
Guilt and Conscience

The next morning all the boys were sitting in the control room.

Even though the hallroom provided utmost privacy, they cannot risk being overheard by any staff.

And Orlando felt that the girls always anticipated their moves in advance, so it was better to be in a locked room with heavy security.

Their control room was large and one could enter only by passing the biometric test. The metal detector door scans the eyes, fingerprint of left thumb and voice.

It was the only room where even Mrs. Dorris could not enter. Not that she wanted too, she understood perfectly that the boys needed privacy and uptight security as they handle huge business empire.

At the age of Twenty-five, they were filthy rich. Having rich parents was one thing, but they managed to build 'Billionaire Empire' on their own.

All five of them, had their own family business in hand along with 'Billionaire Empire' that they created.

After high school all the five of them went to Harvard University and acquired their degree, based on merit.

All the while, they felt guilty over their actions in high school, blaming the girls and leaving them only to feel miserable at the end.

The truth about their innocence came in light at the end of their High school year. Few days after Graduation, all with the help of Orlando.

Who overheard Sandra and her minions with Victoria and Chelsey.

Of course the boys were very furious, but nothing could be done as the girls they were in love with, disappeared without a trace.

Burried in their own sorrows and miseries, Romano and Deandre went back to their playboy ways. They slept around with different women only for a temporary bliss to get out of guilt.

Whereas Watson, Lucas and Orlando couldn't sleep around with women, because guilt ate them alive. They knew they cheated on their women before intentionally or unintentionally, and cheating again was not doing good with their conscience.

They restricted themselves to making out.

Mrs. Dorris knew all of it. The boys shared their guilt, sorrows and all emotions with her.

She couldn't bear seeing them so miserable, she often wondered if she could meet the girls and talk to them about this.

'Everyone make mistakes, after all we are human' is all she thought.

And hearing about the girls- their personality,nature from the boys, she knew they were kind hearted women who would understand and have it in their heart to forgive them.

Inside the control room, which was of 1000 sq feet area, had several monitors on display. A huge desk in the centre, black leather sofa was placed at the end of the room. A black and grey carpet was spread all across the room. The control panel was adjacent to the monitor screen.

There were six new laptops inside the control room, meant only for the purpose of spying and keeping track of events.

No one could track their server or IP address, Orlando had made sure of it. And even passed the rule that nobody would use the laptop for any other purpose, until specifically told by him.

They had to be very careful as they had enemies all around the business world, and secondly there was Rain who would hack it. He took all the measures, to keep it hidden and protected.

"We will buy three new laptops as we leave today in noon." Orlando said, typing in his laptop.

"Why new ones? We already have six here..." Romano asked.

"We are not using these laptops, I cannot risk it to be hacked."

"Yes, but why only three?" Lucas asked.

"Because only three of us are going there..." Orlando replied.

'What??!! '

'No way!!!!'

'Why just three!!'

"Calm down guys, I'm sure Orlando has a good reason." Lucas intervened the outburst.

"Hell he may have, but I'm going there by hook or by crook... " Deandre said gritting his teeth.

"All five of us can't go there!! Use your brain, all of us could get trapped at the same place. It's not safe." Orlando said in exasperation.

"And why is it not?? It's our high school, we know it like the back of our hand." Romano challenged.

"Yet, you let that bitch Sandra ruin it! " Orlando shot back. It hardly ever happened that Orlando lost his cool, today he was extremely stressed because he had to think of several measures just before barging in the high school and upon that the boys were not being supportive.

"Calm down guys.. "Watson spoke up, feeling the tension radiating from the room. "Orlando, who all are going back?"

"Well I have decided that Romano and Deandre should be left here to take care of business along with Crystal and Olivia. Rest of us will go back to high school and return before Saturday, as we need to attend the party thrown by Andrew."

"No way..... I'm joining you!!" Deandre protested.

"No you cannot. We need Lucas for his presence of mind, and Watson because he is calm and collect in such situation and lastly me, because I'm the tech genius."

"This is not fair!!" Romano whined.

"It is fair! And besides you two would create unnecessary commotion there. You cannot hold your emotions under control and we cannot risk that! " Orlando snapped.

"That's a fair point." Lucas agreed, putting an end to the dispute.

Romano and Deandre huffed in annoyance.

"Romano, you could keep your eyes on Olivia. We know she is here.... And apart from this, there is Christano who wants her... " Lucas tried to convince him and it did work.

"She is mine...I'll never let her go."

"And Deandre, you can keep eyes on Crystal and Will. I'm sure the more you find about Crystal, the more close you can get to Susan."

Watson and Orlando smiled, as both Romano and Deandre were distracted easily by Lucas.

At times, the duo could be a pain in ass for everyone.


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