

After human development, something bad happened, they were invaded by the alien who have supernatural powers and the become their slaves. The only to survive is to cultivate martial arts. Yi Feng who was from an average family of humans swear to become stronger to avenge his race, till he finally learned the truth of the universe

Ifecowriter_4109 · Fantasía
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7 Chs




  Chapter 1

Hi am Will right now am a slave or should I say all human are now slave to alie.

Want to know what happened huh?

Let me begin 

"We humans were living like before in peace and development till an alien attacked us we wanted to fight them when we found that our weapons have no or less effect on them because they have supernatural powers after struggling we were defeated and our planet were taken from us and we become their slaves".

"Hey get up and work the building is almost over"

  Ok .

Wait what's behind that rod'a book'

Book of cultivation 

This should be the secret behind their power.

"CULTIVATION is graded by level

Level 1 today

After Will finished reading the book he started to cultivate at night while working at day. 

Two months later>

  "This thing isn't working, I have doing it two months the only progress I see is getting a little stronger, I haven't break through to level 1 .

Will start getting frustrated with it but later he convinced himself 

Today at night he crossed his leg and started meditating and absorbing the energy to refine his body to form a core, after absorbing for 2 hour the energy began to go through his his body to the heart to form a shape of a core.

He was excited so he focused on directing the flow of the energy just as written in the book.

After 1 HR, he finally form it and breakthrough to level 1 

" Finally I have breakthrough, I can't wait to test powers but I can't do it in this prison because it might cause a commotion".

He sought out his escape from the prison fortunately there is only four level 1 guarding the prison which make it easy for the escape. 

  After looking around he circulated essence to his right hand and punch at the cell door and it broke (note:the energy he absorbed turn into essence after he formed a core.) 

He was surprised at the power and started sneaking to fence while avoiding the guard, when he reached the fence he circulated the essence at his leg and jump and he landed outside the compound.

After he Will jump the fence he arrived at outside then he looked around before seeing a place to rest for the night.

Next day>>>

At at a backyard of an inn a young man meditating suddenly open his eyes and said 

"It's a bright day today am hungry I need to raise money to eat".

Normally the man is Will, After he finished meditating he went to look for money.

As he is walking around he saw three people beating another person so he went to take look 

The black clad man kicked him and said

"Where is the book you took?

The other man said

"Such gut! You dare to take young master Li thing.

The one called young master Li said

"If he doesn't return it kill him"

And watching all this thing Will understand what is happening and went to help out 

  "Must you kill him if he doesn't bring it out"

  'who are you and why are you poking nose on something that isn't your business 

"Free him" 

'you are courting death.

The both at him and Will drive his essence all over and counter punch at them with two hands when the punch meet their power clash Will move five steps while reducing the force and the other moves two steps each 

'He is strong.

'yes and we'll fight it out with him. 

The black clad man attacked at the left while the other man attacked at the right direction, Will flew back and dogde it and send four Palm strike at the and the fall back and run away.

'thanks for saving me. 

It is nothing

  'i will give you this book as gratitude.

He hand the book over to Will 

"Life and death art".

"Life and death art".