fast gray blur. The wind sung sharply as the streaked across the halls and chambers killing every minotaur or monster it came across.

However in that windstream of sharp blades and singing gusts of wind, there was a blur of gold that flew with the speed of a fairy. Its long streaks of bright gold mixed in with the turbulent winds

made it out to be both breathtakingly beautiful and dangerous to anyone caught in its path. There was no hesitation as it flew, its golden streaks left only monster's exploding into black mist as it

covered the 6th floor in speed nigh unmatched by most.

Faster! Faster! Faster! I need to go FASTER!

That mantra was repeated within the mind of the one whom commanded this stream of wind, and the element seemed to beck at her unspoken plea as it sped up even faster. Increasing her velocity

more and more until she was more then a blur, vanishing in the blink of an eye. Killing everything in it's path until...

''AIZ! Hold on a second!"

Suddenly, the wind stopped...

Abruptly, the wind halted and unfurled upon itself, with the velocity and speed still in due process it slammed against the walls of the Labyrinth causing it to crack as it all at once dispersed. Once it

did, unveiled within that once speeding bullet of golden wind was something one would not at first expect to be the cause of that unnatural phenomena.

Long golden hair flared to the side whilst equally majestic golden eyes gleamed within a barely noticeable amount of annoyance, not at the source of the voice, but of the situation at hand. It was a

young woman, a very beautiful woman with a healthy pale complexion and a slender body, but having a toned physique that spoke of equal measure in immense speed, power and flexibility. The

woman wore an attire that was reminiscent to a Knight's however it consisted of only a metal headband, a chest plate that covered only her shoulders, arms, and upper chest. She had brown

leather gloves beneath her armored sleeves, two metal plates protecting her wide hips and metal leg-plates. Beyond that she wore a blue and blackless outfit that reached barely past her waistline

and which covered the underside of her right breast.

And held firmly in her right hand was her personal sword of choice, it was of a peculiar design with a metallic crooked shaped pommel and black leather wrapped handle and a thick rectangular

guard. Strangely coming from the guard and along a quarter length of the blade was another piece of metal that was bent at 90 degree's where at the end had an arrow pointing straight up the

blades length. The blade itself was about 4 foot in length and was double-edged.

The young woman was in fact one of the key members of the Loki Familia, one of their strongest and one of the strongest official adventurer's sanctioned by the Council of the God's and Goddesses.

This young woman was named Aiz Wallenstein, the highly praised Sword Princess that was highly admired amongst Orario for both her beauty and skill. Her long golden hair and eyes that were like

liquid gold set her apart from most others and made her the envy of many women and the target for many males advances.

Yet she held no interest in either, she had a much more desirable goal and the only way she would reach that goal was to put herself through what's been doing for the past 5 year's. Throwing

herself into combat to make herself strong, stronger then anyone imaginable. So strong she would reach the precipice that even the God's were wary of. The very same precipice that her goal, her

desire stood upon.

Turning her gaze onto her fellow familia member Aiz tilted her head to the side in what was almost innocent curiosity or bewilderment.

''Why did you tell me to stop, Bete?'' she questioned in what was almost a demand, but none could really blame that from her tone of voice seeing as the situation they were in was very dire.

Bete Loga, apart of the Loki Famillia stopped by her to catch his breath. He was a young man appearing around 17 or 18 with light gray shaggy hair which had a pair of dog ear's popped up from the

messy hair. He had a tanned complexion with a jagged purple tribal mark going down the underside of his left eye, and his amber eyes were narrowed in both annoyance and apprehension. He had

a black choker around his neck, a gray jacket with a white fur collar and black pants that went down to his ankles which was wrapped by a tan leather belt. He also had on a pair of pure white

forearm protectors that went all the way up to his elbows and mithril boots that gleamed in the dark labyrinth.

Bete scowled as he caught his breath before he spoke, ''Be careful, I know we didn't get them all and Tione and Tiona already found a few more...corpses.'' he frowned at that, to which Aiz's eyes

narrowed in a rare flash of anger, at herself which was shared by the man.

This was their mistake, one caused by their own arrogance and ignorance of the situation prior. Their expedition was traveling back up from the lower levels only when they came to the 17th floor

they came upon a massive group of Minotaur's coming toward, and in a swell of arrogance and pride, they held back most of their power when dealing with the minotaurs, just to release some

steam yet this caused them to escape to the upper floors. A mistake they tried to stop, but in the end they all saw the consequences of their actions each time they went up a floor.

Dead adventurer's caught off guard or those that were simply unable to fight the minotaurs and were systematically ripped apart by the rampaging monsters. They were reminded of that

consequence every time they saw the bodies and for each death, the weight of their actions weighed heavily upon each of their shoulders.

Aiz eyed her fellow teammate before she shifted her gaze toward another hallway.

''I know, but there is still more, I can feel it in the wind. They are...close and if we can get rid of them now we can avoid more casualties.'' she said, which caused Bete's scowl to lessen if only to a

degree. He knew of her only magical ability, the Tempest Ariel, an ability that allowed her to manipulate the wind into a rushing gale around her body and sword, granting her an armor of wind that

allows for her to attain extremely high speeds and anything that comes into contact with it would be cut apart at the very seems.

However it also granted her a passive susceptible level to feel the wind around her, to feel it and any changes or shift in the wind. Which has alerted her and the familia to surprise attacks on more

than one occasion.

''I see, but still while the minotaur's are a problem I can't help but feel something's wrong.'' he said, his sensitive nose twitching to the peculiar scent around him. His ear's twitched ever so slightly

while Aiz looked at him with a tilt of her head.

''What do you mean? What do you sense Bete?'' she asked which made the half man-half dog grit his teeth as his amber eyes narrowed even more as his senses flared up. His overly sensitive

senses allowed him to feel any abnormalities in the world then most others, and right now he felt something was off. Very off. The goosebumps that were crawling upwards from his legs and arms

and the the cold chill of dread that was going up his spine only furthered this fact.

''I-I don't know! The air...it feels heavy, but it's more then that...there's something wrong here Aiz! Something is here...something dangerous...'' he whispered, but Aiz caught in, but just as she was

about to respond.

She suddenly felt what Bete was worried about only now it made itself apparent throughout the 6th floor.


The wind screamed with a fear that was both unholy and yet terrifying enough to cause Aiz's soul to freeze.

Golden and amber eyes alike both widened as all of a sudden an immense weight fell upon them, crashing down upon their shoulders, it caused their knee's to buckle under the strain. But then

came the anger, the anger that followed flooded the labyrinth like a tsunami, it came down upon them. The anger was immeasurable, it was thick and heavy, making it hard to breathe for the two,

sweat poured from their heads as they tried in vain to even remotely move their bodies beneath the magnitude of the pressure and anger falling upon them.

''W-w-what is...this?!'' Bete grunted out as used all his power to just himself standing while Aiz on the other hand was having an almost equally amount of trouble standing. Yet she pushed herself

up even as the alarms in her head rung loud and true, for the third time in her life Aiz felt that cold chill of dread wash over her body. A familiar chill that froze her soul and made her instinctively

aware that she was beyond any hope of salvation.

She knew this presence!

Her eyes widened exceptionally as her body became accustomed to the pressure and the anger that washed over her, her golden eyes slowly closed as she took hold of this feeling, holding it in her

hands before pulling it close. To which her minds eye flashed to a memory long lost from the depths of her mind.

Monster's surrounded her small frame, her fellow adventurer's torn apart piece by bloody piece.

She was cornered, her body bloody and injured, the color of crimson, her blood was smudged in her normally bright gold hair. Her equally gold eyes wide in petrified terror as the monsters closed


Then as the monster's made to consume her, in a flash of swirling wind and white hot burning flames, a cloaked young man came down slaughtering everything in his path. Monster's easily

obliterated and reduced to ashes before her eyes.

And the form of the black cloaked individual kneeling before her, his presence was warm yet equally terrifying. His masked visage sending her a visage that tormented her for weeks to come, but

beneath that mask she saw what took hold of her terrified soul and protected her from what was surely to be her demise.

Warm crimson orbs stared into her golden eyes, for what was like hours, days, weeks, months, years when it was only a short few seconds. Yet in that small time frame she felt the presence of her

savior, when she looked into his eyes his warm, comforting atmosphere figuratively wrapped around her body like a blanket that would have protected her from even the harshest of times.

A comforting leather gloved hand ruffled her blonde hair sent waves of warmth coursing through her body, easing her state of terror and calming her fear as she looked upon his cloaked and

masked appearance. In that moment, even as he disappeared before her very eyes, even as he faded from her eyes in nothing more then a blur of motion. His eyes of the purest crimson was held

steadfast in the very deepest part of her mind, the eyes of the one who saved her life. She would remember those eyes for the rest of her life as his words drifted away as he vanished amongst the


"You're safe now."

Her eyes snapped open in shock before Aiz stood up completely surprising Bete before she activated her ability to pick up speed before she flew down, ignorant of the worried shouts of Bete behind

her. Everything in her mind was blocked out, nothing mattered to the blonde as she sped toward the source of where she felt the presence. Desperation built up from year's of searching fueled her

body, repelling the instinctive fear her body felt from the pressure and anger that washed over her.

For her soul swelled in bliss for the anticipation of seeing him again.

It mattered little too her for she could feel it, beneath that pressure, beneath that anger, she could feel his presence again after so long. That warm atmosphere of the young adventurer who saved

her 5 year's ago from certain death. The very same whose existence was legendary among Orario and even in the known world. The very same man who granted her the solace in which she always

wanted to experience as a child, but could never receive until 5 year's ago. The one thing her mother had in her father, something she cherished and wanted to feel for herself.

A Hero.

'He's here...the one I've been searching for! I wouldn't mistake that presence for anyone else!' her thoughts were rampant as she thought about him. He had saved her from certain death, he had

become what her father was too her mother, he came down from like the fairy tales her mother used to read to her all the time and he saved her like a Knight would a Princess. But unlike in the

stories, he never stayed and vanished from her eyes before her familia found her.

Yet there was a certain abnormality as her Hero was the very same man who was infamous amongst the God's and Goddesses, the very same man whose name was spoken of in both reverence and

fear. The man who went under the alias that was placed upon him by the deities from their own caution of him. Her Hero, the one she sought day after day whenever she could, despite the thinly

veiled attempts by her familia to discontinue her search, was in fact the very same name that was the eternal enemy of the Gods in ancient times.

Her Hero was...

'Diablo!' a small smile crossed her features as her body went on autopilot, following after the presence with all the drive she's built up since 5 year's ago. She could feel it, closer and closer it came

and the more she closed in the more her smile grew. Her long hair billowed behind her as her eyes caught upon a four way crossing, but the presence she felt was near. So close that...

'The left!' speeding closer Aiz Wallenstein sped towards the corner to turn on the left, excitement fueled her slender body as she would finally come face to face with her savior after so long. To

finally see him after 5 long year's apart, to hopefully hear the words she's wanted to hear from him the moment she set her path to become as strong as she was today.

But that reality shattered as she turned the corner and stopped dead on her feet, her eyes widened as the pressure and the anger completely evaporated around her. And what replaced it was a cold

atmosphere that saturated the entire 6th floor to the point it brought goosebumps throughout her body. Golden eyes widened slowly as she fully came back to her senses enough to realize their was

someone walking past her, the footsteps were light, almost undetectable, but they were there regardless.

Slowly, she turned her head to the side, casting her gaze to the right of her body just in time to see something that made her let out a small gasp of surprise. Golden eyes widened more and more

as she looked upon a sight that would paint a picture as to what she could describe as being ethereal, divine and yet so cold in almost every way imaginable. No one, not even her Goddess Loki,

gave off such an atmosphere as she looked upon the appearance of the one who stood beside her.

The purest of white hair shined brightly amongst the dark cavern's of the labyrinth. It was wavy in a sense, but it's stark white shade lit up the darkness. Then she took a second to look upon the

body of the one who was there, it was a young man that was an inch or two smaller then her. He had low-budget equipment on his body, but a strangely her mind were drawn to the most important

aspect of the person before her.

It was his eyes, and then she realized for an almost imperceptible second, that the eyes of the young man were boring straight into her own. Then the world froze around her as gold met a pair of

royal crimson that glowed with a deep inner maroon. Her body shook from the unbidden waves of shock that crashed into every part of her body as she looked into those eyes. Eyes she hadn't

forgotten and kept within the depths of her mind. Those were the eyes she remembered, those were his eyes, the eyes of her savior!

''D-Diablo...?'' her soft spoken inquiry pierced the cold atmosphere coming off the young man beside her who, for a fraction of a second, narrowed his glowing crimson eyes before he stared deeper

into her golden orbs before they widened by a margin. But that too vanished into an impassive stare that would have frozen anything if he so wished it. Instead, Aiz felt a sudden shift, before those

beautiful crimson eyes shifted. They morphed as 3 intricate patterns stretched and made themselves known, but before she could fully realize the unique pattern in those eyes she heard only one

word before her world succumbed to darkness.


Bell watched impassively as the young woman before him stilled once he spoke before her golden eyes grew hazy before she started to fall. Her body sagged and she stumbled before he caught her

so she didn't fall, gently he laid her against the wall. And for a small moment he just stared at the young woman before him with an impassive expression. Then he just closed his eyes, cutting off

the chakra to his eyes before he placed his hand on her head and ruffled her gold hair in a slow, but comforting gesture.

Letting go, he turned around and walked away as he felt the other presence quickly coming to his location, and he made his way out with the minotaur threat secured. But as he walked away he

allowed himself to give a small smile that was masked in the darkness. A chuckle escaped him before he spoke to seemingly himself as a memory from 5 year's ago flashed before the forefront of

his mind. The memory he had long forgotten, of the girl he saved 5 year's ago, of the face of the young girl who stared at him that day with both fear and awe that day. Her golden eyes pierced into

his soul that day, and left him with a mark he's carried to this very day.

His smile grew as he walked on further before his body disappeared into the darkness, but as Bell disappeared his words were carried on along the air before traveling to the unconscious blonde


"You've grown up to be very beautiful and very strong, little angel."

However unknown to even Bell at that time, he never saw the small smile form on Aiz's angelic features, her eyes creaked open ever so slightly only to watch his back as he left her. However, this

time she couldn't find it in herself to be disappointed as this time she had seen him, that was him, there was no doubt in her mind now. That had been her savior, that had been the man who saved

her life as a child.

That was her hero!

Finally, a picture of the man who was the epitome of her desires was painted in her mind's eye. Those crimson orbs that she dreamed of finally had a face that belonged with it, even if that face was

one of a young man who appeared to be younger then her didn't deter Aiz in the slightest. Falling back to sleep peacefully, Aiz allowed a her smile to grow as she had one last fleeting thought before

she fell back under the sway of Bell's spell.

'His shadow...it's as eclipsing as ever...you truly are the strongest aren't you?'

The moment Bell left the labyrinth and turned in the meat for the request after bringing it out with his ability, he had stumbled his way into town, intent on heading to the Hostess of Fertility just so

he could keep his promise to Eina tonight. She needed the day off and he was hellbent on giving her a night to relax and let off some steam. Even with the state he was in, he was completely intent

on giving her a night of luxury and relaxation.

But the events of what happened in the labyrinth left a dark and hazy impression on him, the incident wouldn't be covered up. He was sure Finn being the man he was wouldn't dishonor the deaths

of those that died because of his subordinates reckless behavior by trying to cover it up, but would inevitably do all he could to protect his subordinates from severe punishment, he was just that

type of person. He was selfless in that, and for that he could respect him.

Yet that didn't mean he wouldn't want to see them punished, and by chance the Loki Familia did try to cover it up, he'd step in as his other persona and personally make them evaluate their actions.

He wasn't afraid of facing the familia if it meant protecting the honor of those that couldn't fend for themselves in the labyrinth. Those that died were unable to defend from the minotaur's and were

caught up in the arrogance of Finn's subordinates so he would crush the familia and oppose even Loki should it ever come down to that.

While he took priority to become strong so he could protect Hestia and his loved ones, he also held a code to protect those that couldn't protect themselves. Which was why, if by chance the Loki

familia did try to cover up the death's they caused, he wouldn't hesitate to bring down his full power on them for their sake.

Though Hestia would tear into his hide for doing something so outrageous, he just couldn't let those kind of thing's slide when he could have done something about it.

'Still, I guess out of the entire incident something good came of it...she really has grown.' Bell thought wistfully on the young woman who had come running toward his location. When he slew those

minotaur's he had felt her coming and quickly began to seal back his power prematurely. Yet in the end, he underestimated how quickly she would arrive and in the end she found out about him.

How? Because he knew she knew just by the look in her eyes and the fact she muttered his other persona's alias in such a manner.

Yet he couldn't really find it in himself to be worried, there was something in her eyes that told him she wouldn't spill his secret to anyone. However, it was also in those eyes that told him she was

actively seeking him out, which answered his own question as to who was looking for him so fervently for all these years. He now had a name and the appearance of the one who wanted to see him

so much, but he never thought it would be the girl he saved when he was 10 year's old.

...She had really grown up from the little pipsqueak who couldn't have even reached his chest at the time. He could just look at her and realize she had grown not only very beautiful but also very

very strong because that girl he saved turned out to become renowned Sword Princess of the Loki Familia, Aiz Wallenstein.

What were the odds?

His red eyes lit up for a moment when he saw the Hostess of Fertility coming in sight, and he allowed a small smile to grace his features when he saw the familiar form of Eina standing by the

entrance. But just as he was about to greet her...


Suddenly, Bell grimaced and grit his teeth as another surge of his power lashed out within his body, tearing and ripping away within him. This was the consequence of letting out a bit of his power

without unlocking the seal's he place on his own power. It was a forced output of his power and to prematurely lock it away when Aiz was coming toward him had caused a backlash on his own body.

Though he hid it well, the fact of the matter was, Bell had a lot of power more then most could comprehend which was why such power lashed out against his body and would tear into his muscles

and bones if treated in such a manner. This was his consequence and yet even as his muscles tore and his bones cracked under the pressure, he still kept a straight leveled expression. Even if each

step he took felt like he was walking through an ocean of lava he would not allow himself to show any amount of pain infront of Eina right now. This was her night, and he would not allow himself to

show any pain infront of her.

''Hey Eina-chan!'' he called out, leveling out his posture as he made his way toward her, and for a moment he took in her appearance with an appreciative gaze. The young woman was only showing

why he found her natural beauty to be so appealing as she wore casual clothing consisting of a light yellow long sleeved shirt that was opened up with a frilled top around her neck and chest

allowing for a bit of cleavage to show, though not glaringly so. Then she had on a red miniskirt that went down just a few inches below her waist. On her legs she wore black stockings that reached

all the way up her long legs until they stopped about half way to reaching her skirt and her on her feet she wore what looked to be brown dress shoes.

Overall, Eina in casual clothes was a welcome change to Bell and for a moment he completely forgot about the pain his body was in as his cheeks flushed slightly at her appearance. ''Wow...''

Apparently Eina heard him as she turned to him with a nervous and embarrassed flush, but her smile was matched only by the sun itself in it's warmth. Her emerald eyes sparkled when she looked

at him, and for one reason or another he felt his heart do a flip at the sight of her. Zeus help him, why did Eina have to be so gorgeous?!

''Ah Bell-kun!'' her voice was like a melody that soothed his aching body, and he let out a sigh as he approached her. Beforehand he had cleaned himself up as best he could before he made his way

here, only he disregarded his jacket back at the church. This left him with only his long sleeved black t-shirt, black pants, brown belt and his boots. While strapped ever presently was his knife on his

left hip, but overall Bell felt a certain satisfaction that even in his sealed form he could appear to be somewhat appealing if Eina's appreciative gaze was anything to go by.

''Glad to see Misha passed on my message, seeing as you came Eina and I gotta say you look...really dazzling.'' he had to comment causing her to let out a small giggle yet her blush grew darker

from his comment, but the rare playful smile that came upon her features, that only enhanced her appearance, made his stomach do a spin.

''You don't look so bad yourself Bell-kun.'' she said causing his own cheeks to darken. Ah shit.

''Ehm yeah thanks, so shall we go in?'' he asked to which she gave a nod and she walked inside firstly, followed closely behind Bell. But as they were reaching the counter, Eina's eyes discreetly went

to Bell's side and for a moment she gazed at him until a soft smile graced her face. Her emerald eyes closed in content as she surprised the white haired young man when she grabbed his hand in

her own causing his cheeks to darken.

'I may have mistook what he said before, but now after Misha's encouragement and the fact that I'm here with him, I'm gonna enjoy this for all I can.' the half breed's cheeks flushed scarlet as she

pulled Bell alongside her, missing his wince and ignoring his feeble attempts to make her let go. And the warmth she felt coursing through his hand and into her body only made her smile grew as

she squeezed his hand just a tad tighter.

It was time to have fun!

It was time...

That was the thought of Hestia, The Goddesses of the Hearth and Family, her deep blue eyes stared down at the scroll in her hands, a message sent to her like with every God residing in Orario. The

letter was in fine print an invitation to what was Ganesha's annual Feast he had every year just before every Monsterphilia every year. It was a feast that was for the God's and Goddesses them

alone. It was a place where they could relax, unwind and speak with their fellow deities without any restrictions or formalities with their familias present.

But this one was different, because in the letter, at the very bottom held the insignia of their homeworld, the Heaven's with the sun coming over the horizon.

It was the sign of what was also being held at the party for those select few that received the emblem in the first place.

The God's Council was about to take place, the meeting between the deities who held major power amongst the Heaven's. A Council of only a rare select few deities could attend, one that decided

the fate of many happening's in the Lower World. It was a meeting that was held only every 5 year's, and the last meeting had been all about hunting down her beloved Bell, slandering him with the

alias that was the name of their worst enemy in the world.


For a moment, in the darkness of her and Bell's humble little abode, Hestia's long black hair flashed bright red as her control over her godly power slipped. Her bright blue eyes gained an ethereal

glow as her expression morphed into a deep scowl as her energy incinerated the scroll into nothing, but ash. Her body flashed, her anger spiking as she thought about her fellow God's attitude

toward her one and only familia dependent and the target of her affections.

For year's Bell had done everything in his power to ensure she was protected, well fed and gave her anything she wanted. He wiped away her debt to her fellow deities, and continued to support her

and pull her out of trouble. He had sworn himself to her, both body and soul and for that there was little she could offer in exchange for such loyalty, for such admiration. He took care of her, stayed

by her side whenever she wanted him to. He was always there, with her heart in his hands, and for that love she held for him she could not allow this to continue.

She could not allow her fellow deities to treat Bell, the man she loved with all her being, like this anymore. It was one thing to give him the alias as Diablo because she personally found it appealing

to his character. But this time, it was clear of what they wanted to do to him.

And she would not allow that...

''So, their gonna try and lock up Bell-kun, hm? Well I think it's about time I stopped letting them do what they please.'' Hestia spoke with a voice that was so unlike her. It was cold, unforgiving, but

after what they've done to Bell, she could find no ounce of mercy in her to give to her fellow deities. If they wanted to continue pursuing Bell, and potentially hurt him or those around him.

Then by her power over the Heaven's, she would remind them why only her brother, Zeus, could stand against her...

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