
June 5th 1944

Near Calais, France

Field Marshall Von Rundstedt of the German Wermacht, or army, stood at his operations table surveying a large map of England. Around him his operations staff silently stood and waited for him to give either praise or corrections to the intricate plan they had worked out.

On the map the German 16th Army would launch their attack across the English Channel taking the town's of Ramsgate, Dover, Folkestone, and Bexhill. The German 9th Army would launch from the French areas around Dunkirk. It would take Brighton, Portsmouth, and Ventnor. While in the southern part of France German Army Group C commanded by General Von Leeb would launch their attack from Cherbourg against the cities of Lyme Regis along the English coast. At the top of the map was the label Unternehmen Seelow, or Operation Sea Lion.

Back in the beginning of 1943 with the German invasion of Russia in full tilt, Stalin, the Russian leader, had suffered a serious heart attack brought on by the stress of a war going badly. A few days later he quietly died in his sleep from complications due to the stroke. This had forced the red army to splinter backing several individuals who had made plays for Stalin's now vacant position of leadership. The weakened red army was then forced to sign a cease fire and peace agreement with the third Reich. The resulting agreement gave Germany everything on a North south line with Moscow in the center back west to the original Russian border. Everything east of that was what was left of Russia.

The resulting peace freed up hundreds of divisions of troops. Thousands of aircraft, panzers, and artillery. All of this allowing Hitler to bring Operation Sea Lion off of the drawing board. The months following the peace agreement the German high command rushed this surplus of military might west, toward the English Channel. Reichsmarshall Herman Goering commander of the German Luftwaffe, or air Force, immediately put the repositioned forces to work. All during the latter part of 1943 and into the winter of 1944 the greatly reinforced Luftwaffe pounded the English Royal Air Force. The RAF wasn't necessarily beat by better pilots, but by superior numbers of aircraft and pilots. The RAF was, simply put, flooded by a tidal wave of German planes. By march of 1944 the Luftwaffe had successfully declared air superiority over the channel and eastern, and southern England. Due to this turn of events the Royal Navy was forced to move their forces to the west coast of England to avoid destruction. The English Channel was now wide open for invasion.

The English were well aware of this and had secretly moved their Treasury and crown jewels to Canada. The English army all the while had been hard at work identifying possible landing sites and reinforcing them with pillboxes, machine gun positions, tank traps, and mines. The British army knew though that if they hoped to repel any invasion it would have to stop the Nazis on the beaches or all would be lost.

Slowly the German invasion Armada was assembled during the month of May in 1944. In the early morning hours of June 6th, 1944, the German Luftwaffe dropped thousands of paratroopers around Dover, and Brighton to block English reinforcement of the beach heads. Just as daylight was approaching the vast German Armada came into view of the British troops along the beaches of eastern England. The German battleships Bismark, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau along with the heavy cruisers Admiral Hipper, Admiral Scheer, and Prinz Eugen began bombarding their areas around 4am. After a furious bombardment by these and their support ships lasting several hours, Von Rundstedt gave to order to commence the invasion.

Hundreds of invasion barges moved in for the first wave. Many barges carried either 1 or 2 Panzer V tanks to support the infantry going ashore. Overhead the roar of Luftwaffe attack aircraft strafed and bombed anything moving on the beach and beyond. As the barges reached the English shores they disgorged their loads of infantry and panzers. Within 4 hours of the invasion beginning the Wermacht had established a beachhead from Rochester to Southampton. The invasion of England was off to a resounding success.

Meanwhile unknown to the Third Reich, all along the east coast of the United States a massive Armada dwarfing the German one was forming. Over 5 thousand ships, all meant to reinforce England before she was lost. Silently the ships left their ports and harbors all along the eastern seaboard, heading to spots at sea where the convoys would form up. On board one of the US Navy warships sat General Dwight D. Eisenhower silently staring out over the sea. "We are on our way cousins." He said silently to himself. " Hold out just a while longer."