
Chapter Ten: Victoria's Past - Part 2

Victoria P.O.V.

It took us days to reach Celesal, understandable that we lost our way several times and that we didn't have much money to hire a horse and cart, but the thought of completing the gang again is worth it.

"Guys its best if we go search for an inn, before the night falls on us." Jerrard placed his hand on my shoulder.

"He's right. Simon and I'll go search for food, you guys search for a place to rest. I'll meet you here at 8?" Luke turned to face us giving a reassuring smile.

Jerrard and I look at each other before facing the other two and nodding our heads. The town itself wasn't much but the aura around it's people seemed way more different than anyone back home. It seemed somewhat… silent, way to silent.

We spent a good thirty minutes searching for an affordable yet decent inn until we found the right one. Now that I think about it, It isn't much far from the meeting area which made me question on how we didn't see it before.

Its walls were of stone from outside but inside, it was of old wooden planks giving it that countryside look. The flooring was stone as well but it was white and smooth. Much like those I only saw in the confession room back in Thirvania's church.

The sky was staring to turn dark and Jerrard told me to just stay here, that he will come back after meeting up with the others. I nodded my head and proceeded to the inn's lounge where I sat down comfortably on this really fort chair. I could sit down on it forever!

Jerrard P.O.V.

I left the inn where I told Victoria to stay and wait for us to come back. Who would let a girl out at night? Anyway I proceeded to walk towards the clock at the center of town where I sat down and waited for Simon and Luke.

Ten minutes later and they still weren't here. They are usually always late but there is something I feel this time that makes me worry. Where are they?!

I looked straight ahead and saw a little girl in a black dress looking back at me. Is that… Marie?!

"Marie is that you?!" I stood up and walked fast avoiding the crown that was blocking my way.

She then turned on her heal and skipped away.

"Marie! Marie! Wait!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

As soon as I got out of the crowd I thought I had lost her until I saw the tip of her dress go behind an alley. Really that girl, always playing games.

I ran into the alley that I thought would never stop until I saw her back under a street light. There's something about this that sends Goosebumps across almost my entire body.

"Hey Marie, let's go back to the others. We all missed you and I'm sure you feel the same right." I say as I reach towards her.

"Marie? Who's Marie?"

She said as she turned around which made me feel scared yet reassured at the same time. That face is definitely hers, so there's nothing to be afraid of… right?

"Come on Marie, don't creep me out. Let's go back." I took her hand in mine and proceeded back to where I think we came from.

"Sure!" I looked back to see her with her usual goofy smile that spreads across her face. Now then we better hurry to not let them wait. She nods her head and I continue to walk in a straight line.

This alley never really seems to end. Wait… there's a light! Alright now back to society. The light came closer and closer as we ran towards it… but it seems a little small.

"Marie c'mon I'll hold you on my back just hold on tight!" I knelt down to carry her on my back and as soon as she was secure I ran with all my might towards the faint orange light.

We reached the light but… it was just a street light.

"Hold on a minute Marie, this doesn't seem to be right. There should have been a wider street just here."

I put her down and thought of what could have went wrong… I know! I'll just tie the tip of my yarn to the lamp and run straight. Who knows maybe it could help!

I reach into my pocket and take out the yarn that we would use to tie all sorts of things together and tied it to the post.

"There now we don't have to worry of running in circles."

I knelt down again and Marie jumped on my back. Full power ahead!!!

We ran deeper and deeper into the darkness where I'm sure we would find the main street soon. But the more we got closer the more my suspicion and uneasiness grew.

By the time we had reached the light I no longer knew what to do since the light… since the light turned out to be the same post we had previously seen. I was sure of this since the yarn I had placed was the same one.

I quickly let Marie down and inspected what it could be. The string was still attached and seemed to disappear in the darkness; I am still holding the other end… so is it still attached? No it couldn't be, fist of, if we were running in circles then the string would be tilted, but it was not.

I don't know what to do. i was scared, I was scared that the darkness would soon envelop me, that if I left this post once more I would disappear, and I could do nothing about it.

My fear grew with each passing second, paralyzing me. That was until a voice broke through and brought me to my senses.

"Big brother, are you alright?"

It was a deep and smooth voice, the kind that would comfort you if you weren't in my current position. I quickly look around for whom that voice belonged to.

"Who are you?!"

I quickly pulled myself up and stood in front of Marie to shield her from any danger that person could bring.

"Who are you? Show yourself!"

I reached into my pocket to take out a small dagger but froze as a knife was held beside my neck. Marie? But… how? The voice I heard definitely isn't hers, it couldn't be!

"I'm sorry boy, but I need your energy. I hope you can forgive me."

I looked to my side and locked eyes with the most entrancing pair of silver I had ever seen, before everything was filtered with red and black.

I felt a throbbing pain across my throat and a burning liquid that slowly filled up my lungs, drowning me.

With my last breath, I aimed for those same eyes that for a split second were filled with sadness and the next dyed with the same color of a crimson rose.

Victoria P.O.V.

I'm kind of worried about him. Maybe I should follow just in case.

I stood up from my extremely comfortable couch and ran out just to see Jerrard running right past me.

"Hey wait!"

I ran after him which trust me is really hard considering that I am a girl and that is one huge crowd, but was able to do because of my small figure - so I was able to squeeze in pretty well here and there-.

"Geeze Jerrard, wait up!!!"

After a while of running we reached a place which compared to town center, was pretty much deserted. I immediately didn't like the atmosphere this place was giving; it was far much creepier than the other places we went to just earlier.

I looked around to check if there were any ghosts which I immediately regretted. I lost him… no, it's more like I'm the one who is lost. I ran all over the place yelling Jerrard's name over and over again.

I knew at that moment, I was completely lost; there wasn't even a single person I could ask directions from. And the thing that bugged me the most was that every single house had its lights off, there wasn't even a hint of living. It was, no, is just like a ghost town.

I had Goosebumps all throughout my entire body. Something is wrong here, very wrong. i calmed myself down and thought of how I could get out of here than thought, I should map out this place.

I check my pockets for anything I could write with and hated myself that I only had a little money and a damn small pocket knife with me. This just won't do.

I looked around for anything I could mark and spotted the street lamp. I marked it with an arrow pointing to the left and number 1, then, ran to the left. I continued this from 1 to 4 until I had returned to the same spot. I continued on taking a bunch of routs until I had reached a wider street and sighed of relief.

Now I just had to find that idiot Jerrard.

Just then I heard a faint scream coming from a nearby alley. It definitely wasn't Jerrard, to feminine, but someone was in need of help.

I ran there only to take a few steps back, in shock from what I had seen. That thing wasn't human, it was a monster. She look just like a grown up Marie except for her eyes that were once blue, now a murky light grey, her hands like claws of a hideous black creature and veins that were as visible as a trail of juice on newly washed sheets.

The other thing that stood out was the gigantic slash across her face. I knew I had to run but I felt like I had been turned into a marionette. I soon found myself looking straight into her eyes, and walking towards her.

Tears were flooding my eyes that soon found themselves dripping on her ice cold claw that was chocking me by my throat. My eyes navigated their way down her other arm and onto the hand that held a glob of pink and red of I don't want to know, that soon crumbled into fine grains of sand and blown away by the wind.

My trance was broken off as her deep voice penetrated through the silence and resounded in my head.

"Girl, I'm sorry but as you can see this vessel is damaged and I need a new one, so I'll be taking yours."

I felt as if I was burning as this small black gas that came out from her mouth entered into mine. It hurts so much, I felt my head and heart convulse as memories of others' lives flooded into me.

I pushed her away, making her claw wound me just below my right collarbone.

One memory though, stood out. It was the memory of… a beautiful woman. She had only loved someone, who was the first to accept her, and yet… humans, Humans are the true evil!!! I had only wished to live normally, but they killed me, they treated my child as a prisoner as soon as she gave birth to my grandchildren, the only one I had loved… the one I had trusted ran away to another woman, and yet all I could do is watch.

They are evil lecherous and greedy beings! They do not deserve to live!!!

"Kill, kill, kill!!! I must kill them all!!!"


I gasped and returned to my senses.

"Victoria come on fight it, I'm here for you."

I felt my legs weaken and fell down.

"It's alright I'm here."

I look down at the boy who I didn't know was there. Jerrard… no he's gonna die!


"It's alright, you're strong right?"

I calmed down as he stroked my cheek. I held his hand and broke down crying. I open my eyes to look at him again and smile back as I see him smile at me.


Though we weren't related by blood he was still one of my dearest big brothers. I close my eyes again to capture the moment but feel the warmth and touch of his hand fading away.

I look back at him with eyes widened as I see his face crack and crumble away like that of a porcelain doll.

"Brother, brother! No! Don't go away!!! Please, please stay."

"I'm sorry victoria; if it hurts too much just forget."

"No I won't forget!"

"It's alright. You can forget, don't worry I'll protect you."

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again he was gone. I looked around me to search for that witch that did this to us. I hated this, why did this happen to me. What did I ever do to deserve this!

I hate it, I hate it! I wish I could really just forget everything that had happened, I wish I could forget. Just forget.

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