
Crystals of The Lost Temple

Two young girls Crystal and Nini are in search of the lost temple and the mystery of the enchanted flora crystals. The journey includes the rooting out of the secrets of their lives along with their childhood friend Salik

Andaz_Fatima · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Meeting

"Come on Nini stop making a fuss about it, it's not that amazing", said Crystal with a pesky look.

"Yeah right! you just don't wanna admit it but this is the best thing you can find in the city of Taisa, I bet no one will have such a pendant; I'm going to wear it all the time", swanked Nini without being bothered by Crystal; after all she had found a precious item while wandering near the pond of Taisa. To be clear it wasn't just a pendant it was an enchanting sunflower which dazzled in daylight and gave a resplendent site to the surroundings and vitality to the person wearing.

All of this matched with Nini's vibe, no doubt she was the most charming girl of the school. Even though Crystal and Nini were best friends, Crystal sometimes got jealous of Nini, but with certainty she was unique in her own way.

Crystal was born in Taisa and lived with her grandma Lady Simra, an established business woman, and her guardian and Lady Simra's assistant Bareeha. She was not the most beautiful girl in the city nor did she had some extraordinary skills however she was just a normal city girl struggling her way through life. The most unique thing in her was her light brown eyes. She had the most beautiful sparkling eyes a soul has ever seen; her eyes were so mystical that people often forgot what they were talking about while looking in her eyes however she was a chubby girl with an average height having long dark brown wavy hairs. She was also a well-known citizen of Taisa.

There was a cryptic law in the City of Taisa which stated, " Orphans or a child whose parents are not in Taisa is not allowed to go to the public or private institution as other children until they are 25 "

There were special institutions for orphans and such special student known as the "Ragamuffin Institutes" which included schools, colleges and even universities. Crystal met Nini in Ragamuffin Juniors and ultimately became best friends. Both of the girls were mischievous and the victim of their pranks was a shy boy named Salik but eventually all three of them got along and became good friends.

It's been twelve years since then, their friendship grew stronger and then on an Autumn morning they decided to meet at the spot (The pond of Taisa) as school was off. Nini was the first to arrive as always; given her punctual nature; so, she decided to wander around the perimeter of the pond. It was a place where people rarely appeared even though it was so hushed and peaceful and the beauty of the place was flourished by the brown and red leaves of the trees falling in the pond in Autumn. While Nini was walking around the pond she saw something frizzante in the shadow of the trees, to her interest she went closer and found the sunflower pendant, she was so astounded by it that she forgot about the surrounding, after a few minutes she heard Crystal screaming, she rushed at the meeting point and saw Crystal terrified and completely wet. Nini hurried towards Crystal

" What happened here? Who did this? Are you alright? " Asked Nini in a rush

"It's nothing just a weird monkey came out of nowhere and jumped on me and I fell into the pond" cried Crystal, " Stupid animals … Ughh! "

" It's okay girl, here I have a scarf in my backpack and you can take Salik's hoodie when he arrives" said Nini in a relieved manner and smiled as if trying to control her laughter.

" Looks like I missed something important here, Hehe," came a voice from behind. It was Salik coming towards them.

" Oh, just shut it! it's not funny" groaned Crystal.

" Silky just give her your hoodie" ordered Nini " you're not wearing a hoodie, that's a rare sight" she exclaimed with a pause.

" Yeah, I just didn't feel like it " he answered," Why would I give my jacket or hoodie to Crystal, I didn't throw her in the water" Salik Blurted out.

"You called us here and you're late and since your fellow pushed her so you must give her your jacket end of conv. " cleared Nini and Crystal allied with her.

" Oh okay; here take it ...wait what! " Agreed Salik while taking off his jacket.

"Thanks, Silent Gentleman, being a nobleman as always " smirked Crystal.

"Don't call me that, it's annoying " murmured Salik " Anyways; I called you both here for something important maybe if you have time to listen to me for once, may I say something" sarcastically said Salik

"Silky you can wait I got something more important, I found an amazing, mysterious and somewhat magical thing no-one has ever seen" asserted Nini completely ignoring Salik's sarcasm.

"Here we go again" sighed Crystal, "Nini must have found another weird stone for her rocks collection"

"It's not a rock or a stone it's something not even Granny Simra can get you Crystal" bragged Nini.

And so, they continued to argue while Salik stood there rolling his eyes until Nini showed them the pendant which startled both Crystal and Salik. Salik wanted to say something but decided conversely. After half an hour of bragging and arguing Salik yelled at both of them to stop and listen to him even though he was a very calm and silent person but Crystal and Nini got on his nerves.

"My parents want me to spend a week with them in the Mountains and I couldn't deny so I'll be away from Taisa for a while; just wanted to tell you this and now I'm off to home or I'll die in the cold" shouted Salik

Salik's behavior was shocking to both Crystal and Nini. He never shouted on them no matter how much they nettled him. Salik stormed off despite the fact that the pair tried to stop him. They went behind him and dragged him to Crystal's place as it was the nearest. Lady Simra was not at home as usual and Bareeha served Nini and Salik with some snacks and hot chocolate and started scolding Crystal and told her to change her clothes immediately. She then accompanied Salik and Nini while Crystal went off to change. Like a normal adult Bareeha asked them about their studies and life. When Crystal returned, she started yelling at Salik for being rude.

" I have decided, we all are going together, we can't just let you go alone to people who abandon you in a big city just so they can enjoy their lives in the mountains" exclaimed Crystal.

"Crystal what type of behavior is this? Mind what you're saying " Bareeha lost her temper, " You're not an adult to just do whatever you please"

"Okay then, why don't you just come along you have never left Taisa either have you, Granny Simra won't be around either anyways" Crystal yelled back " I'm sorry Silky, I couldn't control myself" she apologized immediately.

Bareeha thought for a while and then asked Salik if he had any problem with us joining him and he just said he was okay with it with a blank face. He was still silent and in some deep thoughts. His conduct caused a tension in the room and there was complete silence for a while. Observing the situation, he broke the silence and politely said, "Aunt Bareeha, the Abal is about to bloom, I must leave now I have some uncompleted tasks which I must complete" and left without them answering.

Nini and Crystal were confused but Bareeha was badly shaken by his words however it was too late as she had already agreed to go. Maybe it was fate or it might be their destiny the truth was only hidden in the mountains.

Its just the begining :) Make sure to support and cheer me up :D

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