
Chapter:8 Perverted Celestial Entity

She slumped a little, picking up the blade in her working hand, before swinging it at one of the larger bug-like monsters that dove into her. The blade made contact, ripping into its flesh but a third creature bit down hard on her shoulder, ripping into her skin and drawing a spray of red blood.

'Why did these things have to be so damn strong and agile?'

She managed to shake off the creature by bashing at it with her knife sporting the second creature on its blade, but it just flinched back for a moment before returning to bite at her. She ducked to dodge causing it to slice down from her forehead to her chin, injuring her left eye in the process.

"What in the world?"

The blood ran down her face and neck, turning her vision red and blurry. She felt woozy, probably the effect of all the blood loss. And it was not just the blood loss and the poison affecting her anymore, the sheer adrenaline of the fight had started to drain her as well.

She could only focus on the bugs attacking her, the blood running down her face, the poison starting to numb out her nerves.

She couldn't think anymore.

But she did know one thing.

She was not going down without one heck of a fight!

Renko fought with every ounce of strength left in her, slashing and stabbing at the relentless creatures. The pain in her arm and shoulder was excruciating, and her vision blurred further as blood continued to pour from her wounds.

The bug creatures attacked with greater ferocity, each new attack more painful than the last. Renko could feel the poison slowly weakening her and taking a toll on her senses. It affected her balance, her strength, and her speed. The world felt foggy. It was getting harder to focus on multiple threats at a time, and they were taking advantage.

The creatures ripped at her flesh, causing her to scream in pain as blood spilled down her back and legs. She was losing energy rapidly as her limbs, soaked with blood, were losing strength. She wasn't sure how much longer could she keep fighting.

With a sudden burst of desperate energy, Renko managed to kick one of the creatures away, creating a brief opening. She stumbled toward the door, her movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated. The creatures, undeterred, pursued her relentlessly.

She barely made it to the doorway when one of the creatures lunged at her, sinking its fangs into her leg. Renko cried out in pain, but sheer determination kept her on her feet. With the last of her strength, she swung the butcher's knife once more, connecting with the creature's head and finally fending it off.

However, as she stepped outside into the dark living room, Renko's legs gave way, and she collapsed to the floor. The remaining creatures hesitated at the threshold, seemingly reluctant to leave the bedroom.

Renko lay there, bleeding and battered, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The world around her swirled in shades of red, and she struggled to stay conscious. The hallway seemed to stretch infinitely before her, and the distant sound of footsteps approached.

Her vision faded, and the last thing Renko heard before succumbing to unconsciousness was the echoing voice of a familiar figure.

"Well, well, looks like things are getting interesting. I didn't expect you to face your ugly mug anytime soon."

Darkness enveloped Renko as the voice echoed in her mind, and everything faded away into an abyss of unconsciousness.

In the depth of unconsciousness, Renko found herself in a dreamlike state. Flashes of memories and fragments of her life played before her eyes in a disjointed sequence. The pain from the battle and the poison seemed to fade away, replaced by a surreal sense of weightlessness.

She drifted through a landscape of memories, snippets of her past mingling with visions of the present. The faces of her comrades from her previous life, and the distant echoes of battles long fought danced around her.

Yet, amid the chaos of recollections, a single figure emerged. The celestial being, the enigmatic woman who had bestowed upon her this new life. Her words echoed in Renko's mind, resonating with an otherworldly power.

"Would ya look at that, you got your ass kicked pretty badly for an experienced soldier."

As the celestial being's words lingered, Renko felt a strange sense of clarity wash over her. The dreamscape shifted, and she found herself standing in a vast expanse, surrounded by constellations and patchwork art.

"Yeah, yeah, fuck you too."

Renko, still in her dreaming state, turned to face the celestial being, her fists clenched.

"Now can you tell me what the Fuck is going on?"

"Look, I can understand your frustrations. You died, got reincarnated, and now have superpowers you know nothing about. That's quite a lot to take in."

The celestial being looked at Renko with an expression that suggested she wasn't exactly sympathetic to Renko's plight.

"However, you'll find that this life is easier than your old one, so chin up, kid."

"You haven't answered my question, you cunt!"

In her unconscious state, Renko felt herself get even more worked up by the condescending reply from the celestial being. She took a few steps forward and poked her finger at that being, the image of which was now appearing in her mind.

"Why did you bring me here?"

The celestial being seemed entirely unfazed by the sudden outburst of anger from Renko and just smirked, her expression remaining slightly annoyed and a bit... sheepish.

"Let me get this straight. You die, get a cheat power, and this is how you treat me? Oh, but do keep the attitude. I bet it goes well with the look."

Renko's anger began to give way to curiosity and annoyance as she stared at the woman, who now had a satisfied smirk on her face. Her eyes narrowed as she listened to the celestial being's reply, the curiosity taking over her annoyance at the strange woman's replies.

"Fine, I'll take the bait. What do you mean by 'cheat power'? You have been bragging about it since we first met and yet I haven't seen any sign of it."

"You want to see a sign of it?"

Before Renko could react, the celestial being snapped her finger, and then suddenly, Renko felt... different...

The world seemed sharper, and her every nerve seemed more alive.

[Initiate System]

[Yes] [no]

She blinked, glaring at the screen that suddenly appeared before her, as if she wasn't enough, Renko tried to punch the screen only for her fist to pass through it.

The celestial being sighed as she glanced up at Renko, her expression shifting to that of a haughty grin.

"There, your cheat power at work. Now that you're familiar with it, I'm sure you can manage."

Renko tried to suppress the urge to kick the celestial being in the crotch and asked the question that had been bugging her for quite some time.

"Why the hell did it not appear before?"

The celestial being shrugged, a slightly coy expression on her face that suggested a simple answer.

"Because I didn't feel like giving it to you so easily. Ya' know, I tried to pocket your luck and my boss found out about it and she nearly ripped my skin off in anger."

'Of course, that makes sense, doesn't it?'

Renko thought to herself as she felt a little bit of resentment well within her, but before her anger could consume her, she paused, a question coming to mind.

"So why give it now?"

The celestial being leaned forward, her expression shifting to that of an irritated smile as she seemed to savor her next words.

"Simply returning your 'luck' didn't get me out of trouble you know. My boss was so angry she demoted me and my boyfriend broke up with me because of that."

'Ah, that explains why she seems so pissy right now.'

Renko's resentment didn't take much of a leap to turn into some form of sadistic glee.

"Huh, I'm surprised you had a boyfriend; I thought being a miserable, stuck-up bitch was a requirement for the job."

The celestial woman smirked,

"Oh, but I did. But my boss showed me how mistaken I was, dating a minor god just because he was a bit handsome. She fucked me unconscious!"

The celestial woman's eyes glazed over with lust and she hugged her body like a creepy pervert.

"She fist #*#@*#@##@#@#*@@###@#@#@."

'She did what now?'

Renko's brain went blue-screen, she tried to process what the celestial being just said.

'No, that can't be possible. Right?'

However, the more she tried to deny it, the more the celestial being sounded like a perverted nut job.

'Is she... is she a masochist?'

The thought sent shivers down her spine. At this point, Renko could not tell if the celestial being was just joking or if she actually was batshit crazy.

'Wait, wait, wait... A minor god?'

'No, no goddamn way.'

"And she's turned on by getting beaten up by her boss."

The celestial woman nodded with a grin, her expression full of pride. 

"And getting choked."

That wasn't really the point here, but Renko's brain was fried from the celestial woman's other statements. She couldn't believe this woman was serious, what kinda crack did these celestials smoke?

"The hell is that?"

"Touché, fair point. My boss knows just the right way to turn me into a panting mess."

Renko stared at the celestial woman blankly as if her mind had just been blown to pieces.

'She's into that? And her boss knows what to do? And her boss is a goddess?'

Renko had no words left to express her disbelief. This was just way too much to process.

"Anyway, what's with this 'cheat' stuff?"

"Well, it kinda depends on how you look at it."

The celestial woman shrugged as if she hadn't spent the past few minutes talking about her sexual relationship with her boss.

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