
2 years later

During the time spent living with my new family I've grown accustomed to my name by now, Leonardo or my nickname Leo I've also managed to convince professor oak to take me in as his assistant because I showcased my talent for the trade.

As I dress myself preparing for a new day mother says "hurry up munchkin, you don't want to be late for the Pokémon camp now do you? In a calm tone. something I forgot to mention in my recap of events that have happened. I'm going on a camp for about a week with other children to do some activities that help us learn more about Pokémon, which I consider silly but still as I've already learnt all the basics about Pokémon from watching Pokémon battles and professor oak.

Once I'm ready I say bye to mother as quick as I can to avoid her constant nagging and her trying to give me more unimportant items like even a new clothesline for hanging out my washing which is not needed by the way, as I head out with my final goodbyes to mother and father for the week I'm gone, I begin my walk to the designated meet up place a small shop in the middle of town.

Arriving there last rather early I wait a couple minutes for the adults whilst talking to a couple other kids that can prove to be a difficult task as I'm grown man within a child's body.

After a couple of minutes they finally arrive and begin their speech " *cough cough* we thank you all for participating in this little event of ours and guarantee you'll go back home learning something new if you can follow the rules and not cause trouble for us, that's all from us and remember to have fun" finishing his sentence we begin our little walk to the bus taking us to the campsite.

"Hey what's your name" asked the girl that sat next to me, " You know it's rude to ask for someone's name before you introduce yourself " I stated in a reprimanding tone.

"Oh sorry my names Misty, now what's yours" asking in a apologetic voice.

"My names Leonardo, I'm from pallet town by the way" I said.

"Nice, I heard professor oak lives there, I'm from Cerulean City"

"Cerulean City, isn't that a fair bit away from here?" i asked, based of my knowledge of kanto.

With a surprised expression she says" Yes that's right, but I came here so I could see the water Pokémon" said misty.

"Understandable as Cerulean City is a water Pokémon populated city, well we should be arriving soon so we should" I said to which misty agreed.


After we arrived we were taken to our cabins which we should be staying in separated both boy and girls.

"Meet up in the middle of the camp in 1 hour" said the adults. Arriving in the cabin I go for the biggest bed straight away only to be blocked by the biggest kid around saying " this is mine so scram" brat with his 2 followers behind him trying to glare me down. On instincts I begin to release a suffocating pressure upon the three forcing them to kneel in fear to which I stopped immediately after a foul stench enter my smell, finding the bigger boy crying in his own piss I give a slight chuckle afterwards commanding him to clean it in voice demanding of respect making him do as I said immediately, walking over to my bed I begin to un pack my belongings " a mere child dares to try and intimidate me, what funny joke".

1 hour later...

Meeting up at the middle of the campsite I find misty sitting by herself " hey misty, why are you sitting alone? " I asked "oh it's because no one wants to sit around me" saying in a sad tone.

"Why, your pretty enough to be surrounded by most the boys here" blushing mist replied " because they say I'm to bossy and it's annoying"

"Doesn't seem like that to me" I thought to myself.

" Don't worry I'm here for you besides I bet it's only temporary" I said in a comforting tone.

Making her blush once again" thanks Leonardo"

You can just call me Leo if you want, that's what the people close to me call me".

So I'm close to him. misty thought to herself, "okay Leo" leaning on my shoulder we wait for the instructors to arrive. " hey Leo, do you have a girlfriend yet?" Asked with stars in her eyes.

"No I do not but I'm supposed to find a fiancé before I'm allowed to became a Pokémon trainer.

"Hey Leo" misty called out "yea" "what's a fiancé?".

"A fiancé is someone who's engaged and eventually will become said persons wife or husband"I replied.

"Hey Leo, I can be your fiancé if you.." misty tried to finish her sentence but not before our instructors arrived " okay everyone gather around" which everyone did.

" you see those bulbasaurs and rhydon, your going watch them and write down the differences between each one including genders and colours"

Sounds pretty easy I thought which sure enough was far too easy a task for me with my knowledge collected throughout these past years, finishing earlier than I was expected I was tasked to help others, rather amusing really considering the sight of a 6 year old acting as a teacher for other 6 year olds. Finishing helping others which was surprising tiring we began to gather in the middle again, " okay, were done for the day but you can expect more other than just observing from a distance, we'll just have to wait till tomorrow until you'll find out and a special congratulations to Leonardo for finishing first" ending his speech we began to move back to the cabins but not before I could grab misty. "Hey misty what you said before..."

(Authors Note: oops reached the 1000+ word count guess we'll have to wait till next chapter🤣🤣 also sorry for the late update)

A little bit late but still made it within the timespan I gave myself. I could update faster but as I have a social life and I do t want bad quality chapters I plan to release 1 every 2 days ( Please critique my work as it helps me improve and suggestions are always helpful )

KinglyBeast15creators' thoughts
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