
Damien: The child from hell

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What is Damien: The child from hell

Lee la novela Damien: The child from hell escrita por el autor AshafokheGlory publicada en WebNovel. It had been foretold about the coming of the Antichrist, a child who would represent the Devil from hell dominating the world with his tyranny and his counterfeit kingdom. Robert Thorn an american dip...


It had been foretold about the coming of the Antichrist, a child who would represent the Devil from hell dominating the world with his tyranny and his counterfeit kingdom. Robert Thorn an american diplomat who knew nothing of this child origins secretly adopts the him, just so he could be the replacement of his wife's dead son without her finding out. After five years, strange events plague the Thorns following the death of Robert's second unborn child and his wife. Will Robert be able to kill Damien before it too late. Find out more in this thrilling yet horror short novel DAMIEN, the child from hell.

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Let's create story's instead of wasting time

Hey, dear readers before I start with the Synopsis i want to give you some informations which would be important if you're interested in my story: - I'm a teenager who lives in germany but is originally georgian (the country) and italian so english is not my first language, if there will be any mistakes please let me know - I have started to write 3 story's around the year 2020 in december which are not complete but I'll finish them if I'll have the inspiration. All of 3 story's are written in germany. This story is my 4 th story in english as you can already tell.. Obviously - This story contains mature theme not only but also ab*usem*nt, se*, discr*min*tion and so on. So if you aren't made for these things or just don't tolerate these themes I'd rather you not to read my story for good only.. if you know what I'm trying to say. Thank you that was everything for now :) -Synopsis- Imagine to be a 14 year old girl in a small village in the middle of nowhere you could say. This town is excluded from the outside world. No big electricity connection. No contact to the other town cities. She gets abused every day since she's 7 years old and still she tries to face this misterious and misunderstood world. Her mother blames her for his brother and father leaving. Meanwhile her future is waiting for her she will become that what her. Everything happens for a reason even if it's not meant to be. Will she survive? And find out what the future has prepared for her? Will she get justice in the world? Will she get revenge? And will be able to help those peoples in need and eventually find her missing brother and father? Who knows?... A new chapter starts.. Now! ----------------->

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"I really don't want your apology, Tim," Chloe said. "I would prefer you didn’t treat me like some unwanted stranger you can’t wait to be rid of." There was a throb of irritation in her voice. "I don't treat you like a stranger. Things are just different now." Timothy replied. "Oh please" replied Chloe. "All you did in there was frown whenever my name was mentioned. And let's not even talk about the cold manner in which you have spoken to me since I arrived. You look like this is the last place you want to be just because I'm here. Am I really that vile?" Timothy said nothing. Instead he gritted his teeth and shoved his hands into his pocket. Even in her anger, Chloe noticed him... Every inch of him... And his smell. She could pick out his unique scent. Rough. Masculine and mouthwateringly sexy. It made no sense to her, but she was attuned to his every nuance. The man she had called her best friend until a dizzying series of events dissolved the title like sugar in hot water stared at her dispassionately. It was a good thing they were outside and she hoped that he couldn't see the hurt and disappointment on her face. The look wasn't just in his eyes. It seeped through every shrug, every curl of lips she had once thought were the most perfectly created set of lips on earth. She looked deeper, pathetically desperate to find something else. Something more. A reminder of those times when they would talk to each other for hours, and resume conversations the moment they saw one another again. But clearly the Tim she knew had been replaced by a harder, edgier version of a Timothy Kavell - Packard. He was hard and edgy and cynical to start off with. If she had known that he hated her this much, she wouldn't have agreed to his parents' offer to have dinner with them. She had agreed because a stupid part of her had hoped that somehow, they would fix things and be friends again... And she was just beginning to see how wrong she had been....

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General Audiencesmature rating