
The Start

Ugh, I hate myself.

All I think about is what's best for me and not for my family.

Why do I get to suffer being a disgusting noble while others work hard for their own sake.

I don't know anymore.

I think I've been walking for about 11,362 steps now and 8 carriages passed by me towards where I came from. I feel tired ._.

I need to rest for a while.

I sat next to a tree and before I knew it I dozed off.

I woke up from my stomach growling so my hunger already bited me in the ass. Ah, I wish I could eat those roasted beef that my maid is cooking.

I only wish but I guess I should get my own food now.

I've been walking for 2 miles now but still no animal in sight.

*sigh* I think I see a tower straight up ahead but it seems it is farther than I imagined.

I can't go on. I fell down to my knees losing all of my energy. I was about to pass out but I saw a carriage going my direction so I called out to it for help but I passed out.

-5 hours passed-

"Get you own swords here for 40% off."

"Buy potions to its finest ranging from 2-5 gold coins."

"Are you hungry get your roasted beefs here."

What's all that noise. Ouch!

Where am I? Why is it dark.

*removes sheet on top*

*sniff, sniff* It smells like roasted beef.

"Hey, cover yourself we're still not there."

Who's he, why am I in a carriage. Oh, maybe he's the one I called out. Okay I'll hide again.

Ugh, my stomach is growling I'm so hungry.

-After several minutes-

"You can come out now."

I removed the sheet and look around then I went down from the carriage.

"Um, Who are you?"

"I'm just a wanderer."

"What's your name mister wanderer?"

"Sorry, but I can't tell it to anyone randomly. How about yours?"

"My name is Ian from the kingdom of Claw."

"So you are that kid. Why are you wandering outside?"

*growl* My stomach is growling from hunger.

"Ah, you're hungry come inside I'll treat you to something."

So we're going inside. It seems that there are many people inside.

When the wanderer opened the door I was surprised to see people from different races in one small looking tavern.

There were elves, beasts, humans and even an orc?

Why is an orc here? Aren't they rumored to be an outcast to other races?

Anyways as we enter the tavern all of them were looking at the wanderer with a death glare.

Then this happened.

"Boss, welcome back"

They all said it in a synchronized manner.

"I'm back"

The wanderer escorted me to the table near the bartender. He ordered 2 roasted beef belly for me and for him.

I waited while looking around with a surprised face. Then he talked to me.

"Why were you wandering around outside?"

I looked at him cluelessly thinking of what to say.

I looked down in desperation and said.

"I was disgusted of being a noble so I walked away."

Half of what I said is true but I don't want to tell anybody that I broke my Family's tradition. I may have siblings but both of my brothers are way still younger than me.

I have come this far so there is no turning back now.

"Mister wanderer thank you for treating but I have to go now."

I stand up and took 5 steps towards the door.

"Go where?"

I stopped when I heard his question. Where? Even I can't answer that question. After all that has happened I don't even know if I can continue being a noble. Only if I could kill myself right now I would have done it before I entered this tavern.

I sighed while thinking of something to answer. Should I go to another neighboring kingdom or should I stay here?

"I guess you don't have an answer to that. Why don't you stay here for the night. You can sleep in the second floor and 1st door to your right you'll find a room with a bed. Sleep there and replenish your energy."

Sleep? Hmm, I should sleep and think about what to do tomorrow.

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