
Chapter 5 - Meditating Among the Owls

Someone from the older years unleashed a Chimera in the Gryffindor common room. Immeadiately, it became a forbidden place, until the teachers dispose of it.

It was a fire type, that I could tell.

Unfortunately, I still haven't cultivated my sense enough to warn me of killing intent in a sphere around me, and so had no chance to find the culprit.

Which led me to visit my owl, Harry.

"Hey Harry, see what I've got, hmmm."

"Hey Harry, good boy, good boy."

"Hey Harry, don't be sad…"

"Hey Harry, have you seen your parents here, huh?"

With my aura of righteous cultivation, I was able to sense when I became too annoying for it to bear me, and so went up the ceiling to sit on a pillar and meditate.

Nobody would find me, even if he were to look up.

A really good find for today.

Quite a bit of time has passed like this.

"You know… McGonagall is really… she uses such ancient teaching methods!"

"Tell me about it… I wonder how we will pass our O.W.Ls like this!"


"Huh… something is really tickling me here… please could you take a look."

I also took a look.

Forgetting the voices were so gentle which meant women, I almost saw the forbidden places. For someone not married, that is. We were really strict about it in our sect. You got one wife, and you must put your martial arts first.

So only when you have a wife, and she will be responsible to you as a martial artist, ensuring you won't go astray, can you have marriage life.

Sighing, I repositioned my meditation.

"Did you hear it?"



The owlery was not noisy enough to hide the crack the wood under me did.

Keeping still, I sat, unmovingly.

It was at that time that one of the owls decided to relieve.

Right above me.

With my level of cultivation, I can easily see it, and using my willpower I made the dung levitate half a meter above my head.

Yet the second came not too long after.

Still, I can manage several of them!

Gritting my teeth, I managed to levitate even the thirteenth one.

It's really hard with liquid objects.

But spotting that, all the other owls decided on a competition.



'I thought I am supposed to receive a great fortune? What's this?!'

Well, I… could not longer maintain thoughts calm enough to meditate.

Having no chance, with creaking wood under me, and the girls beneath it, I was taught humility.

Better not be curious about women when they can see me…

Better not be curious… they can see me…

Oh, right… Better not be curious about women even if they can't see me… right...