

"You are good at singing" said Mrs. Shahi.

"Thankk… thank you very much" only these words can escape through my trembling lips.

"Are you participating in the inter-school singing competition??" Miss Shahi asked.

"I have not decided yet" I said hesitantly.

"you must take part"

"Uhm… I will give the audition."

"I'll wait for your performance then."

"Mn" I nodded and left the staff room.

While walking through the corridor with my hands back in a very disciplined way, I deeply thought about the events that just happened to me.

Miss Shashi is a very friendly and elegant lady. She is praised by all the girls in the school for her beauty, our school is a girls' school so except for few male teachers and admin members no man can be seen in the whole building otherwise she would be receiving many letters filled with poems and sayaris every day.

"KUKI !!" Jasmin said

Hearing my name, I realized that I have reached my classroom.

I saw a pretty round-faced girl with small eyes and permanently straighten long hairs secured well in a loose pony, few hair strands falling beautifully on her face waving her hands towards me.

"coming" I said gently in my ever-soft voice and then turned towards Jasmin.

"Why did she call you? What did she say? Did she scold you?"

Asked Jasmin anxiously.

"How can she answer so many questions at a time" said Archita as calm as always cutting in Jasmin's words.

"who can scold such a sweet girl" Aradhya entered the conversation casually.

"Kuki ignore them, describe everything in detail" Jasmin asked curiously.

"Nothing special, as soon as I entered the staff room Miss Shashi called me towards her, few teachers were taking their lunch and few gossiping but when they saw me entering, they stopped for a while surprised to see me" I narrated.

"obvious enough … we were also surprised that you, one of the most disciplined girls Kuki was called to staffroom" Aradhya cut in

"let her complete" said Jasmin in an irritated tone

"I was very nervous, so many eyes on me as if they are asking why are you here. Then Miss Shashi told me that you are good at singing and you must participate in the inter-school singing competition."

"Just this, she could have told you later. Why did she call you to the staff room? Giving everyone a scare" Archita asked confused.

"because if she will say all this in front of everyone then if Kuki is selected and wins then everyone will doubt that Miss Shahi has favored her so she won and their jealousy will ruin her image" Aradhya reasoned.

"sometimes even Aradhya can make sense" Jasmin laughed.

Hearing no response from Kuki they turned towards her.

I was lost in my thoughts, finding that everyone was looking towards me, I said in a low voice "how did Miss Shashi know that I am good at singing?"

Four of them looked puzzled then Jasmin said "yes, how come she know you are good at singing, you never participated in any school singing function before"

"and even outside you always perform with a veil on your face, except us, your vocal trainer Rishi sir and your parents only know that you are "little bell" so it's practically not possible for her to know that you are a hidden singing sensation" Archita added.

"shhh!! If you speak like this everyone will know. I think... I am not sure but, on my birthday, when you sang for me, I saw her passing by… maybe that day she heard you singing and thought you are good at it" Jasmin said in a confused way.

"then that's good" my face brightened.

The School bell rang, indicating the end of the break, and everyone settled in their places as the teacher arrived to teach.

Dear readers, this chapter is written by me alone and has not been editen so I hope you can point out any mistakes you find and help me improve.

Please leave comments and encourage this little author of yours.

Radhe- Krishna!!

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