
An Unexpected Day

A short 16 year old boy with short messy hair, a hoodie and jeans. Feng Wu, who has been nicknamed "Little Helper," in his neighborhood, is strolling outside on his long awaited weekend. Living in a small town, he helps the people around him without requesting anything. With the sun shining, and birds chirping, Feng Wu is happily enjoying his time. Walking through the market area, he looks around seeing the hustle and bustle of the busy market on a Saturday morning.

"Hey Feng, can you give me a hand with this box?" shouted a man in a bloody apron, standing near a truck full of boxes.

"Heya Mr. Packs, fresh meat in today?" Feng said while walking over.

"Yeah, if you give me a minute I'll cut some for you to bring home!" Mr. Packs responded as he laughed.

"That would be great, but dad is trying to stop eating as much meat due to his new diet, so I think we'll pass this time." Feng laughed as well while grabbing a box.

"Well, if you're ever in the area and need some quality meat, you can always come knockin!" Mr. Packs said as he closed the truck and smacked the door twice. "Thanks for helping as always, oh! Take this at least, not a whole lot, but better than nothing," Mr. Packs reached into his pocket and pulled out a few crumpled up bills.

"Nah, Mom would be upset if I got money for helping with something like this! Next time I'll just ask you for some better cuts!" Feng laughed again as he started to walk away.

"Haha, same as always. Be careful of strangers! Always worried you're gonna get yourself in trouble with your careless attitude." Mr. Packs said, then turned around and walked into his store

Feng kept walking, while waving to the workers in the stores, until he spotted a girl he'd never seen before shaking and sitting on a curb outside the small shopping mall.

"Hey everything okay?" Feng asked as he walked up next to the girl.

"AH!" The girl yelped, startled by Feng.

"Oops, sorry, didn't meant to scare ya, just wanted to see if everything was okay." Feng said while looking at the girl, with long red hair, a cute face with freckles and casual clothes. He wondered to himself 'Huh...I don't think she lives around here...maybe she just moved here?'

"Sorry, I was looking for my parents, but I got lost and I don't have my cellphone to call them," the girl muttered as she kept looking at the ground.

"Use mine, your parents are probably worried," Feng reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone and passed it to the girl.

"Thank you...my names Renee, it's nice to meet you. My parents and I came to this town a few hours ago, but I got distracted looking through the windows of the stores and lost them..." Renee spoke softly as she took the phone and started dialing.

"Well, welcome to Woodchip, it's a small town, but generally everyone is pretty nice around here. You can usually ask any of the store workers for some help too." Feng laughed as he sat down next to Renee.

After a short talk on the phone, Renee passed back the phone to Feng "Thanks, my parents said to stay where I am and they'll come find me right now... do you have some time to stay with me for a little bit?" she asked nervously.

"Sure, nothing planned today except some homework later and some gaming. Oh! I'm Feng Wu by the way, they call me "Little Helper" around the town. I usually help with small jobs and chores while I'm walking around the area." Feng laughed as he put the phone back in his pocket.

"Thank you again for letting me use your phone, I get scared easy talking to strangers. Wish I could be a bit more like you..." Renee shyly said.

"Ah, I used to be like that. I would get scared the moment someone came up to me and start freezing up. Took me years and my brothers leaving me in the mall before I started being able to talk to strangers," Feng said as he looked up at the sky.

"That sounds mean, why would your brothers leave you by yourself?" Renee asked quizzically.

"Nah, they were just trying to help me get over talking to strangers, it's like when someone tells you they'll hold on to your bike when you take your training wheels off, then they let go and you don't even notice, and you're just wobbling forward until you start pedaling yourself," Feng said while imitating riding a bike.

They laughed and started chatting. A few minutes went by when Renee saw her mom.

"MOM!" Renee shouted while hopping up.

"Renee! We were so worried, are you okay?" Renee's Mom jogged over with a worried look on her face.

"Yep! Feng stayed with me and kept me company," Renee said while smiling.

"Thank you so much Feng, if you haven't ate yet we would be happy to get food with you too," Renee's Mom said while hugging Renee.

"Oh, thank you, but I have to go! Homework to do, games to play, and people to help!" Feng got up too as he smiled.

"Mom can we give Feng a ride home at least?" Renee asked while pulling on her mom's sleeves.

"It's fine! I enjoy walking around the area, it's my relaxing time! Hopefully I'll see you again before you leave, you can call me any time," Feng said while turning around and started walking away.

After Feng walked out of sight, Renee turned to her mom and whispered something in her ear. Renee's Mom smiled and nodded, turning around and walked off. Renee stood there smiling to herself and looking at the sky "Found one..."

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first try at writing a light novel. Please leave me any feedback or suggestions!

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