
Chapter One: Before becoming part of the law

Hi, I'm Dakota, and this is the story of how I went from being part of a gang, to being part of the FBI. Lets go ahead and give you a summary of the day I ran away from home/gang territory.

I could hear the yelling behind me, "Amara Kenyon, get back here! Amara!" That was the last day heard my birth name… well sorta. I was leaving my family, my friends, and the guy I was supposed to marry in a week. Being seventeen I wasn't ready for this marriage, or of the lifestyle that I had to live through to be married to the guy that was soon going to be our gang's leader. I was never interested in going against the law, in fact I wanted to be a detective, who knew someday I would.My best friend Sadie helped me escape the hell I lived through. Before I got to her I heard gun fires starting to go off. Realization hit that I was putting an innocent girl in danger hit, and I went to change directions but my only other options where all death. So I jumped into her truck and she peeled out.

There were many reasons I wanted to leave. In my home I was constantly abused, sexually, mentally and physically. I was used as if I was money, or if I was property to be traded. I was never a person, let alone my own person. I was being forced into marriage by a guy that paid my parents to treat me as a prostitute. I was forced into selling, and buying drugs for my family. Actually to think of it I was forced to be involved or to commit many crimes in that time. This included drug dealing, prostitution, murder, and so much more. My family was wealthy, but they got all of their money through crime. It's been that way for several generations, and I'm sure more to come with my brothers not seeing anything wrong in the lifestyle we lived.

James, the guy I'm supposed to marry was actually a childhood friend, that was until I turned 12, him 16. That's when he started using, and abusing me. He wanted to use my family name, he wanted to get involved in my family, and to become part of them. He did so much to prove himself to them, which caused me to slowly start resenting him. It started with theft, and the last thing he did was kill the other person in my life that meant anything to me, this is when I was 14. He killed my boyfriend, Jared. Jared was the only person that has ever treated me as if I was a human, and that i could be someone other than an an image.In the short period of time that I knew Jared, and dated him I felt happy, and very alive. I hate that it's my fault that such a sweet person died because of me. I will never forgive myself from that.

"Sadie, after you drop me off at the hotel go to the cops. Tell them exactly what just happened. And tell them that you need to be protected" I said quickly and then grabbed the bag in the back that had blonde hair dye and light blue contacts, I heard her voice softly speaking before I could finish going through the bag of stuff I asked for "Goodbye Amara… I know I won't ever see you again, so I know this is our goodbye" she then smiled her light smile. Sadie is the kind of girl who everyone either wants, or wants to be. She is beautiful, kind, and interesting. She always knew how to have fun, and she always knew how to make you smile. She was definitely the last person on this earth that I wanted to get hurt, the first person was my dad, and second was James. That was the last thing I would ever hear her say, and the last thing I would hear with my name being Amara. "Sadie, thank you so much for this. You're the best friend a girl could ever ask for. I love you" I said in response, then got out of the truck.

Getting out of the truck I grabbed the bags in the back again and said goodbye. Rushing into the hotel room I started preparing to change from being Amara Kenyon, to being Dakota Morris. Not even Sadie knew what my name was going to be after I left. I was going to fly across the U.S. I was changing my style, my hair color, and my eye color. I would be a new person. I usually wore light loose clothes, Sadie bought tight dark clothes. A lot of red and black. I've been growing my hair out, it use to be an a-line cut, now it's to my shoulders.I use to ovoid makeup, but now I'll probably wear a lot of it. This is going to be some of my many changes that I have to go through, but in the end it's to be a new person, in a new place. Maybe someday I'll be able to change into a different style.

Well anyways that's what I was thinking as I was making all of these changes. Life has been different since that day, and I did change my style… I decided it'd be best to at least try to fit in to my surroundings. I was able to go to my first rodeo! That was so fun, and I got to learn how to ride a horse. I finished High School, and was even accepted into schooling to become part of the FBI.

I got married, and several years later everything was ruined for me. James found me, and my family. He started a house fire, and I couldn't save them. I about died while trying. I went into a comma for about a year. When I woke up I just wished I died rather then my babies. I went into a depression. I'm finding my way out. Tomorrow I move into a safe house with several other people. I still don't know much about this house, or the people in it. I know that I'm supposed to keep my identity as an agent secret, and that is all. I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring, but is about time i close my eyes to find out what tomorrow's story is.

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