
So You Like Me Now, ha!

"Mia, Help!"

Mia was running late today. She tried her best to get to Lucas's home on time after school but was caught up.

But as soon as she came through the door Lucas came rushing towards her with a crying Annie in his arms.

"Thank God! Here, take her!" Lucas stowed Annie in her arms with an exasperated sigh.

"What happened? Why is she crying?" Mia tried to soothe her as she asked. Poor Annie has cried so much that her nose and cheeks were turning red now.

"First you say why are you late? I've been going crazy here with her. She's like a crying-volcano! God!"

By now Annie stopped crying. Mia gave her a chocolate cookie as she sat her on her lap. She laughed as she asked,

"Did you just call your niece a Volcano?"

"Please! It's all your fault alright! If you were here she wouldn't be like this right now. Because you were late I got stuck with her & now you can see the result."

"Lucas, you're a Drama-Queen you know." Mia teased.

Lucas glared at her, "What did you call me?"

"You heard me" Mia mocked him again, "Now tell me why Annie doesn't like you?"

"I don't know." Even though Lucas denied he wasn't convincing at all.

"Hey, tell me. You can be really sweet when you want to. Even I have started to like you then, how come a three-year old is so repulsive of you!"

Lucas raised an eyebrow as he smirked asking, "Oh! So you 'Like Me' now, ha!"

Although she didn't mean it that way, when she heard Lucas's words involuntarily her cheeks turned pink. She turned her face sideways to hide it but Lucas still caught a glimpse of it. His lips curved slightly upward and his eyes shined.

Mia cleared her throat and asked him again, "Tell me, please."

Lucas ofcourse refused again but Mia was now convinced that whatever the reason behind is, it sure is big! So, she continued to pester him. Poor Lucas soon caved in infront of her.

"Fine! I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone. And I mean ANYONE!" Lucas stated sternly.

"I promise, I promise. Now, tell me." Mia smiled victoriously and rested her face on her left palm.

Lucas sighed, "Few months back Lily & Raphael had their date night so, I was left to look after Annie. At first she was quiet and playing by herself but then she started crying. I tried to make her stop and coaxing her to sleep but to no avail."


"Then... you know me. I got annoyed so, I took her to the backyard and left her in the darkest corner for a minute."

Mia's eyes almost popped out her head, "You did what?!"

"You wanted to know." He shrugged. "She fell quite for a minute then she went ballistic. I had a hard time making excuses to Lily that night as to why she was crying so much. After that I tried so much to make up with Annie. I got her chocolates, toys, tried to play with her but she just doesn't accept me, you know."

"Are you crazy!? Lucas, you bloody traumatized her!" Mia almost screamed.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I take my words back. You are not sweet at all. You are such a jerk. She's such a cute kid. You really don't know how to take care of a child."

"Hey you promised OK so, don't tell anyone about it. Otherwise I'll be kicked out by Lily for sure. And I really tried to make everything right afterwards. I know I'm sometimes such a jerk, I admit but I know and try to correct my mistakes."

"Yeah, I know." Mia couldn't deny the fact that Lucas knew how to correct himself. "And don't worry. Now that I know the reason I'll help you mend your relationship with Annie."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me, yet."

Something crossed Lucas's mind. He smirked, "You know, I may not be good with kids but I do know how to look after 'a grown up'. And I can be 'so sweet' that they eventually start 'liking me' " He looked at her suggestively.

As the meaning of his words dawned on her, she found herself blushing once again. She tried to sound mocking and hide the smile that came on her lips unintentionally as she said, "Good for you then."

But once again Lucas saw her smile and blush at his words. Her reaction gave him a sudden boost in his mood and he felt somewhat satisfied with this outcome.

Please review this story guys and do leave your comments.

Yours, Mia.❤

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