
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Adolescente
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13 Chs

Hopelessly romantic

She held her arms tightly for no one to see, her emotions expressed through her eyes. She was all alone in the middle of the night, in this case no one was calling for her name. The wind blowing fast right pass her ears , her nose was ice cold.

Something lurking in the tree it was moving with the wind, the tree bent over for the wind to pass. As it bent over, the clouds turned gloomy and it started to drizzle. She felt the cold allowing her nipples to stand up tall, moreover her body freezed to death. However, she refused to stop and carried on walking, something was there with he she felt it as she turned over to see. Her heart racing out of her ribcage, it was moving heavily, the leafs were waving intensely. It was just a small rabbit feeding it's babies. How could one be frightened by anything moving. Her eyes were widely opened and she feared for her life perhaps she thought it was a murder or a serial killer and she was the next target.

She burst into laughter for being scared for such a small creasure. A car was approaching with a fast pace, the lights shined into her iris blinding her sight. It was Cheng after she has left the room he paid the bill and rushed to his car. He called upon for his brother telling him about his first fight with his girlfriend. He seeked for advice, allowing him to guide him into doing the right thing.

"Hello brother, how can fix this?"

"What needs to be fixed at this time of the night?"

"I have upset my queen she stormed out with her heart ripped by my actions..."

"Well did you apologize for that?"

"No I did not well I did but I have not placed emotions to it for I saw no problem in that?"

"Well first thing you need to do is to..."

"Give her space right brother should I do that?"

"No Cheng you should go after her and hold her tight in your arms, apologize to her and kiss her forehead promising that it shall not happen again."

"Okay let me get her a drink she might be thirsty with a cake and go after her. Thank you Hyoon Doong."

He left after the call driving fast towards her girl, there she was walking in this cold night. She was scared, terrified and mad at the same time. He got closer to her and rushed to her, he stood next to her starring at her eyes for 5 minutes and then hugged her so tight in his arms.

"I am so sorry for my actions, I should have not spoke to you that way or shut you out like that next time I will not repeat my mistakes. May you please forgive me Milady."

Lashwentie's stomach crying in hunger..

"Okay fine I forgive you, now I am starving shall we eat?"

"I brougt your favorite carrot cake and fanta would that help?"

"Thank you for that but I want pizza, I will eat that after for deserts."

"You eat so much like you are expecting something?"

"Never ever say such to a woman who is eating for I will starve you if you do that", smirked with evil eyes.

"What no you can not do such for my engirged flesh would die"


She laid on the couch speaking over the phone with Moesha asking her how was her date. Moesha is a person who is always unlucky in love she is hopelessly romantic. She would rather stay in her room and fantasize over her perfect and ideal boyfriend and not go beyond her expectations. She hoped for a knight shining armor one who did not have a phone to communicate with none but her only, want someone to send birds with letters as he sit in his enormous castle.

After the headboy incidence she wanted no man in her life. Her eyes contracted when she saw a man towards her direction. She feared for her heart to be ripped again into pieces by a creature who lies. Moesha would stay in her room working because she was extremely smart, if not she spoke to Lashwentie a person who she proudly called a sister. A friend who was always there for her since kindergarten, they spent everyday together.

Two weeks before final exams!

The day has finally arrived, hearts are racing for this exams will determine someone's future. Moesha did not speak to Lashwentie for a while, they did not see each other within the two weeks. Their friendship was still tight do not be worried nothinghas happend to sabotage it like the jealous monster Sua.

Lashwentie starved herself to death she would rather lock herself in her room and study than to eat. She was in her own world a place where only words and numbers matterd nothing else even her phone was completely shut. Her parents were worried from all this, they did not eat also some days.

Lashwentie's parents conversing with worry

"Babe what is wrong with our baby?"

"Honey it is something to do with the examinations and you know how our daughter loves to excell in her work."

"Yes my wife she needs to do good I refuse to have a failing child that is impossible."

"Seriously! that is all you think of?"

"Oh yeah the scholarship because she wants to go abroad to do engineering."

"Yes my baby will be doing Chemical engineering so we need to support her in this time she needs it"

Carrying on with a sincere conversation while their daughter is studying and their son Gyeok in his room waiting for his results. Handsome Gyeok is at university he soends most of his time there that is why he is not in the house more often. The twins are working already they have merged their businesses. The name of the business is Eogeum Tech company (taken from the family surname which is Eogeum). It seems like everyone one in the family is heading towards Technical side. Gyeok is doing his docrate in Aerospace engineering.

The family of Engineers they all have something in common they take it frol their grandmother Myeong Kim Eogeum. She was once a fiesty woman who carried her family name with pride her father was the first owner before he left the business to her not her two elder brothers. Her father trusted her more than them because they were so careless even though they are old. People kneeled before her, moreover her business was the number ranked in history and still is as she is the owner of it at Seoul.

This is confusing for all of their kids to take after the grandmother and not their own parents. Lashwentie's mother is a surgeon and the father is a judge, thus has to be some twisted household. They are a well respected family but not rich they just afford what they need.


The twins are staying at Busan where their businesses are situated. They found themselves falling in love which was something they have never thought of. They both dated for a year. It was so strange as to how they both dated someone at the same time having their anniversary both at the 7th of July. This always raised a question into their ernomous cerebrum. They ignored this and believe it was because they are twins so thing would be doubled for them, twins who were once hopelessly romantic now falling deep for a girl.

Phone ringing

"Hello Sin you look handsome brother what is the occasion?"

"I am going to a date with my girlfriend "

"Oh the one you have been dating for a year how nice for you to keep a relationship."

"As if you have someone Lin?"

"I have a girl who love's me and I will marry her today."

He was serious and ready to wed her. She was a lovely girl who was pale in complexion with brown hair a professor at the University of Busan. Her name was so lovely it was Seong Dong Chi. She was getting ready for her date with Sin, wearing a yellow dress with gold heels.

"Hey honey you look amazing (as he opened the door for her queen)."

"Thank you baoba."

That is what he called him boaba how lovely nickname it is so sweet. He also looks like a boaba, they arrived at their dinner date. Burst of laughter enjoying their conversation they were deeply inlove. They sat down for feast they carried it down with red wine. The atmosphere was so perfect for them to dance, she was smiling and laughing with a smile in their hearts.Their favourite song played and they could not just sit there, he stood up to give her a kiss as they danced on the floor. He twirled his tongue on her cleaning her teeth with moist smoothing her lips. His eyes completely shut he could see him twisting while she wiggles her hips experimentally, her legs up in the air with her Joy box opened for him to pleasure himself as she would enjoy it too.

Lin approched them he was there with his friends and colleague to celebrate their achievement of getting an investor.

"Brother ??? What wait Seongnah??"

They both frozed starring at him with confused eyes.
