
Chapter 1 : Start✨

- Alianna Heather Point of View -

" MADAM ALIANNA? wake up. " The maid shouted at me. Geez. It was only me can enter my room without touching anything. My room have a weird barrier that no can enter except me.

" MADAM ALIANNA? Your Mother is calling you, she's already waited you in the kitchen " She shouted again. Argh! How can I have my freedom to be alone if I had this kind of maid?. It's annoying. I angrily stood up and open the door for her.

" I'm coming Nanny. Just wait a minute. " I said and kept myself on the bathroom. Geez. I wanna to sleep.

I don't want to join classes right now. I just want to sleep all day and make myself free. Geez. That school was boring. I don't know why my mother allowed me to study that freaking school. Tks.

Anyways. I'm Alianna Heather Smith. 20 years old. I am studying at the school I didn't even want. For god sake. Those student keep making scene always. What the hell? I always got my eyes pain because of them especially I've always wore a Contact Lense to cover my Amethyst Eyes. I keep telling this to mother why I have this kind of Eyes. But she keep telling me. Its normal. That's all. Period.

After 20 minutes I am done doing my routine. I was able to get my bag when I saw  a dark  thing floating outside my window. I was about to walked near when I heard again the shout of my maid. Argh. Geez.

" Coming! " I said and started to walk. I get out on my room to follow my maid and remover the thing. I walked downstairs and saw my mother looking at me having her wide smile.

" Geez. I keep telling you. Don't use lense. They didn't see your beautiful eyes baby Ali. " Mommy said and the word she said makes me giggle.

" Crop that Mother. I suppose to wore this cause they're making fun of me if they saw my eyes. " I said that makes her looked at me. I frowned at her.

" Oh right. Let's eat. You gonna be late. " Mommy said and we walked towards the kitchen to take our breakfast together. we arrived to the kitchen and happily started eating our breakfast.


I am here at my school and was able to enter the big gate when I heard from a far a shout for help? What the hell? Is Jienna hurting someone again? It's too early for that.

I've walked towards the place were I can heard a shout and then i suddenly stop when I saw a freak lady trying to hurt the girl. Oh? Should I say, A nerd. Tks.

" Hey Freak! It's this your breakfasts scene? I didn't know you are that fooled to do that in public place. ?  " I said looking to the girl straightly. She stop what she do and angrily looked at me. Hmmm. You're kinda Familiar.

" A-alianna? W-what are you doing here? " She answered by a question again. Tks. Geez this world.

" Don't answered me by a question freak. What did you do to that nerd? " I ask and this she let the nerd go of her hands.

" Nothing. I just don't like her. " She said. What? . I frowned and walked near at her and face her seriously.

" What the hell? Are you that freak for doing that to this nerd for that kind of Reason? What If told you I don't like you too? What will you do?" I ask. She didn't speak.

" I don't like you. So? I have I reason to hurt you? What kind of brain you Jienna? You hurt her for no valid reason? What if I'll hurt you here and told you I DON'T LIKE YOU? " I continue. Geez. my day is ruin already. She didn't like this nerd but she choose to hurt her instead of leaving her alone. I grab the nerd and let her cry while I am still looking at Jienna. Nerds are also a student. They deserve to be treated will not to hurt them.

" If you doesn't like the person. Then Avoid them, than to hurt them. Such a freak mindset. Tks. " I said and grab the nerd away from that place. 

While we're walking inside the Campus all Eyes are on us. Well expected, those judgemental eyes always do their job as a Issue bees . I still hold the nerd hands and bring her at the bathroom to help her fix herself.

" T-thank You for helping me get away from Jienna. " She said I looked at her. She's beautiful I admit. I didn't know why jienna choose to hurt someone just to be famous.

I hold her shoulder that makes her shocked. I don't know if her eyes is beautiful or just there is something on her eyes. . I didn't mind it and continue what we do. She needs to be herself without wearing a glasses.

" Why? Is there a problem? " She ask. I grab her away from the bathroom instead of answering her.  I bring her to the rooftop and do my plan to her.

- Rooftop -

She was Sacred when I force her to sit down on the chair I give her . I stand in front of her and checking everything about her face. Hmmm. What If I remove her glasses?

" amm girl? Would you mind If you Remove your glasses? " i ask! I didn't do this thing every since. Ngayon lang. She looked at me and give me shocked face. I frowned when I saw her reaction.

" Why? "

" just do it! " I said and she immediately follows what I said. When she remove her glasses, i looked at her clearly. Now I clearly see your eyes.

" I'll fix yourself. For the reason, no one can bully you including Jienna " I said and start fixing her.I have my Make up kit inside my bag. i just use it when I like to put make up on my face .I only used Cream foundation just to avoid oily skin.

" You know what? It's better to be confident than to hide your personality. It's not bad to be Confident especially when you know you have something " I said while fixing her. I almost done to her.

" And Done. " I said. I just put her a little bit cream on her face to cover her baby pimples and a little bit form brow and curly Eye lashes and sweet pink liptin on her lips. 

I gave her the mirror to see her face. Her reaction makes me smile. This nerd lady turns into the campus crushes. Shes Beautiful and pretty. She have a milk color skin and smooth skin. She don't want to show it from everyone and he choose to be a nerd.

" Wow Thank You for this Ms. Alyanna.  I really like It. " She said and a sweet smile form my lips.

" Enough of being nerd ms. Kaileen. And be yourself always. This will be your last day for wearing that Glases. Give it to me. " I said and handed me her glasses immediately. I

" No more Glasses. " I whispered and throw the glasses anywhere.

" You should thank me to save your life earlier and making you that kind of look. But Its not allowed to used glasses again. " I said. She didn't speak instead giving me a worried look.

" I'll go ahead. Bye. See you Tomorrow. " I said and leave her here. Geez. I'm hungry

Freak/Make over!
