
Cultivator from the Modern World

(Editing in Progress) This novel is about an ordinary man, just like me and you, embarking on the journey of cultivation. He had always dreamed of using Qi, travelling across universes, comprehending the different Daos in the universe. But it is no longer a dream for him. Shen Long, the MC, is a big fan of light novels who reads on a daily basis. (Relatable, right?) Out of boredom, he attempted to follow the manual, "Wildland Magic of the Suns", in the novel and found out... nothing f***ing happened. But he did not give up as he believed he was destined to become a cultivator who would rule the world. One day, after reading his 90th Xianxia novel, he followed the Qi Exercise Manual and unexpectedly felt his blood moving faster than it ever had. No. He was not getting a heart attack, but the manual he followed was actually legitimate! Excitedly, he rushed out of his room and delivered this "good news" to his parents. His parents almost took him to the doctor... This story is about Shen Long, the first cultivator of his Era. He rises to prominence and becomes the best in the world. (He is the only cultivator in his world...) However, in the whole universe, he is nothing but an ant. Although he started cultivation only at the age of 16, he has his own advantages - knowledge from the Modern World. Even items and characters from light novels appears seldomly in this cultivation world. Facing the harsh reality, Shen Long's childish personality slowly changes. Step by step, gradually turning into a proper MC, a cultivator. Follow Shen Long as he slowly climbs his way to the top! Join my discord channel. I'm extremely active on Discord. https://discord.gg/ZPDaKbe Power Stones Milestones + Rewards Top 100 - Reached (2 Bonus Chap RELEASED) Top 75 - Reached (2 Bonus Chap RELEASED) Top 50 - LOCKED (5 bonus chapters!) Top 25 - LOCKED (5 bonus chapters!) Top 10 - LOCKED (2 Weekly Bonus Chapters) **Top 10 "Rewards" can be done weekly! For the rest, it's a one-time-bonus! *Bonus Chaps will be posted at the end of the week/month!* **New cover by @Cobyboy! Thank you!!

WitheringLeaf · Ciudad
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68 Chs

Shen Long! Where is Shen Long!?

In Zhou Laoshi's classroom.

"Shen Long! Now that we are alone, give me a proper explanation of why your homework isn't completed! I know you are trying to get attention from your classmates as you are desperate in need of friends... But you went overboard." Zhou Laoshi started giving Shen Long a lecture as soon as he arrived.

"Zhou Laoshi... I really wasn't joking... but... You're right... How do I get more attention and friends? You know... I am really lonely... All I do at home is read light novels and cultivate..." Shen Long stared sincerely, like an innocent child.

"..." Zhou Laoshi was completely speechless while he was inwardly cursing.

"No wonder why you have no friends. You can't even tell that I am laughing at you? I would have expelled you long ago if I was allowed to. I have no idea how you're getting top grades despite not completing your homework, being an absolute mess and have zero social skills. Just what is your brain made of??" Zhou Laoshi murmured to himself.

Not showing his unprofessional thoughts, Zhou Laoshi quickly switched to his kind, heartwarming face and tone.

"It's okay Shen Long. Maybe you should stop with your cultivation joke. It really isn't funny anymore. Also, maybe you should join the Literature Club to meet some new friends since you love reading anyway!"

"I hate Literature. Light novels are so much better. Those "classic" Chinese Literature stories are so boring. Even my grandpa can write better than that... And Zhou Laoshi, do you not really believe that I am a cultivator? Shaking his head, Shen Long replied.

"Your grandpa can write better than Li Bai (Famous Poet in China) and Luo Guanzhong (Writer of Romance of the Three Kingdoms)? Damn you really have got a big mouth. And... Who on Earth would believe your identity as a cultivator? No wonder why your Junior Sister Wang'er doesn't like you..." Zhou Laoshi thought to himself.

"Oh Shen Long. Your teacher, Zhou Xingjian, really doesn't believe you as a cultivator. Please broaden my horizons and educate me!" Zhou Laoshi replied in a condescending tone.

Shen Long suddenly thought of what his father said to him, and he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"If I don't show him my prowess as a cultivator, he would probably laugh at me. But if I do show him, then he may spread the news of me being a cultivator... I have to follow my father's words as I am a good child!!" Shen Long debated against himself mentally.

Shen Long had already completely forgotten about his 1000 yuan in his wallet and what happened in the cafeteria.

"Shen Long? Come on! Show your teacher! How about this? If you really are a cultivator, you won't have to complete any homework for the rest of the term! But if you are not, then what about you leave this school? Or you can just apologize to me and kowtow three times! I, Zhou Xingjian, am a magnanimous man..."

Zhou Laoshi was still speaking but he was interpreted by Shen Long's response!

"Okay! Deal! No homework for the rest of the term yeah!? OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK. You, as a teacher, can absolutely not go back on your words!!" Shen Long excitedly said while immediately channelling his Qi to lift up the plant on Zhou Laoshi's desk.

Zhou Laoshi was at a loss of words as his eyes were fixed on the floating object.

"This is bullshit..."

"Thank you Zhou Laoshi! I am going to leave now! My Junior Sister is probably still waiting for me by the school gates!! See you tomorrow!" Shen Long politely bowed and started running towards the gate.

"Junior Sister!!!!!! Are you waiting for me, your big bro?" Shen Long shouted as his face turned blushed red.

"Hi~~ Big Bro! You're so famous now!! Everyone has heard about what happened at lunch! Even my friends started believing you as a cultivator... How did you do it Big Bro?" Song Wang'er said in her cute voice while shaking her head like a child.

"Does everyone know about it? Oh crap... I promised Father to not reveal this to anyone. Who else knows about this!?" Shen Long agitatedly questioned.

"I think the entire school knows already!! After all, being a cultivator really is something! Why don't you want everyone to know? I think, Big Bro, you look extremely cool when everyone praises you!" Wang'er answered in a cute way.

"Do I really look cool? HAHAHA. Maybe I really am cool! Wang'er, tell me! How cool is Big Brother Long? Since you asked just now, I will tell you about me becoming a cultivator." Shen Long grinned as he paused to think of the best way to make himself seem "cool" in front of Wang'er.

"Being a cultivator requires one to exist in harmony with nature. To become a cultivator like me, you would first have to establish your will. A strong will would allow you to observe the world in a totally different way. Essentially, the world is made of some natural universe laws. Mortals would be controlled by these laws; they would never be able to escape death. Sigh. The cultivation world really is too immense. Even your Big Brother, I, only understands a small part of it, and yet it allows me to wield tremendous combat strength." Shen Long attempted to utilise his language skills, learned from English and Chinese class in school - the art of bullshiting.

"Wow!! I don't understand it at all! It's so profound! Big Bro, what type of laws did you understand in order to become a cultivator? Can you teach me how?" Wang-er curiously asked.

Shen Long's face suddenly froze.

"Eh... I grasped the laws of... Em... How could I tell you!? The journey of cultivation is arduous and hard, my path and yours would be completely different. My path may not fit yours, and it may even harm you. How could I be so irresponsible and tell you my insight of the laws? I don't want to harm you! Sorry! I cannot tell you despite I would love to share you my experience in being one with the laws!" Shen Long's forehead was filled with sweat as he bullshitted some lines from light novels he once read.

"Luckily, I am smart! After all, I can't tell her that my cultivation journey started from me copying the manual of a light novel..." Shen Long chuckled as he thought to himself.

"Wow! Big Bro! I am sure your cultivation level will only improve from here onwards! When you're famous, don't forget about me!" Wang'er giggled.

"I will never forget you!! I probably won't reveal my identity as a cultivator though! After all, I am not strong enough... I meant... I would rather keep a low profile! As you know, I don't really like bragging! After all, cultivation is all about constantly becoming the best version of yourself. I don't really pay attention to what others think!" Shen Long replied.

"Wow!! Big Bro!! You have changed so much after you became a cultivator!! But I don't think you can stay low profile for long... I think some classmates of mine reported this news of you to a newspaper company for the 200 yuan!" Wang'er said.

"How are they getting paid for reporting to a news company!??" Shen Long immediately got worried as his father urged him not to tell anyone about being a cultivator.

"The Daily Newspaper firm always gives out money to those who report true, genuine news! That's why they always receive first-hand information! Do you know? I was..." Song Wang'er was interrupted by the screaming of the people.

"Shen Long!!! Where is Shen Long!?" A group of people, holding their cameras, were walking towards the school gate, while screaming loudly.

"Shen Long is there by the schoolgirl! Hurry up! We must be the first to report this news!"

Shen Long was speechless and his legs started shivering as he thought back to what his father said. (In Chapter 2)

"I don't want to be captured by the government... I don't want scientists to cut up my body... I am only 16... Heaven!! Save me!!!"

Quite a long chapter.



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