
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Adolescente
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13 Chs

Fear Death!

Feeling like no one has your back, it is like as if the world has turned its back on you. You have no soul to cry to. Heart is shattered into pieces you can't even feel your heart beat. The eyes twisted from the betrayal that has struck the innoncent heart.

He was so confused and wanted to die om the spot, there was blood all over room it was filled with tension and remorse. He glared at them with a tear in his eyes he wanted to say something but his tongue was cut by such infamy.

"Brother what is going on here?," claimed Sin

Seong: "What is this? Am I drunk already I see two of you?"

"Yes we are twins? What do you mean you see two?", Sin and Lin shouted in pain.


"So this is the girl you have fallen for, the one you wished to marry?"

"Yeah it was her Lin..."

"What do you mean it was her?"

"Yes what do you mean babe?"

"I do not want anything to do with you anymore. I will not wed her."

"But I had no idea you guys were twins I thought it was the same person even though sometimes I could see one is acting weird but that did not bother me because I loved you or should I say both of you?"

"Whatever dude I really do not care at this moment, brother you can have her."

He left the room with not even a single trace of his presence. His brother shocked from this incidence he had no freaking idea of such could happen to him. Has the universe set him up for failure. Failing deeply in love for someone not knowing that they have been inside your brother too. How twisted and strange life could be to think that something is yours but actually it is just your chance to have it for that moment and it does not belong to you nor anyone else.

This has caused so much pain and anger in the brothers their relationship has changed completely. They do not trust each other like they did before, one does not share news or show interest in one another. Twins who were once closs are now plotting against with remorse in their pupils. This has turned into a love that is bittersweet.

"Seongnah I have to take you back home."

"Okay thank you for being so sweet to me Lin."

"It is only a pleasure."

Lin was a twin who was kindhearted he always placed everyone's needs before his own. Reflecting back to a time where he was growing up with his twin and brother a time before Lashwentie was brought into this world of hatred.


"Honey where are the twins?," enquired Mrs Eugoem

"I have no idea my wife," confused Mr Eugoem

Boom!!!!! Bang!!!!

They both rushed to the room where the twins where sleeping. Down the corridor it was dark and gloomy the fog was covering the way towards the room. They could not see a thing not even themselves only eyes were shining bright leading the way. Breathing heavily lungs were blocked and nose could not work any longer. Mouth widely opened for the air as the nostrils were blocked and could not inhale such fog.


"What is this?" (coughing in pain)

The room was filled to smog you could not see no funiture rather than the fog covering the atmosphere. The flares burning inside it was extending burned the furniture into dust. Everything was turned into dust even the zinc and coil were also dust. The fire extended blocking Mrs Eugoem on the other side of the room the wall fell on top of her she could not breath. Her lungs were compressed by the roof that was difficult for a man to carry and remove. She had lost all hopes and started to pray silently, no one could afford to lose breath.

"Father God please safe me from this. I fear death and I need to take care of my children who will look after them as they need a mother's love. Help me father send the Angels from above to come and remove the walls that demolised my heart, sa..."

Before she could finish her prayer her eyes looked up into the heavens and they rolled over to tge dark side. She was not breathing, her lungs has turned into dust and her soul has reached the heavens. An hour later she found herself in a room brighter than the lightning from the skies. There were machines all over her, it felt like the sounds of heavens. If one was there or has almost got in they heard these sounds and voices. She opened her eyes and saw her family gathered before her own flesh praying and thanking the Lord for blessing her with another life.

"What happened to the house?"

"Do not worry my love focus on your healing."

"Who has caused the death of my daughter for I was scared to have lost her?," screamed Lashwentie's grandmother

"It was me gran I have caused the walls to shatter on my mother and almost caused the death of her," claimed Lin

He had taken the blame for such yet it was not him who has caused the fire but his twin brother Sin. Yes he was always caught up in trouble when they were growing up and Lin always covered for his wrong doings. Sin was one who was predictable he had anger issues and was selfish whereas Lin a sweetheart thinking and taking the blame.

Phone ringing...

"Brother are you okay what had happend to Seong did you take her home. It was so selfish of me to leave her like that."

"Yeah Sin I did she is at home safetly you can call her to apologize."

"No I can not do such I refuse."

Hang up the phonecall...

Yes that is him who acts upon his emotions and think of only his own needs and does not care of anyone else. He did not even try at all. Seong was left devasted and cried all night for being a fool to fall for twins at the sametime. She saw the signs but ignored them, starring at the door crying for not taken the signs into actions. Her heart ripped out of her chest she could not even feel her face for it was so cold. Her pale and beautiful face turned into ice from the Antarctica. Eyes widely opened reflecting to a time where love was a place she enjoyed but now has caused her heartache. Decades passed by without her opening her heart to no man she built the walls that not even a storm could shake them.

Exam room

Lashwentie is devasted from all the strenous work of studying and not eating. Her body could not take it any longer. It has been weeks she has not spoken to no soul not even her lover Cheng she was always in her room. The day has come for her to put her all and see that her hard work would pay off or not, now is the time for her to express everything that she has studied. These are the final exams for matric and they will determine whether she will go abroad and persue her career or work for her grandmother as a cleaner. For that lady would not even give her the inheritance if she is not educated, she wants to give someone who will carry the legacy with pride and be educated.

The exam room filled with sad faces some were looking around the room searching for answers hoping to find them knowing very well that they have not studied. The pencil, eraser scratching, heads steaming when no answer could pop out of the brain.

She sat there placing her all into the paper praying that she ace them. The look in her eyes could tell that she was enjoying them and was going to produce excellent results.

Principal: "Pens down!!"

Every student immediately placing their pens next to their paper as the teacher took their papers. Other's were scared and some devasted to them the time was fast.

She reached out for the door with excitement that she is done with exams. She will now go back to her normal life and talk to her man. Outside the gate there he was waiting for with smiles on his face he had brought her flowers, chocolate and a sign scrabbled in bold with a warm heart "YOU DID GOOD BABY, I LOVE YOU." He smiled blowing kisses at her.

She ran towards him reaching for his warm soul. He grabbed her ass kissing her and carresing her. They reached for the car heading towards the house. When she opened the house it was filled with rose petals leading her to the bath. The atmosphere was so perfect fo them to feel their bodies. She took off her clothes and jumped into the bathtub.

He undressed himself and got into the tub, kissing and kissing her. His hands reached for her Joy box slowly and slowly he moved up and down. The moist was allowing him to take his engorged flesh into the Joy box. He first rubbed it around her slowly and finally pushing it in and out, side-to-side and twisting inside of her. She screamed in pain her eyes opened while her mouth closed. He was happy yearning for the lightning bolts of fulfilment, the rigid part of him enjoying the pleasures. She was steamy and the lava in her burning his sword sharpening it harder allowing for the soft milk to fill the bathtub.

Her last breath of relieve and happiness for such warm blinding, pulsing moment of release. These past three weeks of him not being able to be pressed into her sweetness, this pleasure has paid for that.

Love has yet shined upon them again, it was blossoming with pride. She was enjoying him and loving him with all that she had.