
Honey, I'm Coming!

As the night fell Lucas was restless. He kept rolling in bed but he just can't sleep. Mark's words were still ringing in his ears ;

"You're going Crazy for Mia?"


I. Am. Crazy. For. Mia.



Never in a billion years!



Then why was he not able to get this off of his mind!


Why can't he stop thinking about it?


Why... why even after ignoring Mia for all this time it was not enough?


Why was it getting harder to avoid her day by day?


He just couldn't understand.


Everything was going smoothly and first term was coming to end. During these past months Mia studied hard & worked a few part-time jobs to manage her expenses. After that day seeing Mark at Lucas's home both of them were in good terms now. Because of Lucas, Mia naturally never talked to Mark before but as Mia encountered him every other day at Lucas's home they got along pretty well.

The only thing Mia was feeling odd about these days were the attitude of Kelvin & Jacob towards her. The word to describe them is 'Trouble'. They were the d-bags of Adler High one can say and probably no one wanted to get involved with them in any way possible.

How Mia got their attention?

That's actually interesting!

On her way to convenience store a week ago Mia witnessed them bullying a junior girl and stopped them. They didn't back off but luckily Mark was passing by. Seeing Mia in such a situation he got involved and warned them. After that Mia & Mark sent the girl home. Obviously Kelvin & Jacob didn't had the guts to go against Mark so they were finding a chance to get even with Mia.

Whenever they saw Mia they had a look in their eyes which made Mia really uneasy but she decided to ignore them.

But what they had in mind was something Mia would never imagine!


Seeing Mia & Mark's friendship Sharon was feeling really insecure. She thought that if Mia can get close to Mark this easily then she may soon befriend Lucas too and if that will happen then who knows if Mia will confess to him again and what if he accepts her feelings this time?

Oblivious to Mia there was another person who was getting jealous of her. It was Lucas himself. He was not liking the bonding between Mark & Mia either.

Whenever Mark was at his home he chatted with Mia for a fair time even if he calls him out Mark would ignore him. Mark also started taking sides with Mia and suggesting him to let go of his grudges and befriend Mia because she is a nice girl.

Lucas was getting really annoyed by each passing day at the both of them but a little extra on Mia for stealing his best buddy!

Rachel was cool with Mia & Mark and was really glad that Mia finally found another good friend based on her introvert nature.

From time to time Rachel also used to make fun of Sharon infront of Mia and tell her how Sharon was getting crazier everyday thinking about the possibilities of getting Lucas & Mia together!

Rachel came back to Lily's with Mia after school and they were playing with Annie when Mark also came.

Mark : "So what plans you guys have for weekend? Wanna go to a party?"

Rachel : "I can't. I have to go to outstation with my parents."

Mia : "I'm not interested."

Mark : "Why?"

Mia : "Just not in the mood plus Ms. Rhodes has called a group of students to help her out with some preparations and I'm in it so, I've to go."

Mark : "Bloody hell!"

When Mark was sulking Lucas came in living room with a sullen face and called out to him, "Hey dumba**! If you're done can we get moving?"

"Fine! No need to be jealous Honey, I'm coming!" Mark winked at Lucas and Rachel & Mia couldn't help but laugh at his cheesy line.

Lucas sneered and kicked Mark before leaving the room.

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