
Curse of forbidden love

when a goddess from Goloka is cursed to love a person who she should not... will she be able to protect herself from this forbidden love? or will the curse bring disasters. ______ “you never belonged to me” she loweredd her head most probably to hide the tears that were streaming out. “never” she repeated again this time her voice softened “we are a world apart.” She sighed sadly and then stepped closer to the man. Cupping his face gently with both her hands she tiptoed a little until their lips touched and she places a very soft kiss on his lips. “This is the best end for us. Right?” _______ Is it the end or another start for a new story of reunion and parting, of love?

Little_Bell_30 · Fantasía
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34 Chs


"Ting ting ting ting" the alarm rang at 5:00 am.

I stretched my hands towards the alarm clock and pressed the button on top of it, the alarm stopped.

I was reluctant to leave the bed but still had no choice left, I lazily sat up and took the phone from the side table, it was 12th June 2021. Damn... today is the audition for inter school singing competition.

I got up quickly and rushed to the washroom to brush my teeth and freshen up, in almost 30 mins I was ready with my school uniform on, but my hairs were still wet from washing so I took the hairdryer kept in my table drawer and plugged in the socket beside the mirror as I sat on a table facing my mirror image, my long black naturally straight hairs were being blown away by the dryer, after drying them I tied them in a high pony, letting the bangs fall on my forehead , I checked the time it was 5:38 am, I still had 22 mins.

So, I decided to cook something, I went in the kitchen and took bread out of the fridge to make sandwich.

While making the sandwich I missed momma a lot, she used to make delicious breakfast and lunch for me every day,

"How can you go without me on a vacation?" I complained but unfortunately there was no one to listen.

After placing all the sandwiches in my pink lunchbox, I kept it in my bag.

My phone rang, it was my driver Santosh,

"Miss, I am waiting for you downstairs"

"I'll be right there" as I disconnected the call.

I switched my phone off and placed it in a small hidden pocket in my bag, bringing mobile phone was prohibited in the school, but I had no choice because I often went to coaching or other events directly from school.

After that I locked the door and climbed down the stairs, car was in front of me so I got in and in no time, I was at the school gate.

I walked in the building, towards my classroom.

It was free time and the whole class was noisy, entering the class I saw three girls standing together one was narrating something in a very dramatic way and the other two were listening intently.

"Kuki why are you standing there, come here!!" Aradhya said gesturing me to come closer.

"Jasmin is narrating your romance with the boy" Archita stared at me as if waiting for me to confirm the news.

"What romance??!" I asked in a cold way which was unlike me.

"don't try to scare her, you are so secretive, we all thought that you are so innocent that you never had a boyfriend before but you flirt with random guys, so bad!!" Aradhya said in a fake tone of disappointment, she knew Jasmin was making up stories so she tried to provoke me.

"Flirting with random guys" I said with a cold smile on my face nodding at Jasmin.

"Shut up Aradhya, you want me dead or what" Jasmin sniffed.

"don't worry, Kuki will not beat you she respects truth" Archita gave a fake reassurance, trying hard to hold back her laughter and turned to me and mockingly said "Kuki you are a singer, you must face the music"

{face the music means to face some unpleasant situation}

I understood the situation very well.

"Aradhya, repeat the story Jasmin narrated" I smirked

Archita and Aradhya understood that I was just acting cold to tease Jasmin because she made up a fake romance about me.

"She just said that after the contest, it started to rain your driver was on emergency leave so you asked her for help, when she reached the park, you were waiting in, she saw. Uh… you… how do I say" Aradhya stammered

"Cut to the chase" I demanded; however, I knew what she was going to say and I wasn't really angry.

"She saw that you were sitting of a bench, a boy sat next to you with umbrella in his hand sheltering you in it, his head tilted covering your face" she giggled and continued "you know what it means".

I turned to Jasmin giving her a cold fierce stare which was something very rare.

"Kuki are you really very angry, I was just having fun but I did not know that you will be this angry, how can I make it up to you" Jasmin still tensed because Kuki never has such fierce expression in her mind, she is like a gentle still beautiful lake calm, very-very calm.

"When did you learn acting, you act so well" Aradhya laughed out loud

"This coldness is just like lan wanji" Archita was also laughing.

{Lan Wanji is the leading character from Chinese drama The Untamed played by Wang Yibo, he was very cold and rarely spoke}

Jasmin stood still, confused.

Seeing her pale face, I turned to her and said "only you can joke, can't I?" giggling in a warm and sweet voice.

After that I narrated the actual incident.

Teachers had a meeting so; the first period was free. We four sat on two adjacent benches and started to chat about the lady whom I gave my umbrella.

"She must have been very rich" Jasmin started

"How do you know?" Aradhya questioned with doubtful eyes.

I and Archita exchanged glances because we knew that now Jasmin will start explaining about the expensive brands of bags, clothes, jewellery and makeup that the lady wore along with their prices.

And then Jasmin started without a pause for taking breath explained every detail of the lady's expensive attire from her makeup to her diamond ring, her rich lady like manners or her ascent until she was satisfied that she proved the lady rich.

"Only if you proved equations with this sincerity" I laughed.

Jasmin stared at me.

"My bad, I offended a biology genius by mentioning equations" I mocked again.

She was about to speak when Aradhya asked "we were also there, how come you noticed so many details about the lady?"

"So forgetful, you were in the car but I was out to bid Kuki farewell" Jasmin explained.

"Even if you were out, you couldn't have noticed, you don't possess Jasmin's sharp eyes whish can scan one's brand value and her sharp sense of fashion" I said flattering her to make up for the mocking just now.

"You flatter me" Jasmin was proud on herself "but it's true without me Little Bell's look would not have been so charming as they are now"

I could not say anything but smile, it was true that her fashion sense was very good but mine was no less if not more.

"What about the audition today?" Archita diverted the topic

"I am thinking that I will sing a song that Little Bell hasn't performed yet to prevent suspicion about my identity" seeing their serious gaze at me I continued "Little Bell isn't very popular now so; it won't be a big issue."

"Its human nature to find out what's hidden, since Little Bell has hidden her identity, everyone wants to know who she actually is, anyone who resembles her will be labelled her as Little Bell, even if they label wrong girl, it will force original one to come out to prevent her fame from going to wrong person in any case their curiosity will be satisfied" Aradhya reasoned.

"That makes sense" Archita said.

"It won't be that big issue" Jasmin tried to calm everyone.

"I agree with Jasmin, see Little Bell is still not that popular, if I sing something that she hasn't, people won't find out that I am Little Bell" I whispered.

"Even if they find out its no harm, I don't understand why you insist on keeping it a secret" Aradhya complained.

"See think about it just now you said people are curious to find what's hidden, if I was not this secretive would people have been so much interested in me as they are, no?" I said smiling.

"Truly daughter of a business man" Jasmin mocked.

We laughed but Archita was quiet, she did not laugh just smiled at me.

"Those who are interested in giving audition for the interschool singing competition please move to auditorium" a girl announced entering the class.

"All the best" everyone said as I moved out of the class. I walked in the corridor with hands on my back, too disciplined for girls of 12th standard who walk casually because except teachers no one dared scold them.

I entered the auditorium, there were about fifteen girls waiting for their turn, I sat on a vacant seat listening to the girl who was giving her audition. The auditorium was quiet but one can still hear girls whispering.

Miss Malati was sitting along with miss Shashi on the stage taking the audition. But wait, why was miss Shashi here, this wasn't her department; maybe she was in charge for the inter school singing competition.

After everyone was done, it was my turn Miss Shashi gestured me to come on the stage, when I was there, she gave me the mike, I took it and started to sing in my melodious and gentle voice,

" Mera dil bhi kitna pagal h,

Ye pyaar to tumse krta h,

"Mera dil bhi kitna pagal h,

Ye pyaar to tumse krta h,

Par saamne jab tum aate ho

Par saamne jab tum aate ho

Kuch bhi kehne se darta h

O mere sajan, mere sajan

Sajan sajann mere sajan"

Everyone was quiet, there was pin drop silence as I finished singing everyone started to clap.

I smiled and said "thankyou", I did not sing in my best voice to avoid suspicion and did not expect that everyone would like it.

Miss Malati took the mike from my hand and announced:

"After listening to everyone I am very happy that we have so many singers in our school, it's a pity that I can select only one to represent our school."

Everyone's eyes widened with curiosity to know the name of the winner.

"Congratulations to Kuki for being selected, we have high hopes on you"

Everyone clapped, I turned to both of my teachers and thanked them.

Miss Shashi smiled at me as if saying to do my best in the competition.

Miss Malati told me to meet her in the lunch break and I nodded and left.

I could see from the corridor that everyone was quiet in the class room, as I reached the door and was about to speak

"Get in"

Its him bad luck, now I know why everyone was quiet, today he is supposed to take test, how did I forget.

I went back to my seat, Jasmin sat beside me looking at me helplessly. Chemistry test was just like a nightmare, and its result showed us reality.

I was good at academics and so were my friends but still chemistry test gave us a fright, upon that last night I got wet in rain and was suffering mild headache throughout the morning.

"Girls I have got some work to do so do self-study quietly" he said and left

Everyone bustled in happiness.

Jasmin stood up and said in a loud voice as if reading a notice

"Girls listen, as you know, the interschool singing competition is to be held soon"

Everyone looked at her as she continued

"We have got a big honour as Kuki from our class is going to represent our school"

Everyone cheered and clap, the noise was too loud that few teachers came and scolded us.

But who cared, we were the senior most class and it was our last year in school. Everyone's mind was determined to enjoy this year to the fullest, however strong the exam pressure be happiness is still more important. Teachers were also aware of this so they just scolded out of formality so that Principal won't blame them for spoiling the class.