
Creater of the System : I became a system myself!

After reading and watched countless 'Anime's and 'Novel's he has obsessed with creating a Op and invincible system for him with 100% Authority and control. He created a invincible A.I like system and his system ability are so overpowered like even if " God of system" who has control over all the systems in Multiverses is like child infront his system and his luck is so bad that he can't active his system after all countless tries when a accident occurred and death embrace him a blue panel appeared infront him... [Creater soul mereged all condition are complete......] [System creating....] *( Author note:MC is not a protagonist or villan after he became a system his fate went blank he can rewrite his own fate.) (This novel is my first novel and i am not good in English like professionals so if I have any grammar mistakes please comment) *Mature content *

Primogenitor001 · Fantasía
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2 Chs



my name Anders Wilson,23 years old and I am computer science engineer student you know I don't have many friends because I don't want to, because it's boring u know i don't want to waste time on silly things on those silly brats who thinks the worlds resolves around them so instead I like to watch animes and read novel it's exciting and u can call me "Weeb" .... U know,,,

I have a dream since my childhood to create a my own system unlike those novel protagonist's systems they don't have authority on system so I want to make my own system and have, 100%, owner and authority , I obsessed on reading countless

novel and anime i mean i stopped counting ,,,u know I have 700 IQ, i don't know maybe I born genius or I have blessings so when I have free time i designing a brand new invincible A.I "System" and put all type functions in my A. I but I can't activate this A.I i don't know what is the problem but I can't find anything so my A.I have been stored in my computer .

" Anders, dinner is ready son.."

" Yes Mom coming"

" Mom why is so much raining tonight "

" I don't know news reporter telling on news that cyclone is about hit our country so maybe that's why tonight raining so much, Ok wash ur hand and come to dining table"

" ok mom " sigh ...

After finishing dinner i come back to my bed room and watching anime on my computer then our house lost electricity so I was angry then a lighting stuck on my room ceiling and then my computer ,,,,, i was holding the computer mouse and then ,,,"bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

' my mind went blank and all thing I see is black and i fell straight from the chair to the floor and died,,i know u think it's Illogical but Fuck! man this is a novel so u guys understand righttt?! (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠| ).

ok let's focus on story,,,,,,,,then I see a empty space and i am floting, like a energy light ball i don't know what happened so i panicked then at that moment a blue colour screen appears in my front,,,,,,

[Requirements mets...]

[Creater soul mereged all condition are complete...]

[ System Creating...]

[ Please , give a name ...]

"What happened...." Anders is shocked just what's going on..

Suppressing his excitement and he focus on what's going on then he realised that the lighting killed him and then his soul get merged with his powerfull A.I System and he himself become a system and unlike he doesn't have to bind with host so he is extremely happy now without thinking,,,he said,

" Infinity system"

[ System naming completed....

System name is setting on "infinity system"..]

[ All Data sequencing form previous setting....]

[ Please wait... Data sequencing.....]

[ All data gathering and analysis completed ]

[ System starting... please wait....

1%... 5%.....10%...30%...80% ..100%...]

[ System starting completed...]

Anders with excitement said " system panel" and a blue screen system panel appeared infront of him,,

[Ding* Infinity system ]

System lvl: 1

Title : None

Name: Anders Wilson

Strength: 20

Stamina: 15

Agility: 10

Vitality: 80

Charm: None ( Because he don't have any physical body )

Bloodline: None

Powers: None

Skills: None

Inventory: Not yet open

Store: Not yet Open

Origin points: 100 ( Origin points is source of everything like Universe and with Origin points he can change everything in system and himself )

Body Condition: Soulstate

Anders, looking at his system panel and everything he became happy and excited.

ok who will not be happy and excited because he became a system u know ;⁠)

Ok let's put joke side then he thought looking at his body status was showing Soulstate.

" Ok i don't have body now hmmm "

Then with a thought all the information and functions to putting in his brain...

[ System data and functions puting on brain..... Loading 50% ...80%..100% ...

Data and functions putting completed...]

Anders feel little bit dizzy...and then all those information appears in his brain then he realised that the system he created was so powerful that the core to start the system was not anything suitable so when his soul mereged with system,

then he started himself so thinking everything he can't help but give a lite 'chuckle'....

" Hmm i need 3000 origin points to create my body haa ok then let's return to earth ...

After returning to earth then he finds out that in 'Earth" 100 years passed and his mother who was in earth passed away by aging and his mother was his only family he didn't have any siblings and his father died in car accident when he was only 5 years old so now he is alone on earth,, thinking about my mother i couldn't help but feel very sad then his eyes turned firm and fill with determination he vowed he will become strong and invincible...

" Hmm i need to level up then I will be able unlock my functions"

" I need, 100 origin points to level up to lvl - 2 . hmm ok then let's go somewhere where I will be alone and concentrate on my self "

Then he go to a secluded mountain in a forest where no one lives and no one can go to that place ,then he sit down on a rock.

" Ok Absorb.."

[Ding* you have created a New Absorbation technique "Absorber"]

[ Absorber lvl -1 ]

[ Origin point: 0.1]




Some hours later he looks at points panel,

[ Origin points:300]

" Ok this is gonna take lots of time ,then he put his origin points to ' Absorber ' technique to lvl up and 250 points deducted.

[ Ding* Absorber technique -1 lvl up to lvl -2]

" Abosorb"

[ Origin point:02]




1 month later then he looked at points panel

[ Origin points: 4000]

Looking at the points he laughed,,

" Hahaha , looks like I have quite some points now in my hand then let's first create my body "

Then after using 3000 origin points he created his body, his face was very handsome and baby like soft skin,His hair colour was black,His eyes like blue sky and body made like male athlete body,Bord shoulder, bord chest and 6 packs on his abdomen and his height 6ft 3 inch , looking at his body he was very satisfied...

" good! , Now finally I have a body, hahaha ok now let's lvl up "

[ Ding* System leveling 100 points deducted....]

[ System leveling please wait.....]

[ System upgrade to lvl-2, New functions unlocked, Dimension Jump lvl -1, Store function unlocked, Inventory unlocked ]

" Hmm now I can purchase items in store, use inventory and Dimension Jump oh i can now travel into plantes, this function is useful ,ok system now scan evey book shop,sites and copy all novels quick"

[ Ding * 3 Million Novels found , Copying all novels to system...]

[ Ding * All Novels Copying completed...]

" Ok now let's see which novel world i should go, meh apocalypse novel boring man another time hmm, cultivation novel ah interesting hot sexy waifu masters ,hot heroine but let put aside for now , Oh! Find it Mage world aha! Hot Dragon,Sexy Foxkin, my milf Elf,I am coming muhahaha"

Ok now u think our Anders is a pervert!

Cough,cough No no as a ' Cultured man ' I think this is normal u know ' kekeke ' who doesn't like Legendary sexy Milf Elf , Dragons , man if u don't like it then you are a gay!(With echoing sound)....⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)

Ok let's get to the story ..

Anders didn't even think twice and active his Dimension Jump function..

[Ding * Activating Dimension Jump..

Location coordinate - Blue stone Planet(Novel - Divine mage returns with - System)...]

[ Jump starting in 10 seconds.....

9..8...7..6..5...4...3....2.....1 ]

Anders find himself on the near space beside blue stone world like this planet name appearance like a pure blue round stone form outside, but inside in the planet seems like greenery and full of vitality and sea, deserts, forests, mountains and rural lands and then he looked at the world and the world law is sourindings a massive round shape protection barrier ,can I go into this world? this huge barrier can I pass in when he thought but going near to the barrier and push myself then ' Pufff ' i passed the barrier, ,,,Ok u guys think why he can pass the barrier right,Man he is now weak as chicken, Infront of the world law he is like mosquito so world law did not notice so back to story ,,,,,,,,,,,

then I go in to a near Market and wondering around in my energy state like invisible so no one can see me ,Then after 15 minutes I lost interest and go to a near forest and start my 'Absorber' technique some time later I looked at the points panel,

[ Origin points: 900]

" Let's check the store"

Eyes of Truth (Mortal level) : 600 Origin points

Description: Eyes of Truth is a mortal level eye than see the truth of everything in mortal level that no ordinary human can see like illusion , Opponent's information, Magic,Traps etc...

Danger sense (Mortal level) : 300 Origin points

Description: sense any danger towards user,super senses,sence killing intent etc ..

Anders seeing items in store like Magical potions, Pills, Magical Weapons,Herbs, Divine Skills, Mortal Skills, Bloodlines, Fighting Styles etc like everything in store like Infinite items in store ,he couldn't help but laugh...

Then he buy ' Eyes of Truth ' Skill from store.

[ Ding * Eyes of Truth Mereging in Eyes..]

Anders felt little sting in his eyes and his blue eyes shine a little Then turned into normal,, Then he came back to his Human from and go to a near country name "Asparia"

I don't have any experience in writing so this is my first novel hope u like and enjoy it and i am not good in English so if I have any mistakes please comment i will fix it (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

Primogenitor001creators' thoughts