
Phase 01_ The end or just the beginning'

Jeff is getting ready for the job he is organizing his briefcase and taking his recordings, but he looks at his watch and sees that there are ten minutes left to get to work, so he puts on his glasses and says I have plenty of time , I arrived at the agency two minutes early so he walks to the entrance and she stops and the security guard says: - identification please? - and Jeff hands him over and he says - first day congratulations - and gives it back and he talks to the security guard - have a good day - and the security guard returns with a smile, Jeff says to himself "good guy, I can deduce that it's a guy who trust the gun more than the fists "Jeff asks for the lift and looks at the glass he is average height and wears a vest and tie and glasses Jeff enters the elevator and closes his eyes to concentrate when someone at the bottom of the elevator says: - I was also anxious on my first day - at the exact moment that the elevator doors open and the mysterious man leaves without a trace, but he didn't have time to find the man.

       The meeting room was large, had a round table with some chairs wrapped around it and had a 42 inch TV on the wall, in that room there were already some people and a girl greeted him and said: - hi, my name is Loise - she had dark hair she was of medium height, someone else introduced herself - hi is Megam - she is a very tall tall ivy she was black and told that she and Loise's half sister and a third woman say - hi i am Abby, what is your friend? - Abby was a redhead and had green eyes, when he was going to speak his name someone else says:

- this is Jeff the best WR in college - Jeff turns around and sees Mike his great friend and college rival Mike was black and an athletic body, the two greet each other and then comes a shorter white guy and introduces himself - I'm Billy - and everyone introduces themselves.

    Five minutes pass and they are agitated and when agent Rossi arrives they don't believe that and he then Rossi says: - I wanted to have good news but we don't have a case in Alabama - and Jeff and Miki look at each other, and Rossi continues - Three youngsters and three four-year-olds disappeared and found dead wearing peculiar clothes ... - they open the file and come and Billy speaks - period clothes - Megam speaks - but precisely the 80s or 90s or even later ... - Rossi entertains her and speaks - we will discuss the case in the jet, you have ten minutes to pack your suitcase then go! !!