
Chapter 1: Fireflies

In a World 80% of the Population has superpowers in here everything should be normal but sometimes people can't just explain the things that happened to them which people may believe Faith and Destiny

Chun Wilheim he is a Chinese American Shaolin Monk from the Himalayas Mountains with a Group of Shaolin Monks everyone trained there body, Soul and Mind with the Nature who rarely came down to the Mountain but Chun decided to go Down to Cities in order experience what's life at other places in the World and to find Purpose in life because he achieved the Highest Rank Martial Monk sadly he was born Powerless but that didn't Stop him form achieving Greatness but no matter how happy and satisfied you are there will always be a doubt or a crisis and in this case Middle age Crisis where he starting to rethink his life decisions he was walking in the Land of Japan he witness a Crime of a Villain when a Mother torn in half was Protecting its child at its last breath Chun Rush towards the Mother to help as it is in his nature to help

"Please protect this Child" the Woman said as The mother died Chun Run carrying the Child

Chun cursed himself and His Bad luck this has always been his life full of Bad Lucks when the Heroes arrive to restrain the Bad guys some people have already died

Chun approach the Authorities when he was about to hand over the child the child Cried and Chun couldn't handles it and adopt the child the process was long but it worked Chun Returned to the Mountains of Himalayas where Kenji Wilheim grew up since he was a month old he Grew up in this place because of being a Shaolin he was free to Train Body, Soul and Mind and he was slowly had the Shaolin's Attitude and Discipline in here Kenji also found out his Quirk when he was only a Year old because of the Lack of Technology they didn't know what it is but the Knowledge to other things outside fighting was instilled to him by the teachers

The shaolin Trained him so hard that he broke the human limits into new ones and repeat

Kenji learned from his Father Chun and his Wisdom

Kenji 7 Years old

Quirk: Meta Teleportation, Replication, Time Stop, Weapon Manipulation

Kenji was resting after a day of hard work

" Hey Chun why don't we go down the mountain i can't wait to see what's down in those cities in the Pictures"

"Yes we will Do that in the future but for now you must grow up and get stronger for those cities will be just like a Jungle full of Beast worst than a Beast " Chun said to Kenji which Kenji didn't understand

"I don't understand " Kenji said

"You will when you get older remember Kenji we all have a Beast inside of all of us very different but could be Violent and Hurtful to ourselves and others we care about it is up to us on how to control those beast" Chun said as he left Kenji wondering

In this Time Kenji has unlocked an Ability that was lost due to the emergence of Quirks they called it Mana , Mana is an Ability which can be unlock through Force by a Ritual or Natural ways

and has many perks such as Forcefield,Statistic Inducement, Enhance Senses Regeneration ( Depends on how strong the Mana is)

Extremely Heat and Cold Immunity


Next Month

While Kenji was in a combat training with chun ,Chun kicked Kenji sending him flying

"Kenji Focus your not focusing the moment you lose focus on your goals is the moment you will lose your way not just in a fight but in life" Chun said who was pretty strong for a 35 Year old man

"Thats right Wimp get in your ass" Stephanie said then put a smirk who came out of nowhere

Stephanie Beats



Quirk: Intangibility and Shape Shifting

She has a Similar Quirk to Mirio but she can be Intangible along with her clothes and can be also Invisible to the naked eye she can also make anyone invisible or Intangible while they are touching her or she touching them she can also change forms and gain there Appearance, Abilities, Memories she just needs to look at the person


She has 10 to Change into the form one at a time

She maybe Invisible to the eyes but she can be detected by Other senses such as touch, Smell and Hearing

"Ha! Really you never beaten me Beats " Kenji said with full of arrogance while Steph wink at the enrage Kenji then Steph left who turned Intangible

While Chun put his hands on Kenji's shoulder

"Kenji! do not let anyone get under your skin you must Control and perhaps remove your impurities such as arrogance and Anger because this could be lead to your down fall and an enemy will easily control and thuse become the Puppet" Chun said which Kenji heard but didn't understand

"But I don't understand we should be Proud of our Abilities because we are great because Strong will always be above the weak and the Weak shall Serve the Strong" Kenji said which Chun disagreed

"No Kenji we are strong because we need to Protect Our love ones and ourselves to Help everyone that needed even if they don't want it because the Strong Should always Protect the weak and never Underestimate your opponents dont be Proud about your Abilities instead know its limits so you can surpass those limits and create a new heights for you" Chun smiled at the child which Kenji Slightly understand

"You will Understand when you grow up" Chun said which Kenji will surely do

"Anyway Mr. Wise guy we should head back i am Hungry" Kenji said which chun agreed Kenji Runs and Chun follows

Time Skip 2 Years

Kenji grew up in the Premises of the Wise people he Grew up the Kind Chun Wanted Independent, Kind, Confident but not Overly Proud, Resilience, Intelligence and Heroic

Kenji and His Friends Stephanie, Charles Laurent

Charles Laurent

Age: 9

Quirk: Elemental Manipulation

Charles Can use Fire,Wind, Water, Earth, Light and Darkness to its full extent like Blood Manipulation, Sky Manipulation, Hellfire Manipulation, Field Manipulation and more


Charles can only use 2 magic at a time for now which can be trained to be expanded


In the classroom

The Trio where talking while no Teacher was around

"Hey we should check out the new Arcade in town let's have some fun" Beats said to the two

"I don't know about that Steph we have an exams tommorow " Charles Look at the crazy girl he knew

"I don't know Charles Maybe we should go after the Exams?" Kenji said while charles disapprove

"I have something to do afterwards" Charles said

"No you will come with us lets have fun it's not like we will train our whole life " Kenji said

"Hey did Mr. Genius agreed something with me! " Beats with a fake shock face

"Oh no! The world is about to end run!" Beats overacted while Kenji just looked Annoyed

"Well if you don't blabber nonsense and annoy me i would agree " Kenji with deadpan look which Beats just smirk

"Oh do Mr. Genius want to be goody goody with old me ahh you shouldn't have" Beats tease Kenji who had enough just left

"Ah works every time" Beats grins while charles just look at the crazy girl and also left before he gets affected by her craziness


In the Temple of Shaolin Monks

the Lair

"Its Time for the children to be welcome to our world the real world chun" Zhang Li

Zhang Li

Quirk: Quirkless

"But they are kids Zhang!!" Chun said disapprove

"But when we are at there age we have triple digit body count you can't let be weak for long "Zhang complained

"But we are not them! We should be better than our generation let them enjoy there childhood when they are ready we can send them" Chun told Zhang without looking at his old friend

"You have grown too weak Chun and this Temple its time for the World to know what the Dragons can do " Zhang ended the conversation and suddenly Zhang Stabs Chun in the gut there was no one around to witness the crime scene

"What?" Chun said weakly look at the menacing eyes of zhang

"Oh i have waited for years for this Chun don't worry ill take care of your son" Zhang said Chun was fighting

"Oh don't fight Chun not only is your liver torn it has a poison too poison that can kill even an Adult elephant" Zhang said but Chun was still standing up this Made zhang Annoyed

"You Stubborn fool" Zhang kicked Chun's face so hard that it was decapitated and that is the end of Chun Wilheim

But suddenly another Chun or in this Case Summoned Zhang Summon a Reanimate of Chun and Chun is in the total Control of Zhang

A moment later

Zhang went to the forest a White Mist appeared

"Don't worry the League of Dragons will join your forces" Zhang told the White Mist

"Good and Dragons Crown will be yours, Master will be Pleased" The Purple Mist said and vanished

Zhang just need to wait for a year and the throne is his for now he just Plan and enjoy the show


A week later

Chun discussed Kenji, Stephanie, Charles are all been called

"Welcome Children you are here because it is time for you to know what the Dragons hidden Secret" Chun said Kenji, Steph, Charles look at each other confused along with other grown up children

"You might be confused but this is how it goes here you see we are a Hidden Group of Assassins called League of Dragons are mission is to eradicate Criminals and Evil that threats are Hope, Freedom and Peace you see not only we have a Temple in Himalayas we also have a Temple in other places we are here just the breeding Grounds for you to train you to become part of the League and now you will take your first mission may the Way of the Dragon be with you" Chun said the adults applause and the Children are confused

"So we have to follow your disgusting traditions hell no we have our own Freedom!" Kenji he fly towards chun but Zhang was tight in front if Kenji

"Stand down child is this how the temple taught you!" Zhang scolded Kenji but this Enrage Kenji more Steph and Charles rush to help there friends

"He is Right why would we fight your battles old man!" Steph shouted which everyone gasped even Kenji look at the girl before staring back at the old man

In front

"Umm not disagree but do you need to do that Steph you might get a beating later" Charles whispered to steph but still staring at the old man

"Yes what this two said i am not taking orders from chun even if i Respect him a lot but it seems you want us to become child soldiers here" Charles being pissed

"Stop you three we feed you , Clothed you and this is what you repay as you can leave but before that pay us what we invested in you three!!" Chun Shouted at them

"Dad what happened to you it's like you are completely different person" Kenji ask his dad but Chun flinch but gets angrier

"That is Final" Chun walk away Zhang look at chun smirking

'Your My puppet now chun after the first Mission i wont need anything from you" Zhang smirk


Kenji run back to there House with Steph and Charles the two tag along to stop Kenji and Chun from perhaps Killing Each other


"What was that dad? have you gone nuts what happened to use our Abilities at the right thing " Kenji asked his father

"It is we are using our power for the greater good we help this world get rid of trash " Chun said

"But it doesn't have to do with us where just kids " Kenji said

"Thats why we need you all to be strong because you will be an adult eventually and adults must do what must be done in order to achieve there goals this is final Kenji you leave tommorow go to sleep" Chun said while Kenji didn't understand what is happening and left


"Kenji what are we going to do now" Steph said which became serious which is not the usual Steph

"I think we should leave" Kenji whispered

"What! Then where we are going to go" Charles ask

"I dont know! Maybe Japan we can hide there around there we will be safe if the League of Dragons tried to find us we just need to hide for a couple of years we can also do some Vigilante work and hunt down League of Dragons we can survive by me teleporting us to any Forest we can Hunt for food i know this will be hard but we are on this together" Kenji said

"We should probably get ready we will leave 3:00 am in the morning the mission will be at 5:00 am i hope this is the right decision " Steph said vanish

"Don't worry Kenji we will follow wherever you go besides we are friends" Charles said as he also left

Kenji who also get home but Steph didn't go she has a mission to investigate what happened and she knows where to start the only guy who is friends with Chun

Zhang Li


Steph used her Abilities to sneak into Li's Residence

With her Ability to phase through walls without being seen is the best Ability in this kind of situation

She carefully step onto the floor looking at where she is going

A minute later Li got in his house steph got what she wants and left

Steph shapeshifted into Li luckily she doesn't need to deactivate Intangibility in order to Shapeshift Steph run so fast a Sonic boom was heard from how fast she is going when she is far enough she stopped she hide in a tree

Steph took Li's memory steph saw a Purple Mist Portal , A Master and Zhang wants to be the Martial Monk but he could never beat Chun at the Death Battle where anyone who challenge can put any Bet equalizing to that bet a Battle to Death

Zhang lost and couldn't fight again since Chun decided that Zhang would have no right in the Governing of The Dragons ,will be stripped of his Titles and will no longer challenge Chun for the Title Of Martial Shaolin that's how Zhang Remain as a secular Disciple even if he defeats every Disciple's above him

Zhang killed Chun and has been Controlling or Puppeteering Chun's fake body

Steph needs to tell this to Kenji


Steph arrived at the Wilheim Recidence

She phase through the wall she fly towards Kenji's room which in there childhood was often a playing ground

When steph arrive she saw Kenji still awake

"Oh hey Steph what are you doing here" Kenji said which didn't surprise steph

"Enhance Senses right that give you advantage of peeping people you perv " Steph smirk Kenji just ignored that

"So what are you doing don't worry everything is ready" Kenji said

" I have a news for you silly" Steph told Kenji about Zhang's memories and his deal with a Purple Mist and the history between Zhang and Chun

"Then what are we waiting for lets tell Chun " Kenji said which steph agreed

Kenji and Steph both got down to Chun's Room To there Surprise chun was covered in Blood and is already dead

"kenji Zhang has already made a move and i guess that White Mist has already gave an assistance " Steph said

"Steph we should leave i think Zhang will use this chance go frame us and get rid of us " Kenji told Steph which she agreed

"Ill go get Charles" Kenji Vanished but suddenly

"Well lets get this over with shall we?" Zhang said from behind which shocked Steph which she activated her aura and ready herself from a fight hopefully Kenji would be back with charles so they could tag team Zhang

Steph vanish

" Let's take this outside " Steph said which Zhang complied

"Fine Choose where you die " Zhang said Zhang punched a hole in a wall which suddenly Steph kick Zhang's head but the Veteran Blocked but he didn't know that was Steph's Plan Steph's Body switch mid Air she did a back flip mid air which steph grabbed Zhang's head to the Ground impale the Murderers Head but Zhang's head just broke the ground creating a Crater

" You think i am not ready to fight you brat" Zhang said he equipped a Gauntlet which produce Electricity which Steph's Weakness which Steph cringe

And so Steph fly and uprooted a Big tree and tossed it at Zhang but zhang jumped and kicked the Tree which torn in half

Zhang float which shocked Steph

"I thought your Powerless" Steph shock

"Well not anymore " Zhang in a blur attacked and tried to Punch Steph but Charles and Kenji arrived

"Well you took your time very well Kenji" Steph grinned

"Sorry but now we arrive lets Beat this Guy " Kenji summoned his Double Retribution and activated his aura along with charles uses his Fire and Earth Magic

"I mean if you could beat it yourself we should sit on the side line and let you do all the work Steph" Charles grins which confused the 2

"Fine let's Fool around after we kicked this guys ass" Steph said but suddenly 20,000 shaolin Monk's arrived

"Well you see i have already created my puppets Kenji you can't stop me i will make League of Dragons better than your father ever will " zhang

"By what making us Monks do the opposite of what it should be doing and i am against in the killing thing " Charles said which has already been informed by Kenji

"Oh you see Charles what you are learning now is just a tip on the iceberg" Zhang launch an attack Kenji's Group

But the trio vanish which Zhang Expected but no worries Zhang will just hunt them like the rats they are it's time for the League of Dragons takes its place as the Top World where everyone will fear the name of the Dragons


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